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What age did you first use?

I first drank when I was 13. Started smoking around 14, was a pack a day smoker by 15. Weed I got into quite heavily around 14 but then gave up less then a year later. Tried getting into it again multiple times after that but never worked out for me.

MDMA, MDA, LSD I would have first used around 15-16. Opioids I began at 15. Methamphetamine at around 16. Ketamine around that same age or maybe a year later.

I definitely used drugs a lot during my teenage years, and I wish I hadn't. I feel as if I have long term problems resulting from them that could have been avoided had I used in moderation and been more sensible. But I have a self-destructive personality that's hard to shake...
Was fairly conservative and close minded towards drugs until age 15 where for the life of me, I cannot remember why I started smoking cannabis. One thing led to another, and shortly enough I'm on erowid everyday filling my brain with information about every chemical. Around the age of 17 - 20, I had a problem with opiates and stimulants. It's only recently that I've begun using psychedelics more often, and more or less stopped all the "hard" drugs except for once in a blue moon. All in moderation ;)

EDIT: Age timeline I was introduced to substances -
15 - Cannabis and Salvia
16 - Tobacco and Alcohol
17 - MDMA, Opiates (Morphine, Heroin, Tramadol, Oxycodone, Codeine), Methylphenidate, Amphetamine, DXM
18 - Psychedelics (LSD, Mushrooms)
21 - Nothing new recently, just more RC psychedelics.
Looking forward to meeting MXE, Ketamine and DMT in the near future.

Have a decent amount of experience under the belt, but still far from an experienced psychonaut, but alas plenty of time to catch up ;)
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Damn whaata life but some people are more crazy! What's your DOC? Mines crystal meth..
12- Alcohol and cigs
13- weed
14- shrooms
15- ecstasy
17- heroin and meth
14 - Alcohol/Weed/Caffeine
15 - Tobacco/LSD/Amphetamine Sulphate
16 - MDMA/Cocaine/Crack Cocaine/Nitrous
17 - Morphine
20 - Methamphetamine (powder/base)/4MARR/Diazepan/GBH/PMA/Valium
23 - MDEA/MDA/Ketamine/Methamphetamine crystal (Today's ICE)
26 - 2c-b/2c-e/2c-i/BZP/Tfmpp/Nitrite
30 - Mephadrone/Methylone (BK-MDMA)/MDPV/MDAI

I'm going on 34 in 2012. I haven't had any interest thus far to try opiates as I've had several operations and Morphine is just way too good. I could see myself having a problem if I went down that path...

I've always respected the drugs I chose to take and have breaks for a good 3 months every now and then and in return I haven't had any ill-adversed effects to my day to day life.I have a successful career and own several properties which goes to show that you can have your cake and eat it too.:D
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21-Ketamine, mescaline, acid, morphine, valium, ritalin, adderall, meth, salvia, ghb, Oxycodone
22- 2ct7, 2cb, foxy... Done with designer psychedelics, what else is out there?

Oh and finally 23 - Heroin.

I guess weed is a gateway drug ha?
yeh stay away from the EP footsy its bad stuff! glad to her it didnt do any serious damage!

I've had a couple of bouts of nasty chest pain and mysterious lower back pain, it's not healthy!

Hell yes I would do it the same if I had the chance! I'm sure I'll regret the super early cannabis and amphetamine/mdma abuse from an early age but fuck me all the good times I had in the process make it all worthwile :)

Kidney pain is often mistaken for lower back pain, keep your hydration up! Ill need to steal a kidney off you one day.
I've always respected the drugs I chose to take and have breaks for a good 3 months every now and then and in return I haven't had any ill-adversed effects to my day to day life.I have a successful career and own several properties which goes to show that you can have your cake and eat it too.:D

I can eat all the cake I want as long as it doesn't contain opiates......consarnit.
14-15 weed

16 cocaine, lsd, amphetamine, MDMA

17 ketamine, shrooms, codeine

18-20 loads of 2c's, 5-meo's, 4-ho's, 4-aco's, bromodf, heroin, oxy, hydro, dihydrocodeine, piperazines, loads of benzos, cathinones, jwh's, mxe, 4-meo-pcp, DMT..... the list goes on and on and on.

am currently 21 and have got 5-meo-mipt in my arsenal. at 21 the new things i can remember i've tried is, xanax, temazepam, DPT, 5-meo-dmt, crack, MPA... i'm sure there's more i've forgotten.
I was quite a late bloomer ...

16 Alcohol
19 Diazepam (which lead to addiction)
22 Pot

Aaand aaall the other stuff, I cannot remember :\
14 - alcohol
15 - weed
16 - valium, mushies, ecstacy
18 - speed, LSD, K, nangs, n02
23 - cocaine

Im 26 now and i have no desire to try any other type of drug! I only smoke bongs, no more chemicals for me.
Alcohol -13
Marijuana - 15
Ice - 15
Mushrooms - 16
LSD - 17
Speed -17
MDMA - 17
Benzo's - 18
All the RC's - 18
Cocaine - 18
Ketamine - 18
MDA - 20
Heroin - 22

None of which i use regularly anymore
14- Cigs, alcohol, mary jane
15- Methylone, MDMA, xanax, LSD
16- Recently turned 16 looking forward to trying some shrooms. Ketamine, cocaine, DMT, and certain RC's sound very tempting to try to me, however I fear starting too many things too soon.
^ You got your whole life ahead of you to take drugs, many around here, including myself, can tell you about the drawbacks of starting drugs at a young age.

