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What Are You CRAVING v. I wanna be sedated

LSD, MXE, GHB, (ALL SEPARATELY, as per my recent trip report/experience lol) and anything I haven't tried xD
Some sort of opiate. My friend from work offered to give me her old script without me mentioning anything. She was sick with what I have and knows I am hurting. Oh god, I haven't taken opiates in almost 9 months... a couple more days will be 9 months. I might just decline and continue to put up with ibuprofen and weed.
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a heart attack worthy shot of any stimulant. cocaine or ritalin in mind

now that i think of it, morphine could be added to the mix too
A lotta' Heroin.

Kitty; if we ever get that BL meetup, 'interesting' is a sure thing. =D
A big shot of heroin!!! I have the h...I just gotta save it for tomor and split it in two. Sad times!

...actually, a speedball. Hell yeah.
Love to have some cannabis edibles or some hash.

Iv also been craving a trip lately, some Ketamine and MDMA would be pretty damn awesome atm.
MDMA. Was thinking about buying some with a few friends for a big ass house party tomorrow but i think I'm gonna wait till i go to either a psytrance event or a reggae night, maybe in a few days.
IV cocaine!!!!

I've been obsessing about it but my girl is on probation and I don't wanna bring it around her, WAY to tempting for her. She gets drug tested randomly a few times weekly. So hard not to cop though because my neighbor sells it(not the best quality, but it's always 50 feet away fro me!!! AHHHH!)

I guess I gotta look at the bright side, at least it's saving me loot!!! Right!? Tryna look at the bright side here! Lol
Good Erik! We cheer you on.

I crave instant sleeping ability.

Drug wise, I crave hydromorphone, its been so long since I've had more than 2-4mg.
Thanks man!
I also crave instant sleep ability. I still can't sleep properly. Hardly 3 hours per night.
I get roughly 5-6 hours of interrupted/inconsecutive hours. About enough to get by, as I flourish on 150% of that amount.

Right now craving my friend to hit me up and throw me the full amount of amp she promised... I have enough left for one night, then its back to ephedrine :|
@Erik Props on keeping up the good work.

Getting all these Dr.'s appts over with, maybe finding something out for once, that'd be nice.
In the meantime a fat shot of some sort of Opiate, probably one of my old favorites if possible.
Heroin + Dilaudid or Opana for a better rush, that & just a touch of Cocaine also for the rush.
Not enough to get at all wired, just a smidge of C for the rush, though good C is pretty mellow in low doses.
@Erik Props on keeping up the good work.

Getting all these Dr.'s appts over with, maybe finding something out for once, that'd be nice.
In the meantime a fat shot of some sort of Opiate, probably one of my old favorites if possible.
Heroin + Dilaudid or Opana for a better rush, that & just a touch of Cocaine also for the rush.
Not enough to get at all wired, just a smidge of C for the rush, though good C is pretty mellow in low doses.

I know. Memories are still so vivid. :\
DMT. My sister who never really fucks with psychedelics besides this one time on acid o_O texted me yesterday asking me to do DMT with her when we go to this music festival/four day camping festival next month. She said we should go to a secluded area and try it together (I have already done it but she hasn't). She said I am ready for spiritual enlightenment and connectivity. I honestly do not know how to feel about this and not sure if I should just let her do it... or worried it might be too much for her. Maybe I am just an overly worried/protective sister. Hmmm, but doing DMT with my best friend in the whole world might be one hell of an experience.
Im craving some type of benzo and some opiate. Seriously anything im out of everything. Even one tiny hit of some weed will make me happy right now, ive had a terrible week worst of my life and nothing to bring my up besides this fat extendo blunt me and my squad smoked yesterday.