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What is wrong with the MDMA available today?

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For me music enhancement on weed is superior from mehdma.
But weed gives me huge anxiety, when combined with meh it gets only worse.
I can smoke weed after 5h of rolling, when my mind is tired.
Music sounds great on weed.
I live in Florida and have never experienced mdma effects from either Molly or pressed pills Since my millennium days.. I used to roll a lot around 99-01 and then started to lose the magic. I then later tried Molly a couple of times around 09, which was later confirmed as mephedrone and methylone. I then tried Molly and pressed pills a few times recently and the effects while euphoric a couple of times were more akin to methamp. I had a few other rolls that were exactly as you guys describe the mehdma. I must admit that I didn't test my pills because it was a spur of the moment decision. Also Florida is now notorious for bunk rolls. Some were Paul Frank's, which are known to be constantly iffy but back in 99-01 we never had to test the pills. The only bunk pills I ever heard of were dxm four leaf clovers and all my pills were shown on testing sites as mdma, mda and the very rare mdea or a mix of the aforementioned. Maybe I lost the magic for good, though I suspect the long break would have fixed that problem. Maybe all my pills and Molly were research chems. I should have tested but my past experiences never necessitated doing so. I will now be testing. I must say that I haven't gotten any of the notorious dutch pills that were flooding Orlando back in my heyday. I don't know if this adds anything other than that the mdma, x scene has gone to shit in Florida. I mist also admit that I was almost initially fooled by the mephedrone and methylone but retrospect caused me to question the dealer, who later admitted the true identity back in 09. I desperately want to roll and have been searching out the dutch pills or confirmed quality from the area but they are scarce.
I think this is relevant to this thread, and I am curious for other people's comments.

Last night I smoked some weed for the first time in about 15 years. I had been avoiding it because of the phytoestrogen properties.

Anyway, I smoked some Indica.

I got more music enhancement from being minimally stoned than I have gotten off of any MehDMA. The songs took on that 4 dimensional quality that used to be common on MDMA. Typically, I just hear the surface of the song, but MDMA used to open up all of the background sounds, drums, backing vocals etc. The weed did the same thing.

Some of the songs that I played last night were the same songs I played the last time I rolled, and they sounded so much more enhanced and textured with the weed. They basically just sounded normal with the MehDMA.

For those of you who still have access to "magic" MDMA experiences...do you find the music enhancement from MDMA to be superior or similar to the music enhancement from weed? If your MDMA was not producing music enhancement to the same degree as weed, would you question your MDMA?

This I do not understand, at all. Even what I consider to be mehdma, music enhancement is still through the roof and certainly beats any weed enhancement (which is great in its own right). But mdma (and mehdma) enhancement is just next level. You feel it in your soul and there is just this one bass frequency that hits extra magically while the roof feels like it could burst off.

Meh for me just sucks in duration. 1.5 hours until peak and then dropoff at 2 hour mark and then super noticeable dropoff.

If meh does not even give music enhacement, then I can understand why this is such a problem
Well if reagents aren’t ever challenging...

Did a side by side of everything I got, noticed some patterns but overall I’d say inconclusive. It seemed the better products overall had a more bluish indigo purple whereas the lesser potential meh batches were reddish/brownish/purplish/black.

And then I by accident found how to make them react blue..

When a drop of Marquis is placed onto a plate, and the absolute tiniest amount of product is sprinkled over top, I was able to fairly often replicate a blue to black Marquis reaction with almost all the batches.

The better batches were more “radiant blue” whereas the lesser batches would produce more of a reddish purple even at the smaller amounts or more of weak grey blue.

Not sure what to make of all this...

Maybe the old 90’s EZ Test Marquis had a weaker concentration or something which slowed the reaction? Maybe the pills were weaker (unlikely)?

The thing too is when done in this fashion to produce the blue reaction it started first and remained for quite awhile eventually going to bluish black, the old reaction was straight to black followed by blue. So two different timelines.

While I feel this is the first time I could start to semi reliably see visual differences between batches, they were too slight IMO to be used by anyone to help determine product unless I can fine tune this somehow.

