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☠ WARNING ☠ Warning: Mislabeled Batch of 2C-B-Fly That Has Caused Deaths

while diluting 10mg of the batch i inadvertently inhaled a small amount of the chemical and i am now very much off baseline, i had a feeling this might happen and the fact that i take selegiline at 5mg/day only makes my body even more sensitive to this ultra potent chem...

i suppose its telling that it took me ten minutes to spell inadvertently

Due to the fact that you've taken selegiline in combination with an unknown amount of bromo dragonfly (selegiline and phenethylamines being a notoriously bad combo), I would honestly advise you to remain very alert and ready to seek medical attention immediately if things start to get out of hand.

I'm not attempting to alarm you, but the situation could become serious. Best of luck, and I sincerely hope that you don't have any serious problems due to this situation.
while diluting 10mg of the batch i inadvertently inhaled a small amount of the chemical and i am now very much off baseline, i had a feeling this might happen and the fact that i take selegiline at 5mg/day only makes my body even more sensitive to this ultra potent chem...

i suppose its telling that it took me ten minutes to spell inadvertently

Any updates on your condition???
Yikes. Hopefully hamhurricane isn't responding because whatever precautions he's taken mean he's away from a computer. Anyone who knows him or knows someone who knows him should probably attempt contact just in case.
I have to say I'm disappointed with bluelight's "coverage" of the event, especially for a website that takes pride in being a harm-reduction, not just a drug discussion website. I ended up getting the news through another forum that I rarely visit and only then found a thread about it here despite having the habit of visiting BL often...
BL had a thread about this pretty much as asoon as it became known. Not everyone doesnt check stickies, i mean they are right up top. All you had to do was read the title.

Putting it on the front page would only bring more attention to the already huge RC scene. We kept it in PD because thats where most of the "researchers" hang out.

It was also posted about on pretty much every forum and Erowid.

I sorta agree with Blador there about how prevalent this should be. I'd agree with it being on front page, or hell somehow incorporated into the banner bar on the top even.

see my response to Blador

Yikes. Hopefully hamhurricane isn't responding because whatever precautions he's taken mean he's away from a computer. Anyone who knows him or knows someone who knows him should probably attempt contact just in case.

Ill see if i can find out how he's doing. Im sure he's just away from the computer and will be back in a couple days with the story.
I'm fine! sorry if i worried anyone, its very easy to inhale small quantities of fine fluffy powders when scooping them out of a bag, if done under the correct lighting conditions you can see how many motes of crystal are sent into the air when opening a ziplock of almost any chemical. i simply posted to say that i was off baseline (pupil dilation, stondedness, slight enhancement of visual acuity etc.) from just handling the powder whilst on a MAOI (hardly surprising when a substance is active at 200µg and selegiline tends to make most PEAs at least 3x their normal potency - meaning i would only have to ingest something like 50µg for threshold effects)

peace and thanks for your concern
^Oh, good! When you said it took you so long to type "inadvertently" I figured maybe you hit the handle of a little chem scoop and catapulted it into your face or something!
Yeah I pictured similar to what psoodonym mentioned. Because I'm thinking huffing this stuff would be a bad idea.

That does, however, prompt the question? Smokeable? If I drop .1ml of my solution I have 100ug in a vaporizer... could it work? Or does it die too quickly.
BL had a thread about this pretty much as asoon as it became known. Not everyone doesnt check stickies, i mean they are right up top. All you had to do was read the title.

Putting it on the front page would only bring more attention to the already huge RC scene. We kept it in PD because thats where most of the "researchers" hang out.

It was also posted about on pretty much every forum and Erowid.

I agree BL, was on top of this from the beginning.
Yeah I pictured similar to what psoodonym mentioned. Because I'm thinking huffing this stuff would be a bad idea.

That does, however, prompt the question? Smokeable? If I drop .1ml of my solution I have 100ug in a vaporizer... could it work? Or does it die too quickly.

I dont know if it can be smoked, but it sounds like a really bad idea to me. Smoking a substance can be several times more powerful than eating it. And given this particular substance I think you should avoid doing that. Sounds way too risky to be administering this drug by a route with (possibly) greater bioavailability than the oral route.
Ingested approximately 350 ug of the B1-batch in the hopes of further testing its potential, particularly in light of delsymfan's recent experiment and TR, which seemed to indicate that this substance had some promise. 300 ug ingested about 90 min ago, with an ~50 ug booster after 45 min. Although normally I would have started at a lower dose, I'm feeling adventurous, and have it on good authority that ~200 ug from this batch was an active, but not very powerful, experience.

