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Was this a sign from God?


Jul 26, 2015
Okay... so I overdosed on Xanax and Opana a few years back. I was unconscious to the point that the paramedics had to give me a shot of Narcan. I was bought to the hospital and early the next day I left. My buddy comes to pick me up with a group of about four or five people. On the way to Walmart my friend starts telling me how I need Jesus in my life. I tell him I will believe when I get a sign and all that typical non-Christian drivel. So, we walk into Walmart about ten minutes later. As we're shopping, a VERY old lady walks directly to me, without even looking at the four other people I was with. She hands me a slip of paper and says "God told me to give this to you." On the paper, I kid you not, there is a man waking up on a hospital gurney from a drug overdose, and above that in big, bold writing there is caption that says: "Back from the dead? Here is a message from Jesus." The pamphlet went on to explain who Jesus is and quoted some bible verses.

What do you think about this? Coincidence? Message from God? I shy away from it being a coincidence. But I don't know if I'd go as far as to call it a message from God.
Could have been an opportunist.
Were you still wearing hospital wrist ID bands and/or other signifiers that you'd just checked out (of hospital)?
^Old lady with drug OD pamphlet waiting in walmart for someone that looks like they just got out of a hospital after a drug overdose, common you think?
Would have been believable had it not quoted the bible. That book is so full of nonsense that I'd be very suspicious of a god quoting passages from it. I'd probably try to stay away from that god.

What did your friends think of it? What did you think of it? I mean, by the sound of it, quite a coincidence, no? Are you Christian now?
Maybe one at Macdonald for people that attempt suicide?

You should always be slow to hook up coincidences. But it's OK to keep an open mind. I'm only here on BL after about 2 years of similar coincidences but I'm still holding out on declaring myself sane, basing a life decision on coincidence just seems insane to me to begin with.

If there is a God and he wanted to get your attention he could. Regardless how many coincidences occur the ball is always in your court, you obviously have some religious background, I'd suggest find someone you know and talk with them. Us strangers can be ruthless and give random advise.


Pretty sure it's coincidence. Paramedics saved your life, not Jesus.

Btw, God killed all the eldest boys in Egypt after MAKING the Pharoah's heart stubborn, to show he means business.

He could have just gone down himself, but noooo.

I swear Moses was an auditory schizophrenic.
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Ooooouh, the S-Bomb. 8o

Maybe every auditory schizophrenic is a Moses. ;)
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I knew my spelling looked off!

Thanks for that.

Good one btw.
I think, as Lands Unknown said, you need to learn how to connect with God as a force or an energy. Then you won't need any signs. But this usually takes some time to develop.
Way I see it is you asked for a sign and you got one. Thats how I would interpret it. Otherwise, it is a silly thing to ask for. Asking for something, getting it, then saying it wasn't what you asked for is the alternative, and that makes less sense to me. That's why I rarely engage in divination of any kind. I don't ask for signs I won't agree to receive. I rarely ask for anything concrete. You have to believe you are getting answers, otherwise I got no idea how that is helpful. careful what you ask for. You get it. Magic is not for me. Guidance is. If I knew what it meant, what I wanted, what signs mean then I wouldn't be confused. It's simple really, just there is a tendency to make it complicated.

So anyways, ask me, you got your answer. Do you know what it means? Probably not. Is what you get what you think it is? Doubt it. you got some words. Words aren't truth. Truth is.
*someone attacks levels and levels spartan kicks them like a boss*

I have to agree. Well said.
it can't be a sign from god as god does not exist. simple :)

A form of Alchemy teaches there is a spark of God or consciousness in all matter which can act out and show you things in life. Like random events that teach you things or demonstrate something for you. I don't remember the word for it right now.

But it's like a reflection of you and arranges situations for you. If you get too arrogant it brings you down. And it can give you warnings if you're observant.
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You don't have to be hung up on Christianity to take it as a sign. It's the underlying message, not the form that matters. I've been handed similar pamphlets before, with stories about people waking up after car accidents and such. Maybe you looked like you had been through the ringer?

It's fun when life is synchronous like that :)
someone attacks levels and levels spartan kicks them like a boss*

Lol, there you go Nix doing that thing you do that makes me laugh but kinda distorts the picture too. I suppose I've become a bit jumpy lately and you picked up on that. There's a lot of fighting in this sub-forum these days. If we're calling them kicks now, can we at least agree to call them love kicks?

These questions are important to people. I've struggled with them a lot. Other people have too. Probably not doing justice to the topic.

Synchronicities are the most primal level of experience for interacting with the world in my way of seeing it. We get to decide for ourselves whether the universe has meaning or is meaningless and the levels at which that meaning resides. The development of language is a meaningful synchronicity to an infant, no? I'm cognizant of how people have distorted this impulse throughout history. I'm sensitive about the ways in which I'm doing this too, I know I'm a hypocrite at times. I really like to think this isn't about winning a debate and getting sweet satisfaction.

I like to think we are being guided. That's what life teaches me. Certain life choices help us find this guidance more quickly. Christ is a symbol for that. So is Buddah or whatever word you're using when it aligns with higher meaning. They're all going to come rushing in if you open yourself to that IME. Welcome to my world and the world of others on this forum.

You don't have to be hung up on Christianity to take it as a sign. It's the underlying message, not the form that matters. I've been handed similar pamphlets before, with stories about people waking up after car accidents and such. Maybe you looked like you had been through the ringer?

It's fun when life is synchronous like that

Foreigner, love your outlook man. I love it when someone says it better and love the love. Thanks for being here <3

I've experienced several shocking synchronicities.

I never really know how to take them.
I would say that it is most likely a coincidence

Take it as a sign that you need to connect with the physical world and other people more often, so that you would not find occurrences like this to be messing with your mind.

The more you go out and socialise and experience the world, the more you will move away from silly thought patterns about messages from God guiding your life.

Guide your own life!