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What is the worst drug to have withdrawals from?

What is the worst drug to have withdrawals from?

  • Heroin

    Votes: 100 13.5%
  • Methadone

    Votes: 98 13.2%
  • Oxymorphone

    Votes: 27 3.6%
  • Tramadol

    Votes: 22 3.0%
  • Benzodiazepines

    Votes: 292 39.3%

    Votes: 20 2.7%
  • Alcohol

    Votes: 45 6.1%
  • Meth/Amphetamines

    Votes: 39 5.2%
  • Cocaine/Crack

    Votes: 13 1.7%
  • Ketamine

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • SSRI/SNRI/MAOI/TCA/TeCA antidepressants

    Votes: 21 2.8%
  • Other Opiates/Opioids

    Votes: 65 8.7%

  • Total voters
Strange that so many voted for benzos. Ever try meditation and learning to master your own thoughts? Aside from possible seizures, the benzo withdrawal is 100% psychological, but then again, anxiety itself is a psychological problem, not a physical one. Evidence of this is to have someone with anxiety take LSD and have a panic attack... they will really think they are dying, even worse than benzo withdrawal. Although then again, very people in the western world ever learn to work on controlling their conscious mind, hence why drugs are so often used to treat problems that are actually psychological in nature, instead of chemical. This applies for most drug addiction.

As for something like heroin, there are physical withdrawals which cannot be overpowered by a normal mind, unless you can learn to access the brain which is responsible for reactions to said physical stimuli, which I think is outside the realm of possibility for people at the current evolutionary position.


Have you ever been through a BZD withdrawal? I have had a taste of it and it is most certainly not all in your head. Way to minimize others' experience while maximizing your own. I'm not even going to bother naming off the physiological symptoms, you can look them up yourself.

Have you ever been through a BZD withdrawal? I have had a taste of it and it is most certainly not all in your head. Way to minimize others' experience while maximizing your own. I'm not even going to bother naming off the physiological symptoms, you can look them up yourself.

Sorry if I wasn't clear. I was assuming someone tapered off, not just stopped entirely.

Yes, even SSRIs have "brain zaps" and other physical withdrawal, but a benzo's psychological withdrawal occurs even when tapering off.
oxycontin for me.I have talked to many people about this topic,and they all agreed it was benzos.[these guys are herion addicts also]
oxycontin for me.I have talked to many people about this topic,and they all agreed it was benzos.[these guys are herion addicts also]

Sorry if I wasn't clear. I was assuming someone tapered off, not just stopped entirely.

Yes, even SSRIs have "brain zaps" and other physical withdrawal, but a benzo's psychological withdrawal occurs even when tapering off.

Have you ever been through a BZD withdrawal? I have had a taste of it and it is most certainly not all in your head. Way to minimize others' experience while maximizing your own. I'm not even going to bother naming off the physiological symptoms, you can look them up yourself.
I definitely vote benzos and most specifically clonazepam. I ran out early one month and went through the most severe, acute withdrawal. What he said about the anxiety being a big psychological part of it does have some merit. In the sense that if you expect to get off of benzos eventually you are going to have to just accept the anxiety and face it. That's the only time you will get some kind of relief. The only problem is you are going to go through a lot of suffering before you can get to that point. You almost have to get to the point where the mental agony is so painful that your brain throws up it's metaphorical arms and says "I give up. " Only then will you have a moment of zen like serenity. After you face yourself for nights on end and realize all of the horrible things snot yourself that you've been using chemicals to run from will this happen. You will learn that you've been under mind control all of your life in a dualistic pillar based self constructed reality. This moment is short lived though because all of your addictions and problems start to reattach themselves to you and the withdrawal returns. Good thing is though that you know there is a way to escape your addiction it's going to take a lot of passion and suffering to learn how to deal with these problems without chemicals. This being said, clonazepam withdrawal is still highly dangerous and often times deadly. It is a rare benzo as it has seratonergic properties, gaba b affinity (which always causes a severe withdrawal syndrome, in addition to the normal gaba a and bz actions seen with other benzos. Not only do the psychological symptoms occur such as severe anxiety and insomnia, but also physical symptoms like diarrhea , nausea, etc. Horrible tactile sensations emerge along with hallucinations, and delirium. Convulsions are highly probable even with a taper. This is a serious issue that needs medical attention and should not be dealt with alone.
I've been through methadone, heroin, and xanax withdrawal and while all of those are extremely horrible and difficult, you are better off having to go through that then clonazepam withdrawal. Good luck if you have to ever face it.
oxycontin for me.I have talked to many people about this topic,and they all agreed it was benzos.[these guys are herion addicts also]

Sorry if I wasn't clear. I was assuming someone tapered off, not just stopped entirely.

Yes, even SSRIs have "brain zaps" and other physical withdrawal, but a benzo's psychological withdrawal occurs even when tapering off.

