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What Can Completely Ruin Your Roll???

UltimaWeapon said:
dude, i hear ya on this one lol.

i also hate when ppl tell you sad stories and shit while rolling. im sorry but i really could care less while rolling about anything tragic or bad that has happend to someone.... oh well....8)

- Being in an unfamiliar place
- Not having food... I always get hungry when Im coming up... totally weird. I always carry one munch of food with me when I plan on rolling
- Being separated from my best friend
- Hearing a slow song/ depressing song
- When I know the end of the night is nearing
- Seeing people pass out/OD/fight :(
- Being around people that aren't having a good time, although I will talk to them and I get great satisfaction out of making them feel better :)
I was present to see DJ Tiesto (Chicago) last weekend, and this is what I had to deal with - though admittedly My roll kept on truckin

- Negative Drunks & Fights (Very Scary)
- Driving to the afterparty and essentially getting lost for a few
- Seeing the Sun Rise
- Spending the time with a friend that while rolling, was Negative and Jealous
- Getting Asked literally 20+ times whether I had any *supply*. It was fine the first time, but quite annoying afterwards
- Dealing with people that not only weren't rolling/drunk, but were unhappy
- Having to experience a DJ at the afterparty that didn't even bother to transition his tracks - not to mention playing music insanely slow (Nine Inch Nails). He might as well have been a fucking juke box
- Getting a Charlie Horse from Moving too much!

It was still the best night ever though (thanks to tiesto of course)
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capEr said:
to see tiesto I would go through a lot worse!

hahahaha, I agree. :) (I love love love Tiesto) And don't get me wrong, I wasn't complaining. - I could make a far greater list of positives of the night, on top of TIESTO HIMSELF
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its annoying cuz my best friend is the most irritating girl 2 have around wen 'rolling' (im british...we don't use that term i just call it bein pilled up lol) she's SO loud and she tells every1 that she's coming down or that she's not feeling fucked and constantly asks 'are u fooked are u fooked?' and laughs at us wen we look fucked, even tho she knows wat its like!She still inisists on doing all these things even tho ive told her a million times that no1 wants 2 hear her whinging wen we're pilled up!!

I LOVE driving while peakin i feel like im flying or something and it's fun and wierd trying to work out whether the people in the road are actually people or ur mind tricking u, or whether that bush is a cop car or just a bush haha love it, but ive stopped that now its not worth the risk just leave the car at home now!

Hate the sunrise

HATE HATE the cold

Hate wen every1 starts going home, im always the last one!
when the dj stops playing music, and everyone is "forced" to leave because the "show" is over..... that usually kills it. haha.
When the cops bust up a rave and i'm rolling hard.
Hearing people bitch about how shitty the pills are.
Obsessive Compulsive people.
Cops doing the inside-the-pants scrotum grab.
People who act too fucked.
People who dont know when to shut up (Sounds creul, but yes, I know your rolling! So am I! I dont give two fuckin' shits about the dog you had when you were six! Im tryin' to fuck this chick man!)
Getting jumped in the 88th precinct and dealing with cops and getting a ride in an ambulence. Not fun.
- Hearing music I don't like
- Unorganised friends (fucking around getting ready etc)
- Temperature. Too cold, no good.
- Setting. Being somewhere I don't want to be
- Friends who constantly say "It's not working", or "I'm not having fun"
- Being separated from your group of mates
- Unexpected events (Cops, fights, accidents)
arizona83 said:
- Hearing music I don't like
- Unorganised friends (fucking around getting ready etc)
- Temperature. Too cold, no good.
- Setting. Being somewhere I don't want to be
- Friends who constantly say "It's not working", or "I'm not having fun"
- Being separated from your group of mates
- Unexpected events (Cops, fights, accidents)

wow, these are like some of my top ones, especially that "its not working" one, that pisses me off more than anything.
getting done for 30, then 2 weeks later got done for 3. don't go in town now. the police know my face and will pull me over
Negative people.

Oh god, I got a friend of mine some pills. He wanted to try E for the first time of his life, and he was 20 years old at this moment. I'm 16. I've done ecstasy enough times to know what it's all about to say it like that, even though I'm that young. Anyhow;

His trip started out good. He was really nervous, and I had prepared some tobaco that I had kept in water for a day and dried, I put in some hash and had him to smoke a bawl. (He gets bad nicotine-overdoses as he doesn't smoke regulary) ... He got calmer. Later, he got more and more fucked up, and in the end he was lying in my bed beside me while my boyfriend sat in the footend. My friend just couldn't stop WHINING. Whining about EVERYTHING. I had the best time ever, but he completely destroyed it when I had to sit and tell him nice stuff constantly since he was whining and making himself seem like the biggest and poorest victim ever.

Yeah, poor you, you lost your fucking girlfriend after over two years because YOU cheated on her SEVERAL times. Let it go.

All in all he sounded like my diary-entries from when I were 14. "I want to die, there's no one who cares about me" stuff. YES, I am serious. It was the shit. At least we had a good amount of pills, so I got through it. *sneeze*
One time i was rolling pretty hard having a great time with a few friends. We invited a few girls that were my firends over(they don't mind but have no diea what rolling is or is like) and when they got there one was very upset. I asked why she was upset and she took me aside, told me her friend died and showed me a news paper, the headline read Was about a man who killed his two sons, his wife and then himself. My heart dropped and i've never felt such remorse. I couldn't be happy the rest of the night
For me it's seeing young kids rolling their ass off, people getting carried away in stretchers and the sun of course. I also hate it when people can't keep their fucking hands to themselves... sometimes I get so angry I actually feel like becoming violent, but I know it'd only end up fucking with my roll.
desperate people who just want to get laid. they look like fiending junkies, and i get the vibe worse when i'm high.