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What do you think drives us to get addicted to the specific drugs we choose?

There's a good book that goes into this, written by a doctor who's life's work has been addiction, withdrawal and detox

He can basically work out someone's neurochemistry based on which drugs they prefer.
My kind of read.
Boredom is commonly mentioned. I was gonna say, "To keep occupied", so that's boredom I guess. I have always gotten into whatever I have gotten into, whether it be Ham Radio, computers in the day, the occult when I was 12, whatever, with a passion. A friend once said that I don't have hobbies, I have obsessions.

Drugs are a complex and multifaceted subject, also addicting on their own. So, there it is.

As with so many peeps, pot ended up being a manageable addiction which didn't ruin my life. So, it stuck. There's also a lot to learn and obsess about with pot as well. Perfect.
There's huge individual variation in how someone responds to specific drugs, I believe those must be linked to individual variations in neurochemistry and other bodily functions. For instance someone like me who reacts in a hyper-sensitive fashion to even a mild stimulant like coffee is hardly gonna end up with a crack addiction.

Circumstances play another big role ; it doesn't take a genius to work out why for instance a heavily traumatised person might turn to substances for escape, or why growing up in impoverished conditions with zero future prospects where life's a pointless drudgery might lead someone to do the same.

Availability, but only to a certain extent.
On the one hand a lot of people wouldn't have tried a lot of drugs if these hadn't been easily available to them - for instance you might not have had enough interest in weed to chase it yourself on the street, but you're happy enough to give it a go on being casually offered a joint by a mate, that type of thing. On the other hand no amount of availability is gonna lead to you doing a ton of some substance you have no interest in or don't like. (I can buy cigarettes legally everywhere and get speed and coke etc offered to me frequently, and don't partake of either.)

You get in trouble whenever you start using a drug to escape life or to just generally cope, because then you come to rely on it. The more of a vital function you think the drug fulfils for you the more you'll get hooked on it. (That was me.)

I already knew I liked the effects of opiates, so I wanted to try heroin. First chance I got I went straight for the needle and I loved it from the first hit. (Some of us have to be ridiculous clichés I guess XD) I certainly would have considered myself addicted before I even got a habit. Why? Because I just LIKED it. Nobody gets addicted to shit they don't like.
Weed for me because it matches and lets me reconnect with my true personality. Lets me easily enter a personal space of imagination that the world seems to want to pull me out of. Lets me control the luxury of my best introspective moments.
Boredom is commonly mentioned. I was gonna say, "To keep occupied", so that's boredom I guess. I have always gotten into whatever I have gotten into, whether it be Ham Radio, computers in the day, the occult when I was 12, whatever, with a passion. A friend once said that I don't have hobbies, I have obsessions.

Drugs are a complex and multifaceted subject, also addicting on their own. So, there it is.

As with so many peeps, pot ended up being a manageable addiction which didn't ruin my life. So, it stuck. There's also a lot to learn and obsess about with pot as well. Perfect.
I can relate. Too bad I got addicted to something that has a 91% relapse rate. I can only hope that I'm within the 9% when I try to give it up. Key word: "try".
If you're using whatever it is responsibly it is only the enjoyment of the substance that compels you to use it. But since you asked about addiction I'm going to assume you meant the darker side of things. For me personally, I've used different substances in an addictive/irresponsible manner at different times in my life because they filled the void of whatever was missing at the time. Cocaine/MDMA/Hallucinogens in high school and college because they gave me confidence and, I felt, helped me discover myself and see a different perspective. I used alcohol and prescription pain killers, that then became heroin, after my son passed away to literally and figuratively kill the pain. Finally I used Methamphetamine to kick heroin but that was trading one problem for another. I'd spent so much time alone after my son's death and then all of a sudden I was out all the time. It felt good for a while. Eventually I wound up doing 10 years in a state prison. I've been out 6 months, picked up meth again after being clean for a year-because I was lonely and tired from work. I'm still lonely, still tired, now I've just got one more thing to deal with. I need to get clean or I know I'll lose what I have. But knowing and doing are two different things.
I never understood how people can ONLY do stimulants. The second I get a stimulants high I am trying to get to the end where i take benzos or opioids to smooth it out.

Anyone pure stimulant users can explain how you can handle those comedowns without downers?
Too broke to afford landing gears lol spend all my money on clear so I never have to comedown then I never even need it lol