What drug gave you the best weight loss results


Nov 27, 2022
Hey guys, in your personal opinion. What drug, wether legal or not, or wether marketed for weight loss or not, made you loose weight the most.

Semaglutide without a doubt. I was on dexamphetamine for about a year (therapeutic doses) and didn’t affect my appetite at all
Hey guys, in your personal opinion. What drug, wether legal or not, or wether marketed for weight loss or not, made you loose weight the most.


I'm sure it's already crossed your mind, and I wouldn't recommend touching it, at least not this racemic shit out today, but someone's gotta say it... meth. I dropped a hot 40 lbs. (of muscle 🙄) in 17 days. Nowhere near therapeutic doses lol.
booze. don't do it though. i was always thin when drinking like mad but I was super unhealthy too. if you wanna lose weight, follow diet advice and all that. there's so much of it about now.
for me it was the opposite, when I was drinking I was a fatso.
The drugs that made me really loose weight are the ones you don t want to be addicted to, namely heroin and more recently cocaine. Not worth it for many obvious reasons, plus when you quit you gain all the weight you ve lost and more....
I have two friends on semaglutide right now and they're shedding pounds like crazy, but the side effects sound difficult... like explosive diarrhea and nausea. I wouldn't be able to deal with either of those.
Meth first. But if you can tolerate the lifestyle and have the money, trenbolone and genuine pharma HGH will turn you into a god.

But no drug works without potentially severe side effects.

The only healthy thing that works is diet and cardio. If you live in a city, just bicycle everywhere. I had some sober years back in the day, and used to commute from Brooklyn to Midtown Manhattan on my bike 3-4 days a week. I was in the best shape of my life then. I only stopped that routine as I started to hit the gym again more, got back into boxing, and it was impossible to build muscle.
Just co-signing on the tweak suggestion, can’t beat the Jenny crank diet lol 🤪
Pregabalin and buprenorphine; endless relaxed energy, no appetite loss, no problems with sleep. With good diet and excercise that Combo is really effective.
Over this summer my benzo use ramped up from April-July and I went from 170lbs to 130lbs. Was mostly taking Xanax and when my plug was out I was ordering Bromazolam. My diet consisted of one bag of veggie straws ranch dipped in garlic & herb cream cheese a week and the odd protein shake when I felt like being healthy (lol). Terrible solution to lose weight though and ever since losing the weight I've become somewhat obsessed with self image and before I never really cared.

If you are looking to lose weight I would recommend doing it the natural way. Exercise + diet, if you have problems with emotional eating then a therapist would be a good tool
Vyvanse, Yerba mate is excellent for this as it is scientifically proven to help reduce food intake and they understand the mechanics already behind it. It really works.

Stimulants just aren’t worth it. What I mean is strong ones like D-amp
I have two friends on semaglutide right now and they're shedding pounds like crazy, but the side effects sound difficult... like explosive diarrhea and nausea. I wouldn't be able to deal with either of those.
Not everyone has those sides. Ive had almost no negative side effects besides having to force myself to eat,