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What drug has the greatest Euphoria release?

DOHP said:

LSA is the BEST euphoria you can get from any drug. It makes MDMA look like a toy in comparison. I litrally get waves of pure excitment and euphoria where I have to jump up and down and shout with happieness similar to someone who has won the lottery.
I've heard so much about the Morning Glory seed b4, but I dont know where to get them. I'll have to try it sometime.
Ginger Jack said:
I've heard so much about the Morning Glory seed b4, but I dont know where to get them. I'll have to try it sometime.
Well I was refuring to HBWR actually, but either one of the seed contain the same chemicals (give or take a few alkaloids.)

You can find them on any online vender, just google 'buy morning glory seeds / hawaiin baby woodrose seeds'
ive felt like i was 6 yrs old again while on LSD... but the most pleasure ive felt from a drug as 80mg of OC
^^^^^ really, I dont get to happy on Oxy, I mean, I get happy, but nowhere close to the feeling of mdma.
JimiHawK* said:
LSA (in the form of morning glory seeds) gave me the most intense euphoria i have EVER felt in my life for a good 3 hours my first time. It made MDMA/opiates/amphetamine seem like a sugar buzz

But, sadly after numerous tries i have not been able to get back to that place :(
How many seeds did you take?
JimiHawK* said:
LSA (in the form of morning glory seeds) gave me the most intense euphoria i have EVER felt in my life for a good 3 hours my first time. It made MDMA/opiates/amphetamine seem like a sugar buzz

But, sadly after numerous tries i have not been able to get back to that place :(

Yea LSA was very peaceful in the mindset and then my body had the most amazing "narcotic" feeling buzz, like a high dose of hydrcondone but more profound and no apathy/dumbness.

I took 400 seeds my first time, you have to take that many to get a psychedelic dose on LSA.
For me it was DOI. Even more than any of the tryptamines. Waves of peace and tranquility with a veritable energy flowing throughout the body. It feels like a classical phenethylamine psychedelic with a little amphetaminergic energy thrown in. After that, I'd have to say dextromethorphan (or ketamine, but I like dextromethorphan just a wee bit more). I know it is unusual, but dxm has never done anything but help me.
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IForgett said:
ecstacy, then a couple hours in, a fat shot of H. No, it doesnt cancel eachother out, for me at least, it makes me feel beyond euphoric. The best drug combination for the ultimate euphoria. However, the mental effects of the E are greatly diminished, making this a combination to avoid if you care for more than just the way E makes you feel physically.

what in the world is the point of 30mg of MDMA? Thats barely, if it is even at all, a threshold dose.

There are other actives to synergise, and I did say 1-3 tablets.
benzo's and opiate mix does the job for me I love it!
whicn benzo and which opiate gives you the best euphoric effect?
Alephnul said:
ECSTACY - But not what one gets now, ecstacy from Amsterdam circa 1995, look up euphoria in thew dictionary and this should be the entry!!!!
Hell no, ecstacy is much better now than it has ever been, 100+mg MDMA is the norm, and plenty of 200+ pills are going round now. There have been even stronger pills in the 90's but a lot of them were MDA pills, and pills don't come from Amsterdam, they come from Brabant.

Strangely opioids aren't euphoric to me, not even oxycodone or heroine, but a good dose of psychedelics, or a big line of meth makes me rush of euphoria.
caizar said:
whicn benzo and which opiate gives you the best euphoric effect?
Valium and Hydrocodone or oxy are the best mix for me but thats just my self everyones different.
mushrooms, hands down.

next is cocaine and heroin in the same syringe; a speedball!
Opiates are my favorite drug, but they don't give the same kind of euphoria as MDMA. Euphoria is a very subjective thing. Opiates are the peaceful kind of euphoria. The kind where sitting on a mountain top on a spring day with the sun shining and your best friends with you is just perfect. MDMA is more of an energetic, excited euphoria. Very different feelings, but they can both be just as intense.