Long story short, I think this may be something. I can tell you from now on when I do Marquis in new product I’ll be more weary if there’s a reddish/brownish hue to Marquis.


Maybe the brownish red indicates methamp and the smaller samples didn't detect it but also gave weaker mdma results due to the lower quantity used to fool test kits but this might not a count for shorter duration, unless it is just the low dose mdma wearing off and then the methamp taking over nor the feeling tired shortly after.
This I do not understand, at all. Even what I consider to be mehdma, music enhancement is still through the roof and certainly beats any weed enhancement (which is great in its own right). But mdma (and mehdma) enhancement is just next level. You feel it in your soul and there is just this one bass frequency that hits extra magically while the roof feels like it could burst off.

Meh for me just sucks in duration. 1.5 hours until peak and then dropoff at 2 hour mark and then super noticeable dropoff.

If meh does not even give music enhacement, then I can understand why this is such a problem

I know that feeling, get some good artists on an F1 system and watch as eyes roll into the back of heads.

Maybe the brownish red indicates methamp and the smaller samples didn't detect it but also gave weaker mdma results due to the lower quantity used to fool test kits.

Methamphetamine goes a orange/brown coloration and is often evident a second before MDMA. Having Reagent tested enough meth as well as a few mixed samples back in the day I’m fairly confident not that. I should note those hues are slight, most would just say “it went purple/black” and be done but if you look close there’s differences.

That said I’m still lacking confidence reagents can tell anything. People with meh need to Reagent test and report back on what they see.

I know that feeling, get some good artists on an F1 system and watch as eyes roll into the back of heads.

Methamphetamine goes a orange/brown coloration and is often evident a second before MDMA. Having Reagent tested enough meth as well as a few mixed samples back in the day I’m fairly confident not that. I should note those hues are slight, most would just say “it went purple/black” and be done but if you look close there’s differences.

That said I’m still lacking confidence reagents can tell anything. People with meh need to Reagent test and report back on what they see.


I so miss the late 90's scene in Florida. It was always dutch presses that reaked of that slight root bearish smell. OIA had huge busts all the time from Dutch or German nationals back then and Orlando was a hub then around 2006-08 I heard it just went to shit. I stopped going after Mayor Glenda Hood passed the rave ordinance that killed all the raves and after hours clubs. Home rolling was still fun until I lost the magic. Do you think such an occurrence would be permanent even after almost 20yrs? The mephedrone and methylone worked fine and was almost but just not quite the magic of mdma and had some different qaulities. I actually started around 98.
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I know that feeling, get some good artists on an F1 system and watch as eyes roll into the back of heads.

Methamphetamine goes a orange/brown coloration and is often evident a second before MDMA. Having Reagent tested enough meth as well as a few mixed samples back in the day I’m fairly confident not that. I should note those hues are slight, most would just say “it went purple/black” and be done but if you look close there’s differences.

That said I’m still lacking confidence reagents can tell anything. People with meh need to Reagent test and report back on what they see.


Good rolls would have everyone's eyes dialated, fluttering around and music and light sticks would make peoples eyes flutter around and send them rolling into the backs of there heads, while hugging everyone and telling them how much they loved them. I must admit though that I did experience LTC around 2001 but nobody talked about it back then and I definitely over did it. All my friends made me feel terrible and equated my symptoms as Being akin to psychosomatic. It was horrible and ruined my life for years, which eventually led to an opiate and heroin addiction after clean living, supplements and exercise failed to abate the symptoms. I will now be testing my pills.
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I so miss the late 90's scene in Florida. It was always dutch presses that freaked of that slight root bearish smell. OIA had huge busts all the time back then and Orlando was a hub then around 2006-08 I heard it just went to shit. I stopped going after Mayor Glenda Hood passed the rave ordinance that killed all the raves and after hours clubs. Home rolling was still fun until I lost the magic. Do you think such an occurrence would be permanent even after almost 20yrs? The mephedrone and methylone worked fine and was almost but just not quite the magic of mdma and had some different qaulities. I actually started around 98.

