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what is wrong with me... help me find a girlfriend

I don't know about the internet thing for guys...

Online dating is for women to put up a profile and seem available in order to get responses... and a confidence boost. ...then of course they never reply. Its too easy to just click a button, close the window, and move on with your day feeling a little bit more desirable.

I'll keep my activities in real life, offline. ...at least when I approach a woman she has to come up with something on the spot and she has to say it to my face, lol...


All that said, I say forget about meeting people. When you lose that expectation or desire you're free.

This is a pretty good post I think. Especially the last line, but it's not always so easy.

But, what this poster says applies in real life too. It's easy for people like Llama to spout out that same "you can't find a girlfriend dude? You're not trying hard enough!" advice over and over, but it takes more than ONE person trying to start a relationship.
internet dating blows, at least for me, i spend ages reading thru profiles, looking for a girl who actually suits me, writing out a witty, personal opening message, and then, nothing...just send me a fucking reply telling me to fuck off!
That said, I never have used the service, but a good friend of mine met a lot of women this way. It's also worth mentioning that while one would think that looks would be less important on this type of dating venue, I don't find that is the case at all. Looks seem to still trump everything else, even if the pictures taken can be a pretty inaccurate gauge of how a person actually looks.

Oh yeah, definitely. I do think you get judged up and down and the whole "was the pic fake?" thing is going on. Any guy I've met from online and had a relationship started off from just chatting as friends from a forum. I think it's a great alternative from the normal first date thing, but maybe I'm just weird. lol I don't go looking for these guys. Just one thing leads to another and then an invite to meet IRL happens and the rest is history.

I see the whole profile thing to find dates really superficial, because you're right: it's all about looks, and then you have the issues with it not being a real pic. It's never happened to me and I've never done it to someone else, but we've had people go through it on here.
Actually, the scene for meeting people is what the real problem is in today's world. It's not always an individual problem. We all live in spaced out places with parking lots where people can easily avoid other people. Girls stay on their cell phones in stores. Clubs and Bars play the music so loud that you go deaf instead of being able to talk to new people. Single people stay home and play around on facebook. Dating advice culture kills our self-confidence and helps us find excuses to not date the right people. Gas is expensive so long-distance relationships will be more difficult. People don't go to college and try to meet new people, they often hang out with their old high-school crew when they attend an in-state university. People watch about 3-5 hours of TV a day instead of leaving their rooms.

The best a soul can hope for is just running into someone at random, when it is least expected.

I totally agree, but online dating has helped me a lot. It has its problems, but overall if you have a good profile, good picture, you can get great results from it. Especially if you're shy meeting people at clubs or parties.
internet dating blows, at least for me, i spend ages reading thru profiles, looking for a girl who actually suits me, writing out a witty, personal opening message, and then, nothing...just send me a fucking reply telling me to fuck off!

with online dating for guys, its more of a number game, the more you send out to, the more chance you have. because a lot of these girls get 100 of messages of not 1000s. This ugly girl I knew, she set up a profile on pof, and in 2days, she got 200 messages. So I was thinking if this ugly girl got this many messages, I wonder how many a average looking girl gets, or even a hot one.
I think for online dating for guys, two things have to happen for it to work, one is if the girl contacts you, then you are more likely to go on a date, most of the girls I've contacted rarely replied. The other thing is for it to work is if you have a great profile, with a nice picture.
Maybe im not great looking but I am willing to pay for dinner

Sounds to me like this is your problem. You gotta be cockey, funny, confident, appealing.

Meeting women is quite easy really, you can do it anywhere. Try going out with some friends to a bar or club, find a girl that looks good then leave your friends to go and talk to her. Open with something funny and act a lil cockey, teasing her without being a dick. Keep the convo rolling for about 2 minutes, make sure your body langauge and voice tone displays confidence, then simply say, "I gotta get back to my friends, do you have a number/email?" If you get rejected who cares, it's only 2 minutes out of your time, was worth a shot. If you get a email or number wait 2-3 days before you contact her and tell her you should hang out. Just whatever you do dont try buy her approval, and make sure your fun to be around.
google PUA. simple pickup or pick up artist... i am 1, have been for years and it changed my life. no joke. sorry for the short post but look into it, its really actully fun (simple pickup guys follow that motto)
^ no no no and no. That shit is all fake past watching and acting on body language and social cues.

Just be yourself. Don't play games.