• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

What drug/drugs were you researching when you joined?

What drug were you researching when you joined us?

  • Ketamine

    Votes: 189 8.9%
  • LSD

    Votes: 375 17.7%
  • Heroin

    Votes: 343 16.2%
  • Amphetamine/Methamphetamine

    Votes: 355 16.7%
  • Cocaine

    Votes: 236 11.1%
  • Research Chemicals

    Votes: 409 19.3%
  • MDMA

    Votes: 653 30.8%
  • Cannabis

    Votes: 302 14.2%
  • Alcohol

    Votes: 109 5.1%
  • Nicotine

    Votes: 73 3.4%
  • Solvents

    Votes: 25 1.2%
  • Prescription Drugs

    Votes: 713 33.6%

    Votes: 59 2.8%
  • Mushrooms

    Votes: 251 11.8%
  • Steroids

    Votes: 32 1.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 333 15.7%
  • Legal Highs

    Votes: 293 13.8%
  • Inhalants (nitrous, amyl nitrite, etc)

    Votes: 75 3.5%

  • Total voters
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I believe I was researching opiates, specifically percs and vikes, when I first came across the site. I was starting to take a lot and wanted to know what the safe levels of APAP were.

That was years ago and I have since moved to roxys and OCs so I don't have to worry about that silly APAP.
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I just joined looking for OTC speed. I was led to Propylhexedrine via Benzedrex Inhaler at my local Walgreens.

I feel so fucked up. I can't believe some people don't react to this. Ugh. I just wanted to get some sewing done!
I am on 90mg of oxycodone and will be going cold turkey after 4 years. I have Valium 5mg tablets (unlimited supply) and Caffetin (10mg codeine). I also have Ultram/Tramadol but I try and stay away from that crap. How can I use the meds I have to try and combat severe withdrawals?
Ecstasy seems to be a clear winner in this Poll.
I was researching Ecstasy trips etc.
Friend told me about this site along with Pillreports.com so I joined both.
I was looking for some info on K and knew it would be useful when I had questions about research chemicals (specifically 4-AcO-DMT and 2C-I).
That's What's up. Just Doing Hella MDMA Research. The Descriptions People can give are just Mind Blowing. Easily Imaginative by the Reader.
Whats up bluelight world.. I have been researching a little bit of everything on here for over a year now and decided to join.. this board has been a go to spot for anything pertaining to my love affair with opiates of all shapes and sizes :)
i was looking for a 2c-e vendor and a google search led me here; i had heard of this board previously on grasscity after the discussion of drugs (minus cannabis/alcohol) were banned.

i recently received a temporary ban from the City and figured i could use this board to fill that void.

still no closer to a legit 2c-e vendor though....
This Site is not to be used to sell or Buy Drugs of any sort.. Just incase you didn't know that.
^Yet you didn't think that the mods would assume by mentioning how you were looking for a vendor in your post you were hoping one would contact you? 8)
^ya n IF that ever happened, (you were contacted) you proooobably are gonna get robbed anyway :p

Didn't vote, where's the mescaline?
^Yet you didn't think that the mods would assume by mentioning how you were looking for a vendor in your post you were hoping one would contact you? 8)

didn't know there were rules against being honest in what we post.

i didn't say i joined because i was looking for a vendor. i was looking for a vendor and found this site while browsing google search results. i guess i gotta word my shit perfectly to avoid bullshit like this.

gotta love the community you've got here 8)

edit - did i, or did i not, answer the question posed in the thread title?
Don't you just hate the eye rolling smiley 8)

Obviously there aren't rules against being honest, there are just rules about what subjects you aren't allowed to talk about whether your telling the truth or not. One of them is vendors. You could have just as easily not mentioned the fact that you had been looking for a vendor and still not found one. It's really not that hard to word it properly. Just leave it out.

edit - did i, or did i not, answer the question posed in the thread title?
What does that have to do with the vendor? The question could have been "what's your favourite drug" and you could have said the exact same thing and still answered the question.
i love the fuck outta that smiley. ;)

keep splittin' hairs boss, you're pretty good at it.

i didn't ask for a vendor, nor did i say i was using this site for my search.

good day, sir.
I love this one the most 8) Makes me look like I'm being sarcastic and intelligent at the same time. I also enjoy =D=D as it says that yes I can be a cheesedick but I can also be nice. Win win really :)
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