What is REAL addiction really like?

lol, tell it to the admins.. They want to cut me.

That was a definite jk(the telling part, not cutting).
yeah.. heroin really sucks kids.. DONT START USING!!!!! unless your prepaired to deal with that shit. its not fun.
I didn't know what addiction was till I stopped using coke. I had been using it everyday allday for like 6 months, then stopped cold turkey. All I have to say is that the physical withdrawl symptoms were alot more manegable than the mental side. I felt like I was gonna kill myself, and nothing felt right for like 2 weeks.
I have never really been addicted to anything personally. I have been very lucky. I have seen several very good friends addicted to meth though. Here are some of the things that addiction did to my friends.

*They started lying-about everything.
*They never left their room-unless it was to score more drugs.
*They only hung out with others who were using-the same 4 people.
*They never smiled.
*They weren't able to keep a job.

They are all clean now-thank god. To those of you still going through it, my heart goes out to you.
and if you are hard core addicted to coke for example.. and that for a year.. and you stoppen from 100 to Zero... how long does it tage untill you are back to normal again? how long untill your body withdrawal is gone???
Silverfucked, that was a great post. You really did explain opiate addiction down to a "T".

Nice work. :)

If only opiates didn't feel so good....
More so, If only opiates weren't addictive:D

Oh yeh Silverfucked, that was a great description
I am about to make some controversial statements, but I wholeheartedly believe them to be true.

Opiate addiction is fundamentally different than stimulant addiction. I feel that the statement is true largely because of the types of people who are drawn to become addicted to those substances are fundamentally different. While often the same person may progress from one addiction to the other (most likely stimulants to opiates), they are much changed as a person from the time of their first addiction to the time of their second. There are also some people who are not addicted to anything in particular, only to the neccesity of being "high". This last group is for whom the unfortunate overgeneralization so often stated by Narcotics Anonymous and similar groups applies.

I think to break an addiction a person needs to be honest with themselves about what type of person they are. I have witnessed friends (or myself) who refused to admit they were addicted because from their perspective, they just liked to have fun. People who just like to have FUN are the ones who fall into the group which becomes attached to alcohol, speed and coke.

Other people just need an occasional escape to provide happiness. These are the people who get addicted to MDMA, ketamine, hallucinogens, and opiates.

Many people get addicted to opiates solely because they have a painful condition (my own addiction came largely from trying to heal my hand, wrist and arm pain - carpal tunnel + ulnar nerve fucked up + other weird shit), or as an attempt to cure their depression unknowingly. Many people get addicted to benzos in an attempt to cure their anxiety. Many people get addicted to stimulants (Meth or coke or adderall or dexedrine or ritalin or hell even ephedrine) in an attempt to cure their ADD or sleep problems. Many people get addicted to benzos or opiates trying to cure insomnia.

My point is that the main reason I find addiction sad is that so many people who find themselves addicted didn't entirely bring it upon themselves through carelessnes or laziness, often they are trying to fix something about themselves. It is practically unheard of in the US for a doctor to actually help a 22 year old with a chronic pain problem.

I had to close the window and forgot what the rest I was gonna say. Yall get the point though! ;)
Ketamike said:
Addiction is like love... mental addiction is like heartbreak.

... cant say i have ever been in love yet, im mildly addicted to cigarettes and to me that is bad enough. I dont ever want to experience real addiction from what i have heard/read about it
dont worry, you will.

I remember posting here before I was an addict, when I thought being dependent of pot was addiction (seriously). I remember asking the addiction questions, the injection questions. Meeting up with BL'ers before they became addicts. The whole journey from pot, alcohol, and trips in highschool. Vic's and codiene were my favorites. Then came the oxy connect. Then you start associating with people much worse of then you, who maybe are on methadone or can get heroine. And you think your better then them, and it wont happen to you. But they know it will. Ahhh, the first detox, when people who have been doing it for 25 years try to knock sense into you, but I wasnt like them. If you are a member of this website, I look it as a statement of charactor. There are websites for everything under the sun, from cars, to travelling, to whatever it is that non-addict or drug obsessed people do. But we often define ourselves by drugs, ie. 'druggies'.

Sorry for the negativity of this post, im in bad space. It just seems like after going around the block a few times, I can identify a future addict from miles away, even in youths. Most people who are that curious about addiction will, in the long run, have to experience it first hand. I feel part of my evoloution in to the addict had to do with my childhood, pops was a drunk, and was demonized by my family, and in some strange way I subconscously wanted to know what that was like. Anyway, I was better then him because I wasnt a sloppy drunk, I was a slick occasional opiate user, but when I had steal from everyone, and kick dope in rikers island, I realized, its all the same, the bottom line is.

