What Are You Listening To Today?

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I have the full Analord series by AFX (Aphex Twin)
I used to want at my funeral The Doors - The End but the day I heard this track I changed my mind, imho this is some of the best work ever done by Richard, it is that kinda Aphex sound that is aliens landed & asked to hear the planets best music you would select this.

I rate the Analord Series more than the Come To Daddy EP & even the stuff he did as Caustic Window!!!
All the American early 20's lot that go to Burning Man & think they know his music are thinking "Who is this Caustic Window? No remixes of Come To Daddy huh?" And you lot wonder why the English hate you!!!!

"Things I don't remember...There was cum on the piano."

Such a random, but brilliant lyric. Isaac Brock is a genius after all.

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