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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

What cancelled TV show do you miss the most?

without repeating anything already said:
Profit(lasted about 5 episodes before getting cancelled)
Time Trax
and there was some wierd ass game show for kids where you got to play in a video game or something, i can barely remember it but I never missed it when it was on
GlitchMike said:
without repeating anything already said:
Profit(lasted about 5 episodes before getting cancelled)
Time Trax
and there was some wierd ass game show for kids where you got to play in a video game or something, i can barely remember it but I never missed it when it was on

Nick Arcade! One of my favorite shows.. it's still on NGAS (Nick Games and Sports)

Host- Phil Moore:

sex in the city!!!

i have become addicted to this show and now what am i going to do. my b/f ordered all seasons off his blockbuster mail thing and i have watched all of them... i may start over. (he will not like that b/c he hates the show and will not watch it with me, haha)
aaah, sex in the city. nothing like teaching a new generation of women to be disloyal, self serving, vapid, and vain. why bother improving yourself mentally or spiritually when you can whore around town and go on shopping binges?
^^^ Thank god someone finally said it. I think sex and the city is just as bad as paris and her whore friend nicole. Alllllllll these bitchs need to go down!! (on me)
JerryBlunted said:
aaah, sex in the city. nothing like teaching a new generation of women to be disloyal, self serving, vapid, and vain. why bother improving yourself mentally or spiritually when you can whore around town and go on shopping binges?

^ obviously you didn't watch the show.. that was only one woman... well, carrie did cheat but she wasn't thrown a party for it or anything.
I almost forgot to mention:

Mystery Science theater 3000

thank god torrents are available.
atlas said:
I almost forgot to mention:

Mystery Science theater 3000

thank god torrents are available.

I completely forgot about that show... I'd watch it on Sundays while my parents went to church. :D
Pete & Pete was awesome.

Comedy Central had a lot of great shows that I miss -- Strangers with Candy, TV Funhouse, and That's My Bush. :(
I thought they had :(

this is what happens when your lover doesn't have cable.
^ Yeah, but Futurama still airs on Cartoon Network.

AmorRoark -- we can rest easy! I just found this info:
February 15, 2005

Comedy Central has confirmed season three of reno 911 will debut Tuesday, June 14.