A little bit of weed and alcohol in moderation at 16 years old probably isn't the worst thing you could do to yourself but I really would procrastinate taking the hard drugs and RC's. Watchout with the MDxx chemicals too, those must be shocking for a growing brain.
I started young and went hard and was lucky to come out alive.

Glad i got my shit together at 23 (4 months rehab got me off mainteniance and out of bad scenen). which was stilll very young. Still a naughty boy but learnt some invaluable lessons - such as you don't need try and smoke all the weed in the world as fast as you can. It's a fuckin epic tree that will be still winning long after I'm dead... no need to go at hyperspeed with anything.

Also can't help wondering how smarter/physically bigger I would have been if i started at 20 instead of 13.

Anyways too late for regrets just gotta keep positive and be the best human being you can be then reward yourself with drugs if you have enough discipline.....

RIP KIm jong-il..

6 - Tobacco - My step brothers stole a packet of smokes from my dad, Didn't really like them at all.
8 - Alchohol - Mum gave me a sip of her wine, again tasted bad so I wasn't to keen, although this didn't stop me drinking enough to vomit at my dad's second wedding when I was 11.
13 - Weed, LSD, Tobacco - Smoked cannabis for the first time with my oldest step brother and never looked back :) Began smoking in school and also began drinking and smoking pot on the weekends, looking back I'm amazed I could drink that much, although those early days of smoking were paramount to me forming a large habit. Attended my first bush doof with family (mother and sister) and a good mate, ended up trying LSD (1 microdot) for the first time and had an amazing bonding experience with my family, friend and the older doof crowd I was starting to hang with.
14 - Mushrooms, Dexamphetamine, Amphetamine, Benzo's (Valium), Opiates (Coedine, Heroin - In pill form and sold as an E) numerous E's (some containing MDMA, lucky for me) MDMA (Caps, Powder) - First mushroom hunt and experience with same friend that I tried LSD with for the first time. Once again an amazing experience and a life changing event. Started on dexo's when my friend's ADHD brother gave us some of his pills, but I found them boring. Heroin experiene was terrible, I was caught of guard, was drunk to boot and got tackled into a tree when the cops showed up, splitting my leg open. Of course I didn't feel this till the morning and now I have a brutal scar :( Also began attending doofs on a regular basis and began my journey with LSD, shrooms, MDMA and E's (more so LSD and Shrooms than MDMA, it was a rare pleasure). Tried Valium (snorted) and Coedine but again wasn't to fussed on them
15 - Methamphetamine, Salvia, Cocaine - Salvia, WOAH! Tried with a mate, became the couch, good times :) First and last time with meth, Saw my friend snap another friends arm at the elbow while in a meth rage, turned me off the drug for good. Tried coke for the first time but found the price and short duration to be not my thing, although I enjoyed the experience.
16 - DMT - First time I didn't seem to get a high enough dose as it was packed in the bottom of a cone. Second time was about 30 seconds of flying followed by 30 minutes of everything being sharp. Bad set and setting and to this day I think it may have been something else :(

At this point I moved from the NNSW coast to Brisbane due to family issues and lost touch with the doof scene :(

18 - Ketamine - Tried K for the first time while on 4 tabs of LSD, was a surreal and slow trip. I'm very keen to try it on it's own, although the addiction potential does worry me.
19 - Synthetic Cannabis - I didn't really enjoy this stuff as much as the real thing, although the stories I hear sound very interesting :) Shame it's banned now :(
20 - Here I am today. At this stage I only use psychedelics (LSD, Shrooms) and cannabis regularly with MDMA (Caps, powder) being the rare treat. I try to avoid E's as I've been roughed up a lot, but whe good ones come my way I will grab them :) I'm also very interested in trying DMT again in a better set and setting with no doubt as to purity as well as K andthe 2-C family which I have yet to meet.

Overall going hard early did affect me, but I stopped drinking regularly when I found psychedelics and was never big on opiates etc, so thankfully I don't feel my development was affected negatively. In fact I think my discovery of psychedelics at a young age combined with being part of and taught responsible use and harm reduction by the doof crowd helped with my development. So that's me, a bit of experience but still just starting my journey :) I am however sad that I missed the RC days on the net as it seems to be dying with all the new laws :(
18-cwe codeine & poppy tea
20-benzos & dxm
21-heroin (first time 2 days ago) the best
In my opinion I started way too early but I wouldnt have got to try most of this stuff if id left it until later and I have no regrets, my psychedelic experience is something I wouldnt trade for the world, one of my 2C-T-7 trips was just out of this world, my hard drug experience could have waited and now I mostly use heroin out of convenience, LSD and other drugs ilike GHB, ket would be much preferred but they just arent around like they used to be or I just dont know the right people. Most of these drugs are great and id still use them at the right occasion but they all need respect, without respect they become much more powerful than we give them credit for IME.

EDIT: Things have changed so I've updated in a new post.
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12-Cannibis-bumpuffed a few joints at 13 didnt get properly stoned until i was about 16
17-MDMA, First pill was a white skippy in 2005 was mind blowing and fucked me up soooo good wish i had of waited until brain was more developed
19-edible speed, dexies,2c-b,ketamine,
21-Meth, xanax, valium
Alcohol: 13
Weed/DXM/Amphetamine/Benzos: 17
Tramadol/Poppy Pod Tea/Mushrooms/Buprenorphine: 18
Bromo-Dragonfly/4-meo-PCP/Oxycontin/Meth/Heroin: 19
Methadone/Fentanyl/Talpentadol/MDPV/Methoxetamine:20 (long period of pain management for nerve damage)
2c-c/e/4-aco-DIPT/GBL: 21