-note: I do realize this isnt everyones story, but just read it and let it factor in anyway, im sure you can get something from it even if you disagree.
silverfucked's description also holds very true for the feelings of severe cannabis addiction. not everything is exact, but the mental and physical descriptions are accurate, even though the feelings of opiate and cannabis withdrawl are very different
Well I'm obsessed about addiction. Sort've want it (for some crazy reason) but am also terrified of it. What do you make out of that TheVehicle? I got coke addiction coming up my alley? =)
Yeah I'm gonna have to disagree about silverfucked's description being accurate with cannabis habituation/addiction...

This last summer my girlfriend, who I love so much and was on unsteady ground with, disappeared. One night I was supposed to meet up with her but she never showed, and for a whole week she was just missing and I didn't hear from her and it was very painful. My parents happened to have a couple old bottles of vicoden during this time so every day I'd take 15-25mg. It was actually a VERY effective way of dealing with the pain, and in retrospect that wasn't a very bad week because I was on painkillers. I think if the situation had continued and I hadn't run out of drugs I could have easily developed a serious habit.
sexyanon said:
Well I'm obsessed about addiction. Sort've want it (for some crazy reason) but am also terrified of it. What do you make out of that TheVehicle? I got coke addiction coming up my alley? =)

You want addiction? I can sort of see where you're coming from, yet i dont understand why u would really want it. I feel like you do sometimes, but then think about all that i have read here about others' addictions. It will hit you only when you're addicted, and once that happens it will be hard to get away from it!

I dont think it would be a good thing at all!
Originally posted by sexyanon
Well I'm obsessed about addiction. Sort've want it (for some crazy reason) but am also terrified of it. What do you make out of that TheVehicle? I got coke addiction coming up my alley? =)

Addiction is not cool! It is not glamorous, it is not fun! It is terrible. It can, and depending on the severity, will destroy relationships you've had with people you care about. It will drain your money, your fun, and eventually your soul.

Addiction is painful, sad, and loney, it is not something to aspire to.

Please, do not give in to naivete, everyone I know who's had a serious addiction to something has wished it had never been so. I know I do.
uhhhh, why in the hell would you want addiction? just enjoy drugs in moderation without having to deal with the negative side effects from doing them too much.
Because hollywood and fashion has depicted being a drug addict (esp coke and to some degree heroin) as a cool thing.. Notice that in movies that the adddicts are always mysterious, closet romantics, with very interesting lives.. They dont show the patheticness off being in such desperation.

Even anti-addiction movies like Requiem depict the users as sensitive, loving, and emotionally deep.. I personally think that most opiate addicts are like this, but the media has made it seems that to express the fact that you ffeel this way, taking up an addiction is a good way to do it..

i.e. What an open addict thinks when someone looks at him is "Wow, that guy must need some relief because he is so sensitive to the world.." Something to that degree.

What people really see is "Wow, its really sad that he couldnt have found something better to invest his time in.." or maybe even "What a cheap way out... we all have our shit to deal with".

The truth is that nonaddicts judging addicts for the most part, do so only because they have no experienced it first hand.. Its like someone telling you "Well you can do all this incredibly hard work with the rest of society, or you can take this shortcut, but people will hate you for it."

More like "you can be sucessful in the way society wants you to be, or you can opt out, but opting out will have its own problems."

As for stimulant addiction, I agree it is different. Opiates are there to provide comfort. Stimulants are there to provide confidence. Before i was an opiate addict, I was a speed addict, and I used because I felt like it helped me to deal with others alot better. But then I gave that up and went to opiates because they seemed to help me deal with myself better..

Plus the comedown and sketchiness where nonexistant..

As for pot, I can see alot of similarities.. good weed tends to put me in a place where i tend to just not care anymore, just like opiates.. However, the extent it can be taken to is limited, IMO, as it is simply not as destructive of a drug.
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Well I wanna try oxy once just to know what its like. I was wondering like what my chances are of becoming addicted. I mean like if I try it and then I start craving it more and I do it again and then again and again and boom I'm addicted. I'm really scared about being addicted so I'm sure I'm gonna be very careful. How likely do you think it will be for me to get addicted? What are ways I can prevent getting addicted (besides not trying it)?
You see.. there is the thing I dont understand.. if someone is scared of being an addict.... knows that a particular Drug is addictive... and Knows... when he does it too much you can become addicted.... Why try it for just the one time? All that gives you is the constant feeling of wanting to do it again because it felt sooo good... just trying it once exposes you to the constant temptation to do it again.... a temptation to which you can not give in....

if I know I can not repeat it.... I dont want to know what its like.... IE Coke etc.....

ok.. there is the argument that you can do it on special ocasions etc... but what that leaves me with is just a constant "waiting" for the next special ocasion to do it again.... I dont think its fun to constantly have to resist temptation....
i'm also quite curious about addiction, cause i don't understand it.
i think i have a rather non-addictive personality/strong will, so i can't fathom what real addiction is like and it bothers me.
i tried addictive drugs hoping to get an idea, but with no "success" so far