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What is the worst drug to have withdrawals from?

What is the worst drug to have withdrawals from?

  • Heroin

    Votes: 100 13.5%
  • Methadone

    Votes: 98 13.2%
  • Oxymorphone

    Votes: 27 3.6%
  • Tramadol

    Votes: 22 3.0%
  • Benzodiazepines

    Votes: 292 39.3%

    Votes: 20 2.7%
  • Alcohol

    Votes: 45 6.1%
  • Meth/Amphetamines

    Votes: 39 5.2%
  • Cocaine/Crack

    Votes: 13 1.7%
  • Ketamine

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • SSRI/SNRI/MAOI/TCA/TeCA antidepressants

    Votes: 21 2.8%
  • Other Opiates/Opioids

    Votes: 65 8.7%

  • Total voters
Aaaaaahhhhhhhh, relief. Bye faintness, nausea, anxiety, RLS , crippling depression, fever and chills, sweats, light sensitivity, yawning, watery eyes, and funky monkey smell!!!!! For now

Sweet. The best moment..
For me it's the mood swings. I feel like I get a glimpse into what a hardcore bipolar rapid cycle would feel like.

Teary at one moment, with intense feelings of hopelessness....euphoric and optimistic five minutes later.

Also the runny tummy. And the aching legs. By god my legs just ache away, even with ibuprofen and paracetamol to help.

Stuff like insomnia, rebound anxiety, headache, cold and hot sweats - I can deal with that alright. It's the stuff I mentioned above which really gets to me.

And the fucked up thing about opiate withdrawal is even when you find a medicine or way to alleviate one symptom, another seems to flair up making it impossible to cover all the bases. It just seems impossible to avoid suffering during WD...in a way, I think that's a good thing. If people could get a free ride through detox they mightn't be discouraged to actually quit or stay clean.
I had to add to this thread although I only read the first couple of pages. I agree with some that my worst symptom is restless body (arms, legs, everything!! Grrrr). I saw someone post about coughing and I guess kind of dry heaving but not actually throwing up. I had that experience for the first time today. My cat had somehow gotten Shit all over him, I mean everywhere, and so as my mom and I were trying to cut the crust off (disgusting I know) I start coughing and damn near puked all over the kitchen floor! It was strange and I just blamed it on the cat Shit making me sick, but I have never really had a problem with nausea during wd...

Also I want to add the sweating is pretty obnoxious too! I'm sitting here on the porch and my forhead, upper lip, and boobs are literally dripping lol that what I get for having to smoke I guess but yea it's pretty gross- much easier to blame on something else during summer.
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Hey bliss, how long did it take for you to start to feel relief? Surely not the 4 hours between dosing right?? Man I wish codeine was otc here!
Hey bliss, how long did it take for you to start to feel relief? Surely not the 4 hours between dosing right?? Man I wish codeine was otc here!
No, the codeine gave some relief at the 20 min mark.. But I "found" some oxy that evening so that's what the relief was from ;)
Oh good! Lucky man! Haha I finally broke down and took some loperamide, I just couldn't take it any longer! It gets a bad rap from some, but really is a godsend when you're in a bind. Guess ill just be fighting sickness/sobriety until I get my refill!
It's the creepy crawlers. I'm totally uncomfortable no matter what position I'm in and I constantly have to move an arm or a leg which feels like moving a mountain everytime because of the additional feeling of weight.

Before when withdrawals were tolerable I used to get really uncomfortable chills. Now these days I get so cold I get a burning sensation that's totally intolerable.

The anxiety is bad but I find the constant inner tension / physical feeling of restlessnes worse. I could always cope with mental symptoms much better than physical ones.
Those 2 are my worst symptoms, RLS and not sleeping. I dose myself with klonnies and gaba and sleep as much as I can but its only a few hours or relief. Also hate knowing I'm going to be a raving bitch to my hubs who is completely in the dark to my oxy use. And knowing I'm going through this because I'm a pig for the first 2 weeks of my script and then I panic and try to taper but every time, I put myself into Wds for a few days. I got 5 days to go. Longest ever.
I'm new but I def belong here.
I'm on 2nd day WDs and I'm so angry at the world and just annoyed as all get out. RLS is the worst. I don't seem to learn, I short myself every month.
So anyway I'm tapered down from 160mg of oxy a day to 300mg codeine . It could be worse. My sleep cycle is F'd, tho
I think everyone said it, restlessness/anxiety is the worst. And the poops...
Been Floppin like a fish outta water these last couple nights.