As of right now, some mild effects are being noted, but owing to long time span of the come up, its hard to judge at this stage what is an effect of the substance vs. pleasant anticipation. Effects at this time include a tendency to have ones thoughts derail, as w/ other psychedelics, and a pleasant mood lift and inclination to talk/type, reminiscent of the lightest of amphetamine stimulation. Will update as effects progress in the next couple hours.
Yesterday I dosed a lower dose for my second experiment. 200ug. As somebody suggested, my last trip may have been hindered by tolerance since it was starting right after I came down from shrooms.

So to further feel out the field I took 200ug at 8:45 AM yesterday. Energy buzz felt at T+3:15, General mood uplift and positive energy felt. Visuals, although they were very very mild, appeared at T+6.5hr. Mostly just a soft glow over things. By about T+14hr I felt baseline. However energy persisted.

I stayed out with friends until almost 5 AM and honestly I think I yawned once. I wasn't hyper, just completely normal yet alert. It was a neat sensation of just being normally awake without being tweaked.

Took 1mg of xanax at T+21hr and fell asleep for 8 more, felt great next day.

In conclusion my next dose is likely a dose of 350, after hearing more of Mr. Tambourine Man's trial. I personally want to get into a real trip now.
OK, at T 03:30 this stuff is definitely active, though since I have no PEA experience there is not a lot I can compare it to. Trailing, definite CEVs present, with a predominance towards mild crystalline/diamond shaped patterning, definite distortion in objects, getting the fun-fair mirror effect when staring at any object, for a prolonged amount of time.

The body load is present but negligible...this stuff gives you quite a fair bit of energy, which shouldn't be too surprising I guess. Minor vaso-constriction feeling similar to the effect from Morning Glories in the legs, but nothing remotely worrying, as I am used to that sensation.

So far, all good.
A friend tested 65ugs to establish if such low dose could be active:

At 1:30 Feeling good, full of energy, reminds of MDMA more than other phens. Neon colours and shiny lights. Sight focusing a little difficult. Music sounds good.
2:00 Happiness all arround, even tears. Emotions flow with the music.
2:30 Fucking marvelous, different to any psychedelic had until now.
3:00 Effects go away slowly. The dose is clearly very low, but active for someone sensitive to psychedelics.
3:00 Effects still linger.
4:00 Effects fade away.
That cant really be the same stuff IMO.

Timetable is completely wrong. You cant be baseline at 4 hours after. Well actually, you can, you just havent had the trip yet.

Pardon my criticism but I just dont see how that could be the same drug. People respond differently, but thats TOO different.

There is just virtually nothing until T+3 and really it doesn't peak up until T+6-7 hrs.

Possibly used a different ROA? You 100% sure its this batch?
...and the final assesment is 9.1 stars

Alright, seems as though with a dose this size things seem to quiet down sometime around T-14:00-ish, as in appetite/sleepiness/lack of boundless energy etc. begins to set in. All of experience was without any incident, worrisome side-effects, or what have you, apart from an initial, mild body load and mild peripheral vasoconstrictive symptoms. Will be posting a more extensive TR soon, my conclusion seems to be that this batch is not only safe but really quite the treat in correctly microscopic doses.

My sympathies go out to all those who accidentally overdosed with this substance, despite what I said above, I could easily see how that would be a horrifying experience. Hope this helps the general fund of knowledge regarding the B1 batch & prevents any further mishaps.
That cant really be the same stuff IMO.

Timetable is completely wrong. You cant be baseline at 4 hours after. Well actually, you can, you just havent had the trip yet.

Pardon my criticism but I just dont see how that could be the same drug. People respond differently, but thats TOO different.

There is just virtually nothing until T+3 and really it doesn't peak up until T+6-7 hrs.

Possibly used a different ROA? You 100% sure its this batch?

My friend, who tested the B1 batch at 65 and 120 ugs, reported that and it is indeed the same batch from mister *****. He is very curious too about people reporting no effects until 3 hours after ingestion. Both of his experiences had effects at +1:00 and finished between +4:00 and + 6:00. His doses were much lower than the rest of the reports though.
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Can we get any more info monio on his history? Does he carry a large tolerance? I'll believe its the same batch, the effects were relatively similar. But to me I just have to imagine he'd have to have some kind of vicious tolerance build up for it to be over so soon.
Can we get any more info monio on his history? Does he carry a large tolerance? I'll believe its the same batch, the effects were relatively similar. But to me I just have to imagine he'd have to have some kind of vicious tolerance build up for it to be over so soon.

I'll keep you posted in case my friend reports anything else.
As for tolerance he actually says he is half as tolerant as most people.