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What is Important?


Jul 24, 2001
What this thread is: A place to say what you think is important, about anything, from climate change, to parental behaviour about dating, to the price of snow in tibet, I don't mind really. Take however long you want to say it, just make sure that whatever it is, its important. This is a place to share your opinion, not to shoot down other people's opinions.

What this thread isn't: A place to bitch on other people because you don't like their opinion of what is important. A place to complain (that's the rants thread) about how the world isn't what you want it to be.

For me:

Its important to see things knowing the history of them, the way it has been before now, and to speculate about the way things will be, you need to see things knowing there's a past and there will be a future, that there is not just the present. Its important to know that the earth has been a big ball of molten rock in the cold of space and will be again a few billion years from now. Its important to know that while everything we do is transitory, that doesn't make it any less worth doing, that while everything in my life didn't matter 50 years before I was born, and won't matter 50 years after I die, it doesn't mean that I shouldn't do it, and it doesn't mean that I won't do it.

That's me for now, what do you have to say?

-plaz out-
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If I had to pick one thing that I thought was important, it would be for real experiences.

I drift through life, and to be honest most of it feels pretty damn disposable. It seems plastic... an atrificial world within a reality. I chase the experiences that feel REAL. It has to get through to me as interesting, something most of life isnt. The kind of experience that you turn over months later as a time you learned something.

You have conversations with people. You make smalltalk. They make it back. But think of the odd conversation where you both really connect. When its not like everything is running on some old unseen script.

I want to discover new, interesting things. I want to be aware of the times when the influence of the world isnt there, and my world is focused on something thats worth holding attention on. I want everything to be meaningful. I want to feel like I really achieved something worth experiencing.

Its my opinion that a handful of these experiences shape who we are, and how wise we become. The rest of life I regard largely as spacefiller. The less space in there to fill the better.

Great thread. :D
I'm with jakoz, great thread idea plaz :D

Okay, what I'm beginning to find important after having spent the last year or so working with a couple of vegetarians in a community aid organisation is living ethically in unison with the world around us. Making sure that we are aware of the impact we have on life and the planet around us. Making sure that we're taking as little as possible and giving back as much as possible. I'm still learning, but it's a valuable experience..

What I've known is important for years is letting the people you love know how you feel. I've been losing friends and loved ones for as long as I can remember, and I've learned that there's nothing which matters more to me than letting them know how I feel about them in the short time I have them with me. Positive reinforcement, buying them little presents for no reason, drawing little pictures or writing little messages and leaving them in places where they'll be a surprise. Telling them I love them when I'm sober and under the influence of no drug, so they know it's not just the substance influencing me.

Sometimes I'm nearly in tears thinking about how lucky I am to have the friends I have, and I don't know if I can ever give back to them what they've given to me, but I know I can let them know what they havedone for me. When I'm miserable or angry or hate myself, when I'm going through that crappy part of life that we all go through, it's the one thing I never doubt. Sometimes I doubt that people understand me, but I know there are people who love me, and that makes all the difference in the world at times. :)

I think it's important for people to have a sense of self-identity in this world.

From the youngest age, people are bombarded with images, advertisements, brands, logos and even lifestyles. All around us are people and things telling us how to think, how to dress, how to walk, how to talk, who to be and how many times a week you should be getting laid.

The hardest thing for people these days is to just be themselves. I spend a lot of my free time around people and like Jakoz says, I relish the experiences that I have with real, genuine people because it's more an exception these days than the rule.

We talk about freeing people in bondage in countries where people are denied individual liberties, but the cultural and social oppression of our own civilisation stifles us time and time again from really listening to ourselves, and every day, we continue to kill that person we really want to be. Instead of trying so hard to be everyone else, I wish people would make more of an effort to just be themselves.

I'm not saying that I'm perfect in this respect because I know I've sold out plenty, as I'm sure most of us have. The important thing is to pick yourself up each time you fall and recognise the mistake you've made, because I believe the most important thing is indivudality.

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting."
- e.e. cummings

"If everybody knows just who you are
When your walk on role becomes a major part
Have you ever attempted to be yourself
When everybody wants you to be someone else"
- Powderfinger, 'Up and Down and Back Again'
I recently read an article in a newspaper about a woman in Brazil who had died at the age of 124. She had descended from African slaves and outlived all of her children. When asked what was her secret to a long life she replied: "Always remain calm".

It is often easier said than done, but since reading that article I have imagined what the world would be like if everyone adopted that attitude. Now if I come across someone hostile, I am civil and easy going and manage to win them over and part on good terms with them. At the end of the day we may be different but we are all essentially human.:)
I find it hard to put into words what is important to me, it’s so terribly important and something fundamental to every day of my life, yet it’s something almost indescribable.

I need to touch things, to have a tactile feel of the walls and displays that are relics of time past, to stand in a place where many have come before me and many will go after and wonder... yet know that everything is fleeting, to be able to turn to someone who understands me implicitly and say how important it is to me to touch, to feel that energy and have them smile and simply understand with acceptance of all that I am and all that I need to be.

I need to be able to have a connection with people that defies explaining, those that I love most are all those who I don’t need to talk to, those that without words will be able to see my thoughts and the direction I’m about to take.

