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What do you think is a possible future for the world's population?

I have hope. I trust that these future generations will at least try to do something about it.
I see the kids today and noticed they are much more connected to the ambient and politics than I was at their age.

You weren't around in the 60s were you? We were the generation that was going to fix things. We just made more of a mess. This is humanity. Youth always plays the hope/change card until the realities of survival kick in and then it's every man for themselves. I watched it all turn to shit just like I'm watching it now. I hate to be the party pooper but I've studied this hard and looked to history to see what was different and from ancient times till now it's been virtually unchanged as far as the heart of man. No one knows anything for sure but any gambler who makes a living at the game will tell you, you have to play the odds.
My generation is instilled with making peace and all. I honestly think times will change, and the new generations might help perpetuate that.

From day one we are taught to recycle, to care, not to act in violence. When we grow older we are influenced by movements like lgbt, stopping warfare, being diplomatic.

The whole gen seems to be different than that from my parents. My stepfather is a devout republican and feels violence is the settler for violence, my moher is a devout conservative democrat, caring less for enviornment and more for children.

Coffee time.

I'd suggest taking a look at the larger picture. The one outside your circle of scope, friends, family, state and see the real turmoil that is at play in the world.
We here live in a fluffy little cocoon. The precious metal in your cell phone means the death of the mountain gorilla and you will need the updated model in a year or two. From long experience I have concluded there is nothing more ignorant of the realities than youth and the older ones aren't talking due to the shame of their failure to live out their youthful convictions. This is why fathers that have seen the horrors of war will advise their sons to join the fight that settles nothing ever except to make the rich richer.
Absolutely. I have a kushy life compared to people in third world countries. I don't have to carry water from a stream, or depend on my crops growing to provide for myself. I live in a country of capitalism, economical strengh and above all, convenience.

I am incredibly lucky.

But to suggest that this makes a person or a group of people will always be ignorant, I cannot agree with. Thing about reality is that it is all percieved the same, but with different circumstances.

I do the best I can to give myself a sense of ethic, a sense of what others might feel when being forced conserve on a daily basis, and not to volunteer like anyone here in the first world.

I'm not ignorant to hardship in the first world, but I am ignorant to the hardship in the third world. People in third world countries are grown with their conditions, grown with hardship. They're accustomed to it, and I could not hardly take something like they do. But when something bad happens to them, that is all it is. Something bad. If one of their problems happened to me, it might be a disaster. But the common ground is that we feel the same when a change occurs and negatively impacts the circumstances we've grown accustomed to.

Ignorance to the youth today isn't mandatory like it was before.

It is an option.
Ignorance has never been mandatory. That's why a small percentage of humanity has always had eyes open. The information is always there. Most have their ears shut and that is why with all this great computer info most still are living out ignorance.

I'm not saying I know what's going to happen but all evidence for me at least points to continuing this mess until humanity goes bye bye. I'm more than willing to let time tell the tale. Too bad I won't be around in 20 years to see if your opinion has altered. Well it's really not too bad. I don't prefer this.
The danger occurs in people who believe their eyes are open.

As soon as you believe you have opened your eyes to the big picture, it is a personal revelation. But if with the revelation comes a need to dictate over others without compromise, then you have shut them again. 'You' is to be taken as people btw, I respect my elders.

And indeed, my opinion willy probably change. It's nature. By the way, I am sorry for your disease and you have my wishes, but something is telling me that you don't quite want them.
I have so little hope for humanity that it virtually equals out to no hope. My hope is for the complete extinction of humanity. As a bodhisattva full of compassion for the ongoing and immense suffering of a species steeped in ignorance but with great power to do harm I see it as the only way. I wish it weren't so.

I would love to see a mass-extinction event, even if it kills me. Taht would be a wild way to go out. Since you seem to be Bhuddist, extinction is the only hope and would solve the problem of Mandatory Reincarnation.
Absolutely. I have a kushy life compared to people in third world countries. I don't have to carry water from a stream, or depend on my crops growing to provide for myself. I live in a country of capitalism, economical strengh and above all, convenience.

I am incredibly lucky.

But to suggest that this makes a person or a group of people will always be ignorant, I cannot agree with. Thing about reality is that it is all percieved the same, but with different circumstances.

I do the best I can to give myself a sense of ethic, a sense of what others might feel when being forced conserve on a daily basis, and not to volunteer like anyone here in the first world.

I'm not ignorant to hardship in the first world, but I am ignorant to the hardship in the third world. People in third world countries are grown with their conditions, grown with hardship. They're accustomed to it, and I could not hardly take something like they do. But when something bad happens to them, that is all it is. Something bad. If one of their problems happened to me, it might be a disaster. But the common ground is that we feel the same when a change occurs and negatively impacts the circumstances we've grown accustomed to.

