• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

What are you grateful for ?

I'm grateful that I lived long enough to find myself. I feel so shitty for my friends that died so young. 25 is just a baby man. Dying at 18 is just unfathomable they didn't even grow up yet. I'm 36 now and I am so fucking grateful I survived. I'm grateful I had this site for the information but also the support. I felt so alone at 25. Without this place I don't think I would be here today.

I'm also grateful I fell in love. Love cures the demon
My mom, my dogs, having found a nice place to live, many good memories that overshadow the bad ones (which might be just a choice). The fact that if I were to die today I could say "I had a good life, and I lived it my way"
Realizing my self worth and being strong enough to walk away from an emotionally abusive narcissist.
Over the past few months I would make excuses or blame myself when I did nothing wrong
For real
Everything is a paradox no difference.
But it kinda resets my buggy brain when I need it.
Specially if overwhelmed by life circumstances.
Grateful of enjoying life and not feeling depressed.these last 4 years have been a nightmare being on methadone, benzos, pregabalin, antipshycotics and ssris. Now only on 60mg methadone and a very little antipsycotic dose to sleep( clothiapine you dont have it I think)
Grateful that I begin to sleep after these 4 years of wild insomnia
Thank you life!!
I am grateful for my family, my girlfriend who is amazing and for the bluelight community who got me through heroin withdrawals.

currently being clean since the 16th of May.

I am a bit sadden that I couldn't also quit weed due to sleep issues
Once again, very thankful to live in a place where I feel good and free and where I find all kinds of mostly friendly people who care about helping me with my unconventional ideas because they, too, have to find unconventional solutions for everyday issues.
Also, again, to be owner of my own time.
I'm grateful for lot of other things, but for today that's it.
Once again, very thankful to live in a place where I feel good and free and where I find all kinds of mostly friendly people who care about helping me with my unconventional ideas because they, too, have to find unconventional solutions for everyday issues.
Also, again, to be owner of my own time.
I'm grateful for lot of other things, but for today that's it.
Thats too much!!!
I'm thankful for my friends and family, those who have stuck around for the good times as well as the bad times. I'm thankful for every person or acquaintance that has crossed my life path, cause I believe everybody who comes into our lives does so for a reason. I have much to teach and much to learn.

I'm thankful for my struggles and every bad thing that's happened to me, because they've built my character and strengthened my resolve.

And last but not least, I'm thankful for my enemies, because what would life be if we all just got along all the time? Boring!