Have you ever been through a BZD withdrawal? I have had a taste of it and it is most certainly not all in your head. Way to minimize others' experience while maximizing your own. I'm not even going to bother naming off the physiological symptoms, you can look them up yourself.
I definitely vote benzos and most specifically clonazepam. I ran out early one month and went through the most severe, acute withdrawal. What he said about the anxiety being a big psychological part of it does have some merit. In the sense that if you expect to get off of benzos eventually you are going to have to just accept the anxiety and face it. That's the only time you will get some kind of relief. The only problem is you are going to go through a lot of suffering before you can get to that point. You almost have to get to the point where the mental agony is so painful that your brain throws up it's metaphorical arms and says "I give up. " Only then will you have a moment of zen like serenity. After you face yourself for nights on end and realize all of the horrible things snot yourself that you've been using chemicals to run from will this happen. You will learn that you've been under mind control all of your life in a dualistic pillar based self constructed reality. This moment is short lived though because all of your addictions and problems start to reattach themselves to you and the withdrawal returns. Good thing is though that you know there is a way to escape your addiction it's going to take a lot of passion and suffering to learn how to deal with these problems without chemicals. This being said, clonazepam withdrawal is still highly dangerous and often times deadly. It is a rare benzo as it has seratonergic properties, gaba b affinity (which always causes a severe withdrawal syndrome, in addition to the normal gaba a and bz actions seen with other benzos. Not only do the psychological symptoms occur such as severe anxiety and insomnia, but also physical symptoms like diarrhea , nausea, etc. Horrible tactile sensations emerge along with hallucinations, and delirium. Convulsions are highly probable even with a taper. This is a serious issue that needs medical attention and should not be dealt with alone.
I've been through methadone, heroin, and xanax withdrawal and while all of those are extremely horrible and difficult, you are better off having to go through that then clonazepam withdrawal. Good luck if you have to ever face it.
^ That sounds like my idea of hell. If untreated, the worst withdrawals are alcohol, benzos, barbs etc. Funnily enough, doctors say that alcohol withdrawal is painless if you detox properly- this is complete bollocks!

I can speak from experience here. I did one medical detox from alcohol which lasted 5 days and was painless. I received librium and gabapentin for withdrawals and trazadone for sleep. I didnt feel the slightest discomfort during the experience. I did feel a little more emotional for a few weeks after however.
have gone through weed, heroin, methadone, methamphetamine and diazepam... Worst of all would be methadone :( the paws was so fkd in the end and it even led me to daily meth/ice addiction LOOOL
have gone through weed, heroin, methadone, methamphetamine and diazepam... Worst of all would be methadone :( the paws was so fkd in the end and it even led me to daily meth/ice addiction LOOOL

Don't know if I'd say it was the methadone that got you addicted to ice, seems you had a substance abuse issue to begin with.

Methadone was bad tho
xanax terrible

Only one I can't kick atm is fuckin caffiene
Yes I have substance abuse to begin with lol.

Caffeine withdrawals?! It can't be that bad but then again I never experienced it or know about it.
Could you tell me about it? Thanks
Yes I have substance abuse to begin with lol.

Caffeine withdrawals?! It can't be that bad but then again I never experienced it or know about it.
Could you tell me about it? Thanks
the headaches are horrific. nothing really helps then next to more caffeine
I've been a meth addict for over 12 yrs now. Started with snorting and smoking old school phosphorus then about 2yrs later came the points. The withdrawal I felt during the out times were so that I couldn't physically, mentality, or emotionally deal with day to day life. From the severe aches to the unbearable emotional (panic attacks) pain, it was so horrible I couldn't believe it was happening to me.
Then in '08 I was locked up and had to be placed on geodon, seriquil, and trazadon to stay sain. I stayed clean for 2 years after my release in late 2009. But then I started using ice. Of course the points were the only thing to get me off. Now I'm up to about a .4 for a good shot and the withdrawals are worse than ever. My heart goes out to those who deal with this as well as those going through benzo and H withdrawal. I've read that that they are much worse as I can't imagine anything worse than this. Just wanted to share. Pease be with us all.
Withdrawal from high dose use of multiple benzos resulted in jerking body movements that looked similar to seizures (other people thought that's what they were), feeling burning over my body, shocks in my brain, paranoia, panic, hypertension, sweating, altered thinking, and just bad feelings. That was worse than high doses of poppies and a lot worse hydrocodone withdrawal. It took 900mg of DXM to stop what was happening and I had to stay on DXM until I got some clonazepam. That was horrible. I remember getting that clonazepam, I never was so happy to get a drug I didn't enjoy much in all my life! I'd been awake for quite a long time if I recall. Took the klonopin and watched a TV show to send me off to dreamland. I don't know what I dreamt about that night.
For sheer intensity: Fentanyl Citrate.

The HL is such that I can go from nodding to 'Day 3 H/Oxy' level WD within 18 hours.
come on, tramadol withdrawals are so much worse than benzo withdrawal

Really?? I've been on both....but when I stopped Tramadol, I started takinghydrocodone.

How many MG's of Tramadol were you taking a day & for how long?

Benzos IMO was the worst I've ever experienced & they make opiates look like a walk in the park.
Strangely I've taken benzos for over ten years had a klonopin script 2mg a day......as well as assorted other benzos ....

Never withdrawn or felt withdrawl.... My father on the other hand swears his benzos withdrawals are god awful and won't let up...

I was always just more of a speed guy and didn't take more benzo than I needed