Ignorance to the youth today isn't mandatory like it was before.

It is an option.

Great post Nixiam!
I didn't realize you were a mod until now, thank you mister.
I'm not buddhist or anything else. I'm an insane and depressed philosopher at best. The bodhisattva however is a good metaphor for my feelings on this matter. I wish for the end of suffering for all beings. However I won't come back unless I'm dragged kicking and screaming. I've totally had enough of this shit.
The danger occurs in people who believe their eyes are open.

As soon as you believe you have opened your eyes to the big picture, it is a personal revelation. But if with the revelation comes a need to dictate over others without compromise, then you have shut them again. 'You' is to be taken as people btw, I respect my elders.

And indeed, my opinion willy probably change. It's nature. By the way, I am sorry for your disease and you have my wishes, but something is telling me that you don't quite want them.

If you wish for my release then I humbly accept. I wish that for all who suffer.
I cannot wish death upon you, as it goes against my preconception of death. However, you have a right to pursue happiness, and have a right to wish death upon others who want to die. But if I were to want you to die without you wanting or giving me a reason for your death to occur prematurely, then that'd be immoral on my part.

But when my father was ill, I did not ask for him to die, nor did he want to die.

I read your whole, "Fuck you, I quit." thing and I agree, but only if that is what you truly want. I CAN say I want your happiness, then you can take it any way you want.

Wish for death is only moral when laws of morality are violated, or if you yourself do not violate them.
I couldn't wish death upon anyone, but I truly hope for the cessation of suffering. I believe in self-determination, almost beyond all else. Freedom should extend even unto death...

I hope you find peace cosmic trigger. <3
What is your preconception of death?

As for morality I've given that up for lent.

Intended death with disregard for others is immoral. That is my preconceptual idea of death. In any other natural sense is fine, but when the person shows a lack of care for the others around him then I have an issue.

I don't particularly like talking about my family life, but it seems the best example I can draw is exactly that.

My father developed colon cancer at age 15. He was undiagnosed until 21, when I was born. I spent much of my younger years watching him try and hold himself together in a losing battle. He was addicted to painkillers, overdosing once in front of me. He prayed that God would take it away, and of course, he didn't. Might I add that dad was a devout Christian.

Now, when I was 8 turning 9, my grandmother called my family at night to tell us that we needed to come over (parents were divorced when I was five). I had no idea that I'd walk in on my father half naked, laying in his hospital bed. He looked around 5'8 instead of his normal 6'3. His eyes were yellow and cracked slightly. I stared at him like he was only asleep, pressed my head on his chest and still felt warmth, unusual warmth considering he was dead. His friends were around me sobbing uncontrollably.

His death was natural, and while it negatively impacted people around him, it was not his intent. He died of natural cause, cancer.

Had he killed himself, then I could have forgiven him, but even now I blame him for leaving me alone. It wasn't his fault. I cry easily when I see friends with their fathers. It is like everyone has one but me (though I now have a stepfather). His death instilled a sense of mortality in me. Like anything could happen. I am in no way safe, and am in every way in danger.

This demanded my idea of death. He didn't want to die. He cried and cried at the thought. Repeated failed surgeries, experimental drugs, pain 24/7. He wanted to live so badly yet it was ripped from him like a sheet froma bed. He died not knowing if I would remember him.

I hope you have a family that understands, but if you truly want death it is best not to have one at all. I want so badly for you to be well, for your sake and the sake of others around you. However I don't know you or your circumstance, and I will respect ny decision you make simply because I am not inside your head.

Death is bad when arrogance or blindness is at play, but if recognition of the effects it will have without intent to hurt anyone besides yourself, then death is acceptable. But it only does good for one person. If there is an afterlife, that is all you need. Relief, and you can have it anyway you want, just keep in mind others who might care.

What happned to my father was nothing special though. It happens a lot I'm sure. I'm just a pussy so it affected me badly. I only want to live for my family and the slim chance I could make a difference in something. I have only tried to kill myself once via overdose. Fortunately I threw up the xanax before I could down my bottle.

Don't think of me as a pity seeker guys, I got over that stage hence why I discussed so little. Just trying to explain why I feel the way that I do about death.

Actually xanax sounds fucking great right now.
Had he killed himself, then I could have forgiven him, but even now I blame him for leaving me alone.

Thanks for sharing. The above quote is a bit of a mystery to me. So tell me if I'm wrong here. It's ok to commit suicide, what is not ok is to wish death on others that do not seek it. Is that correct? Is that the position you are trying to convey?
Yes, suicide is okay as long as intent of harm to others is absent and any other resolve is not good enough besides suicide. Wishing death on others who do not seek it or are not immoral theselves just seems unethical.