Yea you guys are probably one of the best cases of the MDMA scene going from top quality to pure RC’s. It’s sad cuz ya’ll truly had it so good in the 90’s and early 00’s from what I heard.

Yea you guys are probably one of the best cases of the MDMA scene going from top quality to pure RC’s. It’s sad cuz ya’ll truly had it so good in the 90’s and early 00’s from what I heard.


It was really an awesome, mind blowing time. Unfortunately I over did it because of abundance and lack of knowledge or proper use information. I had no idea how good we had it. Every experience was beyond awesome until it wasn't anymore but those around me were still having great experiences. I then went through 6mths-yr of he'll before I slowly slid into heavy marijuana use, alcohol usage and eventually oxycontin and heroin addiction. I didn't really find out about bluelight harm reduction till 2001 or so and by then it had turned into an informational and almost promotional forum towards opiate use on other drugs. They've really cleaned that up over the last three yrs.

Everyone in my high school did it. Jocks, honor students, skaters, heads and even the straight and narrow geeks. The school was flooded. All of Central Florida was flooded with e-pills. We had our own electro and funky breaks, breakbeats scene. A lot of the DJ's came from the 80's skating rink scene, which was almost like raves for kids and early teens....lol. It was Miami, Tampa, ebor city, Orlando, Tampa and Gainesville(UF). After hours clubs in almost every city and monthly huge rave events. Some in the woods in the middle of nowhere with huge setups and lights all in the trees. Crazy times.

The scene started in the late 80's, early 90's from the Houston connect and the music started from early freestyle music and we had the sickest breakdancers and liquid, pop and lock glow stick dancers. I was one of them. My dance crew club invasions were the best experiences of my life because we were the Kings of the after hours clubs. I got laid so many times just because of my dance skills....lol. Now it has become so much more difficult. I miss my rave honeys.
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@draculic acid69 The meh samples that I sent in to Drugs Data previously were all supposed to have been made from safrole. The one that was tested once with IEC and I have to send off to IEC again for more in depth testing is also supposedly made from safrole with al hg reaction.
So IEC told you it was safrole or the hookup u got it from told u that?
If so then it gives more questions than it answers.we need more meh samples sent in and tested to find out if it's a route specific problem or not.anyway finding out how the meh was made is a step in the right direction to solving the mystery.the fact it wasn't pmk glycidate rules out a theory or two but one sample isn't enough to confirm it.
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If that sample was from Vash I please say we take that with a grain of salt.. Something was up with that guy and I honestly don’t trust anything he has said.

I suppose finding out how the magic is being made also helps point us in the right direction too

This is something I have studied. I can give the routes I’ve found via Hive and Vespiary posts which most reliably give the most “Magic” product. I might of even at one point compiled posts to better prove my point but can’t remember now or care to look through my notes or past posts to see.

Bottom line..

Safrole to Isosafrole via KOH. Isosafrole to MDP2P via performic. Leuckart to MDA or MDMA. Or Al/Hg to MDMA.

That’s the most reliable way I’ve found. O2 wacker produced ketone which often gave lackluster product once animated. Benzoquinine wacker was a lot better but still not as clean of ketone compared to performic.

Leuckart was king in the 90’s and looking at a few Hive posts I saw once it began fading out, a few of the chemists there made product via thiscroute and claimed it “felt like the good ol 90’s product.”

Al/Hg is standard and can very well produce magic but apparently there’s fuck ups out there too. If shitty ketone is used then shitty product will be aminated.

If that sample was from Vash I please say we take that with a grain of salt.. Something was up with that guy and I honestly don’t trust anything he has said.

This is something I have studied. I can give the routes I’ve found via Hive and Vespiary posts which most reliably give the most “Magic” product. I might of even at one point compiled posts to better prove my point but can’t remember now or care to look through my notes or past posts to see.

Bottom line..

Safrole to Isosafrole via KOH. Isosafrole to MDP2P via performic. Leuckart to MDA or MDMA. Or Al/Hg to MDMA.