Making sleep nearly impossible

Gonna grab some benadryl and dxm to knock out
If I had to pick one thing I think it would be the constant chills that turn into being too hot and sweating then back to being cold etc. Withdrawing in the winter sucks that much more I think. Anyway its really just the whole combination of all the shittty symptoms wrapped up into one shitty, 5 day experience.

Amen. The temperature thing drives me nuts...I can handle everything else (I mean it's hell but I can get through it) but the constant sweating, shivering, not knowing what temperature I am, taking 50 showers in the summer and being miserable in winter..just makes me so pissed. It's an unbearable feeling for me...worse than joint pain, restlessness, depression, GI issues, anything.
Stomach cramps are the worst for me by far. Any other kinda pain i can put up with really but not that. The temperature thing where i feel like i am standing in front of a furnace where someone is opening and closing the door sucks because i end up throwing bed clothes off me then back on me cause i get chilled and that keeps up till i finally pass out. That cold burn i get all over my skin is one of the more annoying symptoms as well.
Yeah, I mean the insomnia isn't that bad in and of itself.... The problem with insomnia during WD is that it makes time pass soooo slowly. The 'every minute an hour' thing, which is just torture when you've got at least 5 days of acute WD. Who wants to be conscious the whole time? It feels like an eternity!
the worst by far is heroin. its horrific. nothing else compares to a hard kick, shitting yourself, vomiting, shaking and sweating, how the fuck do you compare that to anything else? the only other thing i got close to was alcohol withdrawal where i got delirium tremens, shaking and seeing rats and spiders crawl out of the walls. as terrifying as it was however, it was mental mostly, whereas worst physical effects are heroin. as for cocaine, i did it daily for a year shooting it and i quit without any injury to my person except weight gain.
For me the worst was coming off all my drugs after a drug interaction /overdose. The staff in the emergency room were nice and the Dr gave me NARCO and absolutely pulled everything out of me. My hydromorph-contin and baclofen wiped out and in emergency for a day and a 1/2. I begged the nurses for something to take the edge off and stsve off the WD's but the answers were that I had Norco and they couldn't give it.
Later that night I was waiting in the emergency room hallway to go up to a room as I was admitted to the hospital. I was going into withdrawal and everything was really bad, I was cold and hot at the same time I had a headache like crazy and my back was in full spasm due to kyphosis and my serious neuropathy due to diabetes, hypogonadism, osteoporosis and a cerebellar atrophy that throws me off balance and I topple over so I use a cane in close quarters and a alker everywhere else. Anyway I was put in a room with a snoring/yelling grandpa. Along with my WD's no sleep and anxiety way up and my Exploding Head Syndrome peaking, not a good thing at all.
So all my asking throughout the night into the day for a little something was denied. The Dr came in to see me and saw right away that I was in WD's and very upset and acutely disturbed, he immediately had me tske some hydromorph contin 6mg and a couple dilaudid IR 4mg and in a few hours I came back to normal. I am one of tnose people that really don't need to worry about WD because as my doctor and specialist said I'm never going to come off of narcotics just switching from drug to drug. Anyway hydromorph-contin was an SOB for sure.
I wanted to clarify some stuff, most people have said that benzos are the worst to come off but which ones in particular?. I've been taking 3mg of Lorazepam (Ativan) for a year and now I've made the decision to come off of them. My psych changed me over to diazepam (Valium) as it has a longer half life etc. This is my 2nd week of reducing the dose by 2mg and I'm having no side effects at all. If all goes to plan then I should be clean after 3 months. Am I lucky or is it gonna get worse later?