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What is the worst drug to have withdrawals from?

What is the worst drug to have withdrawals from?

  • Heroin

    Votes: 100 13.5%
  • Methadone

    Votes: 98 13.2%
  • Oxymorphone

    Votes: 27 3.6%
  • Tramadol

    Votes: 22 3.0%
  • Benzodiazepines

    Votes: 292 39.3%

    Votes: 20 2.7%
  • Alcohol

    Votes: 45 6.1%
  • Meth/Amphetamines

    Votes: 39 5.2%
  • Cocaine/Crack

    Votes: 13 1.7%
  • Ketamine

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • SSRI/SNRI/MAOI/TCA/TeCA antidepressants

    Votes: 21 2.8%
  • Other Opiates/Opioids

    Votes: 65 8.7%

  • Total voters
The worst withdrawals I have ever experienced were from Methadone by far. I've never taken benzo's long enough to have serious WD's and heroin is a piece of cake compared to Methadone. I've done a buprenorphine WD before which was pretty horrible but mostly it just went on and on, also Oxycontin WD's which weren't nice either but nothing 'ive experienced has ever come close the methadone WD's. Kinda makes me glad I never went doctor shopping like a lot of people I know, I get clonazepam off one lady to combat meth related difficulties and take them only then or if i'm having a nasty panic attack. They're too valuable to just use daily or for fun like I would say heroin/meth as they aren't easy to come by and when you need them and don't have them life can be incredibly uncomfortable, so they get saved for emergencies.

Fuck that shit yo, got on the shit for a pain pill/suboxone habit,turned into 2 1/2 years, taking 175mg daily at my peak. That shit put me in fucking hell in a hospital room for 2 weeks until my blood pressure got good enough, and i checked out 'normal', no opiates either, just clonidine, and benedryl,phenobarb,and some shit for sleep.
Man fuck that, i dont want what I went through.
I was chasing a high that led me up shit creek,so far up there that i couldn't paddle alone,without holding on the sides..

Heroin was my second,because I got hookd after that first shot,and noticed i was spending $50 every 2 days.but ofcourse not i had a problem lmao.

Thirdly meth, i am always down to snort a line or smoke a bowl,fuck it!its only 3am.
For me it's oxy and it's often. Nothing worse than staring at the bottom of an empty bottle with a week left to refill. Oh why do we keep doing it lol.
Benzos. I've never felt so crazy in my life. super paranoid. I literally thought everyone around me was talking shit about me, taunting me, I heard voices, but I knew it wasn't real. I had to give my mind over to God and then every thing cleared slowly, like a fog.
Alcohol for me, although I probably haven't pushed benzo's and opioids as far as many on here have.
Phenibut was pretty nasty after about a week of usage, I shudder to think how bad it would be after months or years of use.
Klonopin and nuerontin! By far! If you take enough long enough and you suffer real full blown benzo withdrawals, I mean hallucinations weeks without sleep, suicidal ideation, psychosis, sheer terror, fear of fear there is no comparison. You live in a constant fight or flight response. It's awful. I would do 100 more oxy withdrawals before I would consider another kpin nuerontin detox. Hell on earth
Wow I feel you on the neurotin I am currently going through hell right now tapering myself off of a drugs they have me in rehabs to detox from benzos. 2400 mgs a day! So far I have tapered myself down to 600 mgs and in a month and I have been so irritable and angry. Went back to my Xanax and etizolam just because the taper was so harsh.

Neurontin is a horrible drug ime. Withdrawals that just completely shut your body down. Nausea, anxiety, weakness. It's pure hell. Feels like you have been drugged literally.
I'm sorry man it will suck for a while but you will get through it. Your mind is an amazingly intelligent machine and will balance itself out again. Just be patient give it time. Stay busy. Eat lots of vegetables high in folic acid. Avoid caffeine nicotine and other stimulant like the plague. Theanine helps, magnesium, exercise and kava. I would avoid any benzos if you can otherwise you might do what I did, except I used nuerontin to help me detox from klonopin then ended up in withdrawal from that as well. Unfortunately when it comes to gaba drugs you have to go through the suck with a taper.
Yeah I am basically in the process of going through hell tapering but using benzos to help. A road to nowhere really. My goal is to be completely taper off the Gabapentin then get my benzo usage back under control, and it's nothing compared to what it used to be.
Precipitated withdrawal from methadone is the worst. I onlited about a day and a half to snort 4mg of bupe thinking, im in withdrawal, so it's safe to dose, right?... ....WRONG! Involuntary jerks of the extremities, projectile diarrhea, and constant waves of gagging as the brain reels in horror. My legs were twitching so violently I ended up falling off the toilet and onto the floor. 40 minutes of pure, unadulterated hell writhing in my own fluids.

That night I gained a new respect for opioids.

Im also scared shitless of the word antagonist. Pun intended :)

Now, I won't even touch bupe until ive spent a day in full withdrawal, at least with heroin. With methadone I wait a grueling 72 hours. Better than the alternative...
I took prescribed Baclofen for several months but didn't get any withdrawals.
I should warn everyone, that while the above person may not have received withdrawals from baclofen, it is possible that most others can. baclofen withdrawal is one of the most dangerous and resembles that of benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome. please do not stop taking baclofen without medical supervision. or at the very least without performing an extremely careful taper.
Precipitated withdrawal from methadone is the worst. I onlited about a day and a half to snort 4mg of bupe thinking, im in withdrawal, so it's safe to dose, right?... ....WRONG! Involuntary jerks of the extremities, projectile diarrhea, and constant waves of gagging as the brain reels in horror. My legs were twitching so violently I ended up falling off the toilet and onto the floor. 40 minutes of pure, unadulterated hell writhing in my own fluids.

That night I gained a new respect for opioids.

Im also scared shitless of the word antagonist. Pun intended :)

Now, I won't even touch bupe until ive spent a day in full withdrawal, at least with heroin. With methadone I wait a grueling 72 hours. Better than the alternative...

I myself went through a similar experience (precipitated withdrawal from methadone with buprenorphine) and yes he is correct- it isn't pretty
I've wd from heroin and OxyContin, both cold turkey. And both time I wanted to kill myself. But I would say oxy was worst. Acid craps, worst flu ever time 5, and your like that for a week. Than it takes months to a year to feel like yourself again. Don't get hooked it blows. My trick is to never do it for more than 2-3 days. One good thing is now when I get sick, like the flu it's like no big deal to me. Everyone else around me will be dying and I'm like this ain't nothing compared to wd. Lol. Wow that was a lot.