That’s the most reliable way I’ve found. O2 wacker produced ketone which often gave lackluster product once animated. Benzoquinine wacker was a lot better but still not as clean of ketone compared to performic.

Leuckart was king in the 90’s and looking at a few Hive posts I saw once it began fading out, a few of the chemists there made product via thiscroute and claimed it “felt like the good ol 90’s product.”

Al/Hg is standard and can very well produce magic but apparently there’s fuck ups out there too. If shitty ketone is used then shitty product will be aminated.

With the price of palladium chloride atm i'm sure we can rule the Wacker out as a happening method.100g cost $9000.$130 per gram.the pure metal is about$130 per gram.this means the Wacker oxidation will most probably not be used. Btw if any one wants pure gold, silver, platinum or palladium metal plate contact me via dm. I reckon most of the magic will be leuckart.
Also I think we should (no offense to the guy) disregard vash's tests bcoz there was a fair amount of irrational unreliability that went with it sort of discredits his credibility (no offense vash) fuking spell check
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If that sample was from Vash I please say we take that with a grain of salt.. Something was up with that guy and I honestly don’t trust anything he has said.

This is something I have studied. I can give the routes I’ve found via Hive and Vespiary posts which most reliably give the most “Magic” product. I might of even at one point compiled posts to better prove my point but can’t remember now or care to look through my notes or past posts to see.

Bottom line..

Safrole to Isosafrole via KOH. Isosafrole tdrao MDP2P via performic. Leuckart to MDA or MDMA. Or Al/Hg to MDMA.

That’s the most reliable way I’ve found. O2 wacker produced ketone which often gave lackluster product once animated. Benzoquinine wacker was a lot better but still not as clean of ketone compared to performic.

Leuckart was king in the 90’s and looking at a few Hive posts I saw once it began fading out, a few of the chemists there made product via thiscroute and claimed it “felt like the good ol 90’s product.”

Al/Hg is standard and can very well produce magic but apparently there’s fuck ups out there too. If shitty ketone is used then shitty product will be aminated.


I agree that 90's MDMA with that safrol, rootbeerish smell was always magic.
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With the price of palladium chloride atm i'm sure we can rule the Wacker out as a happening method.100g cost $9000.$130 per gram.the pure metal is about$130 per gram.this means the Wacker oxidation will most probably not be used. Btw if any one wants pure gold, silver, platinum or palladium metal plate contact me via dm. I reckon most of the magic will be leuckart.
I'm not so sure.
Catalytic converters for cars are being stolen in what has become an epidemic.
If you need a catalyst that is expensive, and you know that purchases of the material will be watched, what other options do you have?
And, on the other hand, if you steal many catalytic converters, who will you sell them to without raising suspicion?
This would also explain the connections to organized crime the article mentions.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if they found a process where a car catalyst can be used as-is (in flow-through mode).
I'm not a chemist, so I don't know if it would be feasible, but I think this is a real possibility.

(I've been lurking in this thread for quite some time, but didn't post before)
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To clarify, I have three meh samples that I have sent for testing. Two were sent to Drugs Data, one was sent to IEC. @draculic acid69, I was told by the supplier/seller that they were made from safrole. Obviously, I recognize that the seller could be lying. IEC is supposed to do a more advanced analysis when I re-send the sample a second time.
To clarify, I have three meh samples that I have sent for testing. Two were sent to Drugs Data, one was sent to IEC. @draculic acid69, I was told by the supplier/seller that they were made from safrole. Obviously, I recognize that the seller could be lying. IEC is supposed to do a more advanced analysis when I re-send the sample a second time.

Did it have a distinct smell? Kinda like root beer, anise or possibly black licorice.
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To clarify, I have three meh samples that I have sent for testing. Two were sent to Drugs Data, one was sent to IEC. @draculic acid69, I was told by the supplier/seller that they were made from safrole. Obviously, I recognize that the seller could be lying. IEC is supposed to do a more advanced analysis when I re-send the sample a second time.

Ah my bad for some reason I thought you may have paid for one of Vashs samples to be tested.

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