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what does it mean to be an australian?

Pseudo G said:
That is why we should let more refugees in to Australia, cause they appreciate what this great land of ours has to offer more than likes of you.

I don't argee with that.....

If Refugees want to come to Australia, they should apply the same way as anyone else, why should they have the right to jump the waiting list?

Being Australian means we can be bunch of dickheads but we are proud of it. =D
So? why should we waste our tax payer's funds supporting them? I mean... if their country is being bombed.... what can we do about it? we can protest our hearts and souls out... but it won't make any differences.
onetwothreefour said:
pinkness: "it means never having to live in poverty" - i assume you mean this purely for yourself? because i can assure there's plenty of people living in terrible conditions around the country.

a fairly large percentile of students are also actually living below the poverty line too, due to the government's lack of funding for those who actually want to seek an education. it's fantastic.

I don't really see why anybody should live in poverty in Australia. There are government allowances for students (of which I am a recipient), and all of my friends and I seem to be able to get by on that money.

For the unemployed, the government provides unemployment benefits, and my unemployed friends manage to get by on that.

For the elderly, there are old age pensions, and all of the elderly people I know get by on that.

Why should anybody be experiencing times so tough in Australia that they cannot eat?
Urbanhog said:
So? why should we waste our tax payer's funds supporting them? I mean... if their country is being bombed.... what can we do about it? we can protest our hearts and souls out... but it won't make any differences.

Because our tax money is paying for the troops and the munitions that are bombing their countries.

"They subsidise your nightclubs and they subsidise your malls
They herd and brand the masses within painted prison walls
Until your freedom of assembly becomes the missiles they create
Or just mass delusioned dancing to this music that you fucking hate"

- Propagandhi
Originally posted by pinkness
Why should anybody be experiencing times so tough in Australia that they cannot eat?

as far as i'm aware the government makes it very difficult for anyone without a fixed address (ie. homeless people) to receive unemployment or similar benefits. i wish i knew more about the subject, but i guess most of what i "know" is just stuff i've heard...

if anyone knows more/wants to correct me, feel free to add, please :)

...and the government doesn't always provide enough to keep people out of debt.
Yeah - that's true. It's really difficult for non fixed address people (tres pc) to apply for and therefore receive government assistance (i mean hello - i'm sure everyone who's had to deal with centrelink realises how much detail you need to give about EVERYTHING otherwise your application isn't processed. I mean, it puts everyday people off applying because if you don't have payslips/group certificates/whatever then you can't really do much about it, let alone someone who has no official record of their existence for x amount of time.)

Also - another problem which compounds this is the fact that some of people who are homeless or destitute suffer from mental illnesses, which mean that they actually really don't know what information to provide about themselves and might not be very cognizant of their past/important details etc. This is not meant to be a statement dicriminating against homeless people - a guy at my uni has worked with them for like 40 years (he is a mature age student) at mission australia, and this is what he told me...

But to stay on topic...

Australia means to me:

Having great opportunities to be exposed to many different cultures and being able to make up my own mind about how I respond to them.

Being able to get some of the best wine in the world dirt cheap.

Having a temperamental climate which matches my temperamental personality.

Having the best of both worlds in a lot of respects (desert +beach, snow+sun, city+outback)

Being home to one of the best cultural senses of humour (closely followed by english humour). I love Australia's dry, deadpan wit.
You've all got it wrong

Being Australian means having beatroot on you Hungry Jacks burger.

(Fuck HJ's and their horrible advertisements)
Urbanhog, don't fucking drag me back into this thread please? I've already washed my hands of this thread and consoled myself that at least some of the people in this country actually have an allegiance to it.

A religious or politcal refugee is not in the same class as a person that wants to move him or herself and their family here cause they find the animals cute and like sunshine. The consequences for a religious or political refugee to NOT be allowed in is quite likely to be imprisonment or death. The consequences for a person to NOT be allowed in who has applied for permanent visa and what not is they've lost some money and are sad. It's like trying to compare a gun shot wound and a paper cut on equal footing. Economic refugees on the other hand can fuck right off! The reason your country is rooted in the first place is because all the people would rather get up and fuck off than staying there, slugging it out and making a better life for them, their family and their people.

Besides, my main point was if you can save a person and his families life by allowing them into the country, they will be eternally greatful and not a day will pass that they do not thank their god for being able to live here. For people such as those in the early parts of this thread that may have been born here, they just believe that the freedoms and benefits of living in such a great country are something they deserve, don't have to work or sacrafice for and feel no sense of loyalty towards the country that allowed them to have such freedoms and rights.
onetwothreefour said:
Originally posted by pinkness
Why should anybody be experiencing times so tough in Australia that they cannot eat?

as far as i'm aware the government makes it very difficult for anyone without a fixed address (ie. homeless people) to receive unemployment or similar benefits. i wish i knew more about the subject, but i guess most of what i "know" is just stuff i've heard...

if anyone knows more/wants to correct me, feel free to add, please :)

...and the government doesn't always provide enough to keep people out of debt.

I guess you do have some very valid points...

Although the point that I was trying to make is that there are avenues that people in Australia can go through in order to get assistance, where as there are a lot of countries where the majority of the people are struggling to even get enough fresh water to drink and food to eat.

I guess my definition of poverty is not having enough money to even be able to eat properly.
It means singing White Christmas as a child and having no idea what the words are about.
come on guys, there's a refugee thread already...

i'm gonna split the posts in here off, and merge it with that...
You 'n' Jack

killarava2day said:
It means absolutely nothing whatsoever

You've got a jolly-roger.

You live in Melbourne.
Stop fucking with Neighbours.

You'll make me quit smokin'.
Or make me smoke more.
Or something.

Take that flag down.
There's meant to be a red-crossy-white-crossy-thing there.
Okay, not being Australian but having tons of Aussie mates ... the best thing for me is saying to them, with a straight face

goddafukingloidermate *got a fucking lighter mate*

and getting a lighter without ever snigger! I LOVE TO SAY IT !

=D =D =D
preacha said:
Australian means being 'multicultural' while incessantly bitching about how every culture is threatening to kill our national identity.

(on another note, my KFC wont sell bacon and has halal chicken because it's offensive to the muslims in my area.)

being Australian means being in a majority country-wide, yet still being the underdog.
being Australian means being the only white person in your TAFE class
being Australian is waking up and realising that the country your grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for isn't even theirs anymore.

being Australian is a passe concept which needs to be quashed

you got that preacha. i couldnt have put it better myself :(
what being an Australian means....

"AUSSIE water polo player Craig Miller was dragged from the closing ceremony of the Athens Games after pulling his pants down while celebrating centre stage with fellow athletes.

Miller, 32, was grabbed by security staff and rushed from the stadium. "He pulled down his trousers," a Greek official said after bundling Miller away.

The veteran water polo player looked stunned and a little shaken as he was taken away for questioning, his belt hanging loose and his trousers askew.

It was the only sour note during a ceremony in which an exuberant Australian team celebrated the close of their most successful overseas Olympic Games."


what other funny stories have you guys got? I reckon this is absolute GOLD!!!


"...to expose my better parts"

Classy!! A patriotic tear just rolled down my cheek as i hum the national anthem and pay homage to our Kieran, Thorpedo, Cathy et al.. 8)
hahaha thats gold

I didnt even know the olympics were over yet... shows how much I watch TV these days...