Those two things are so important to me: they are part of the “perfect moments” that make up my life. To me life is a series of perfect moments – good or bad these moments are the things that make the experience. I aim to have as many perfect moments as possible so that one day, if I need to look back on my life, I will see an endless supply of perfect moments and very few ordinary ones.

There is one more important thing to my life, it’s so important to put to use any gifts you’ve been given no matter what your fears. It’s part of my life that I neglect, preferring to live in bliss for now yet one day soon I’ll need to learn to use that which has been bestowed upon me. Gifts and talents are there for a reason, to not use them is a terrible waste. It’s important to me that I learn to use what I have been given.
I think that trust and faith are important.

In particular, parents need to have trust and faith in their children. I would like my mother to not question my motives all the time. I want to say to her:

"You do not have to understand everything I do. The reasons for my decisions are not relevant to you. What you need to do is recognise that I HAVE reasoning, and to trust that."

I also think that it is very important to tell your loved ones that you love them. Never let it be taken forgranted, nor let them wonder because you haven't said it.
I think that taking responsibility for all your actions is one of the most important things in life. That’s not to say that things out of our control don’t happen but when it all comes down to it I really believe that if people always took responsibility for their actions this world would be a much nicer place.
"Money, hoes, and clothes, all a nigg3r knows"
RIP Christopher Wallace :|
It is important to remember where you came from, not for a sense of racial pride, but to understand the context that gave rise to your existence, for if you cannot understand this then how can understand the world in which you dwell. Never forget your past for it is the doom of men that they forget.
HOPTIS....wow u are so reading my mind...thats how i feel about individuality and the media etc :) Ive only just recently (in the last year) found inner peace and am comforatble with who i am and actually like it and am always trying to express who *i* am :)

The most important thing to me though is my child and how he sees the world...everything i say and do and not say and do efffects him and i'm damn proud of the person he's become (yes i know i say this ALL the time but i don't care :p)

Real connection is really important to me aswell...i'm always searching for linkages in this world with myself and others and everything in it :)

nice topic 8)
timmmmmy: cool biggy quote :)

*and* fucking awesome thread...FUCKING NICE ONE BRUVA!!!!

i think that it's important to be aware of your prejudices at all times, even (...especially) if you don't think that you have any. imo, i'm a hugely open-minded, and reasonably tolerant person, and i dislike prejudice immensely. but, i have a habit of being elitist (from minor things like music taste, to major things like resenting my family's lower class status) and it's really bad. i first really came to notice this when listening to dr karl (aka, god ;) thursdays, 11am, triple j). he mentioned that he used to drive taxis, and it literally floored me; how could he - one of the most intelligent, well-read, interesting and funny people i've ever heard speak - have driven taxis? taxi drivers are bogans; they're stupid and smelly, they're rip-offs, they're pricks. but ya see, they're not *all* like that...it was just me.

i think that it's important to always try to achieve things, regardless of what they are (set your own goals, but that's another issue :)). satisfaction through achievement is easily one of the best feelings you can ever experience, and the bigger the achievement, the better it gets, so go for it. in my personal experience, this also relates to regret - i regret (majorly) not making enough effort when i had a really promising sporting career. now, when i *want* to, i can't, because of injury problems. but i'm trying to get my foot operated on blah blah blah, and i'll hopefully get another (smaller) opportunity, to get there...and that would easily be the biggest achievement in my life. the thing is, the fact that i'm going to try will give me satisfaction too. not as much as if i actually succeed, but trying certainly makes you feel better about yourself, and that's important.

i think that it's important to BE YOURSELF. oh how i love the individuals out there. luckily, i'm studying arts, so ninety percent of the mofos there are total weirdos like me, and i <3 them all :D individuals have more fun...or something :)

again....fucking awesome thread. if you've read this far, congrats, now go post something!!

edit: well, i wrote that slowly i guess...had to change the "^^^"s.
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Excellent thread and great responses!

Its pretty simple for me - be true to yourself, your beliefs, your family and friends... why complicate life more than it has to be :)

I believe in myself and who I am, and I don't let anyone else dictate who I should be, and what stage in life I should be at. In the end you are accountable for your life and will profit from whatever happiness it will bring - don't let other people dictate what that happiness should be.

Also hate is wasted energy....leave that to people who need to blame their misfortune and misery on others instead of doing something about it.
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Round Two.

A sense of ethics.

Of knowing what is right and what is wrong. Knowing that what we do and how we act goes beyond our circle of influence like ripples in a pond. Being able to judge actions without judging people, being able to judge without being judgemental. Holding your head high for what you believe in, not being pulled down to the lowest common denominator of the mob.

This to me is one of the most important pieces of my life.

And a big thank you to everyone who's replied. :)

-plaz out-
Its important to have someone that will listen to you.

I know many people who will physically hear you, but not process what you are saying.

Having someone that actually listens to what you are saying is one of the most important things to me.
my relationship with my girlfriend, my family and my friends. That's it.
That's very well put, plazma, if I could have worded it as well i woulda said something very similar.

one other thing i think is importance is tolerance - of other views, ways of life, appearance, etc.