What is REAL addiction really like?

i don't consider myself to have an addictive personality, but after recently indulging into the world of opiates i can defenitly see what addiction would do to me if i kept on taking them excessively
vegan said:
i'm also quite curious about addiction, cause i don't understand it.
i think i have a rather non-addictive personality/strong will,

All us addicts did at one point.
Real addiction is when you are willing to give up true love (a sacred and rare gift) to continue to use opiates. Because momma opium is your real wife and only mamma opium makes you really happy.
vegan said:
i'm also quite curious about addiction, cause i don't understand it.
i think i have a rather non-addictive personality/strong will, so i can't fathom what real addiction is like and it bothers me.
i tried addictive drugs hoping to get an idea, but with no "success" so far

read some of my early posts here, you'll see that i had a very similar attitude and i didnt see how i could ever get addicted to anything, but recently i got a major wakeup call and realized that i was becomming addicted myself. Nothing like you'll read with some of the other people here, nothing like 200 mgs of oxy a day or anything like that, but an addiction nonetheless. I'm not going to stop using because of this, but it sure as hell has been a wakeup call for me and i know i need to monitor myself. From now on i'm taking a 1 month brake from opiates and am just going to monitor myself, avoiding addiction.

I'm a relatively intelligent person, i'm down to earth, i usually know whats going on around me, but I've found out taht an addiction can really sneak up on you and you will never know what hit you. this is a very early post of mine, i was early into drugs and wasnt fully aware. I've had my fair share of wakeup calls since then, and only now can i really understand what most of the people were trying to tell me in that thread there
I don't know what addiction is like for other people but for me it is fiending every single second for another line (hit, shot, whatever) always thinking about it, pawning all you have for it, forgetting about your morals and doing things you wouldnt think of for it, going to jail, getting kicked out of my house at 17, loosing my friends, stealing, burglary, etc.. It's hell my friend.
vegan said:
i'm also quite curious about addiction, cause i don't understand it.
i think i have a rather non-addictive personality/strong will, so i can't

As Vegan said, a lot of us are curious becuase we dont understand it. I think thats were drugs addicts/users are different from others. Most people are too scared of drugs to try them. A lot of us are no longer scared of drugs and of having surreal/drug induced experieces, there for it is easier to say that we are not that affraid of addiction(?)
Im physcologialy addicted to pot , I realise the addiction is there but it does'nt bother me because it has hardly impacted my day to day living.
And on those very rare times when i cant get pot I take my mind of it and read a book and its all good.

I really think hard drug addictions are in a totaly different ball game to a pot addiction , and the thought of me being a opiate/stimulant addict scares the shit outta me , but inside i know that if ever hard drugs are offered to me i would take it theres no way i would turn down drugs , I love them.

Its funny though i can go a day without pot , but my mum cant even get outta bed without haveing a cup of coffee.
Put very simply...

Addiction is a place where everything wrong seems right and everything right seems wrong.....
Truthfully, meth addiction for me had more highs then lows... it was a non-stop party that was damaging my body, mind and worst of all life.

I don't regret my days as a crazed tweaker, those were some of the best times of my life... although when it all came to a end, I had fucked my life up... I weighed under 100 pounds (6 foot 2) and my mind was so fried I couldn't do the most simpliest tasks.

Heroin addiction? That shit is fucked :)
Cool thread :)

No comments yet about socio-cultural aspects of addiction? Someone mentioned coffee addiction before - people don't lie and steal to feed their coffee addiction because it is so cheap and readily available. In fact, this whole thread is a powerful argument for prescription heroin.
Addiction is the last phase of your life.
its the end.

Just avoid it, don't think about it.
live a bit longer.
I have a hint...

Picture losing everything in your life...your family, your home, your "friends," your money and your valuables and then you begin to get an inkling of what it truley means. If you want to know what being sick is like picture the very worst you have ever physically felt, combine it with the very worst you have felt emotionally, and combine it with the knowledge that taking one aspirin can take both those feelings away and make you feel orgasmic to boot and then you have an idea of how it feels to be "dope sick." It sucks, there is nothing cool or chic about it.