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Opioids We need 300 more people for a Bluelight research survey!


Executive Director
Staff member
Mar 12, 2002
Have you ever used hydrocodone IR combination products?

The Inflexxion research organisation makes an annual donation to help keep the Bluelight community running. Bluelight and Inflexxion have worked collaboratively on research surveys for 6 years now. We have published a paper together in the peer-reviewed journal Substance Use and Misuse. We review Inflexxion's surveys internally before their launch. We are proud of our ongoing collaboration with Inflexxion and we look forward to another successful survey in 2015.

But, we can only do that if you are prepared to contribute. While this decision should be entirely your own, Bluelight recommends you take the time to consider participating.

COMPLETE SURVEY on the progression of hydrocodone combination product use

This survey is:
- open to all of the Bluelight community, including people who just read our content, regardless of your drug use status
- anonymous - no IP addresses collected, no identifying information asked
- 10-20 minutes long
- approved by a university ethics committee

This survey follows on from last year's survey which was the first Bluelight-Inflexxion survey to inquiry about hydrocodone combination product use. The results of that survey can be found here.

Please do not use your browser’s ‘back’ and ‘forward’ buttons to move through the survey. Use the ’next’ button at the bottom of the survey page to advance forward in the survey. You will not be able to go back to previous questions.

We welcome comments on any aspects of these survey below. We will ensure that any concerns are brought to the attention of the Inflexxion research team.
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only took a few mins, i encourage y'all to complete this anonymous survey.
Hi everyone. I've just posted on The Front Page in an appeal to gather some more participants for this survey, as we are not anywhere near our target of 500.

If any of you have even once used hydrocodone IR, and have a spare 5-10 minutes, please consider completing this survey as an indirect method of donating to keep our community running.

Thanks for your help :)
how short are we of our target # of participants?

come on guys hydrocodone is basic shyt, pretty much all prescription drug users have done it....
Maybe put an appeal as a regular thread? Something about needing 300 more people? People kind of bypass the stickies a lot. I know I rarely glance at them cause they are just kind of always there. Sort of like the technique they teach in marketing to change signs often because people become accustomed and don't "see" them anymore.

And with the traffic here in OD (and I would put one in BDD too), all the people who mention starting on norco or Vicodin , you should surpass your goal in a day!!
tricomb, any chance your mod team can bump this thread up daily for a few days and see if it helps? (after unsticking it)
I just wanted to say that I completed this survey as a way to quasi contribute back to blue light.

I am not a big time poster but I have been a heavy lurker for many years. Blue light has provided me much entertainment, information and harm reduction over the years. It's nice to be able to give something back / help support things (even though taking this survey is probably a miniscule amount of support, but its support nonetheless)

I am not looking for a pat on the back or anything (though a cookie would be nice :p ). I am just trying to encourage others as this was a quick and painless survey.

I hope you reach your goal.
Thank you for your contribution MDPV_Psychosis :)
Tronica, I noticed you changed the title...I still think you would get more responses if you UN-stickied this thread and let it fall with the regular threads for a few days. People tend to not look at the stickies unles they are look for a particular something.

Just my opinion...I would try it also the same way in Basic Drug Discussion if possible (not as a sticky). I'm just trying to help :) I did do your survey. I just really think ppl don't notice the ever-present sticky but do look at the new threads.
Tronica, I noticed you changed the title...I still think you would get more responses if you UN-stickied this thread and let it fall with the regular threads for a few days. People tend to not look at the stickies unles they are look for a particular something.

Just my opinion...I would try it also the same way in Basic Drug Discussion if possible (not as a sticky). I'm just trying to help :) I did do your survey. I just really think ppl don't notice the ever-present sticky but do look at the new threads.

Totally agree with you. Was asking the forum mods to do but now I have done :) BDD if I get a moment.