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WARNING: Death due to bunk pill it seems (Off White Playboy Bunny - May/June 2002)

Does anyone else think it's weird that when these mystery death pills come along there's only the one report about it. No one else seems to get them. Like the "medical alerts" a few months back, The "black super man's" recently and then these "white playboy's". What's up with that??? You'd expect more than one person to get one and more than one person to die from one.
Another common factor with all of the people that take dodgey pills is that none were tested. We have no idea what they actually took. I have always taken a pill no matter what it's tested up as on e1 and e2. Even double negatives. I'm hoping for something nice, but now i'll have a a rethink as pretty much all of the good chems come up on e1 anyway (2-ct-2, 2ct-7, MDxx, wizz, some tryptamines, 2-cb, DOB - there's a huge list on erowid). They don't tell you about all of these on the sheet that comes with it because it would confuse the shit out of little johnny with all of those colours.
On a side note, does anyone know if the friend that sold it to them would be charged with manslaughter or even murder?
Does anyone else think it's weird that when these mystery death pills come along there's only the one report about it. No one else seems to get them. Like the "medical alerts" a few months back, The "black super man's" recently and then these "white playboy's". What's up with that??? You'd expect more than one person to get one and more than one person to die from one.
People can think pma or a pma/mdxx combo is just mdxx so reports of strong playboy bunnies could actually be referring to pma pills. pma seems to give strong jaw/eye/body shakes, which many people associate with mdxx, and lots of people seem to like the effects of pma! If it was a pma/mdxx combo, even testing with marquis won't give any indication it isn't just mdxx. There seem to be a few different kinds of playboy bunnies going around in different areas, so it is very possible that at least one batch could contain pma. Yes there has only been this report of this pill containing pma, but that doesn't mean it is false.
As for there being more deaths, maybe there will be? Or maybe talking about it here will be enough for it to get around to most people to be extra cautious. Some people in adelaide have knowingly taken pma in the past, but only a few of them have died. Not everyone will die the first time they take pma! The bluelighter ianhard who died from pma had taken it (according to his posts) many times but it was only the last time he took it that he died!
Had a mate end up in hospital after having 6 pills cut with rat sack and glass. now i no thats plain stupid. but my point is it does happen. someone correct me if im wrong. but i heard dealers can put a tiny amount of rat poisen in a pill not enough to harm u but enough to make u trip a bit harder.
only buy off someone u have known for a while and trust. not someone u just met and if your mates hook u up with their dealer. for crying out loud test it. and to be on the safe side take only a half to begin with. u cant be too sure how a pill is going to effect u or your body for that matter.
"Rat poison" will definitely not make you trip harder in any good ways.
BigTrancer :)
What BT said: Ratsak is warfarin, which reduces the body's ability to clot blood. You are probably thinking of strychnine, which appears in some rodent poison formulas. Strychnine does not, despite popular belief, appear in LSD, see erowid: Strychnine in LSD?. This is a commonly held belief though.
the reason strychnine has been seen on the odd occasion overseas (I'm sure i saw a warning about a US pill) is that it's a cns stimulant at low doses, quickly causing convulsions at slightly higher ones.
Can we stop going on about dealer's "cutting" pills, how many of you have seen a pill press? do you think your low-level dealer can actually get, afford or know how to use one?
Caps are what you've got to watch out for. They can get cut.
I still think it's weird about the "medic alert" pills there was only 1 post on them and it would have been such a detailed press, why all that for only 1 pill???
These playboys sound pretty good and I bet they just can't handle their pills. Spewing your guts up off a pill sounds classic newbie, then the associated shock and anxiety from losing control along with increased heart rate and hyperthermia could have caused this death. Everyone else seems to be ok on them, it looks like an allergic reaction. white domed playboy
chupa chopped: you're getting shirty at others for talking about "cut pills", while you focus on white playboys being MD**:
These playboys sound pretty good and I bet they just can't handle their pills. Spewing your guts up off a pill sounds classic newbie, then the associated shock and anxiety from losing control along with increased heart rate and hyperthermia could have caused this death. Everyone else seems to be ok on them, it looks like an allergic reaction.
Er, if you read the entire pillreport thread, peaktildawn says:
in da post mortem it was pma that killed her.
It would appear there is are playboys that contain PMA, while others contain MD**.
[ 03 June 2002: Message edited by: babydoc_vic ]
I have been offered these... they have tested black and are supposed to be good... there are sposed to be a few batches going around... but im not sure what to do.... I dont trust this death actually happened to be honest and i think we would of heard alot more about it if some chick died from taking a pill... there has not been one report about it in the media... nada not a thing... i think this could be a hoax..... but i am treading with caution...
they have tested black and are supposed to be good... there are sposed to be a few batches going around... but im not sure what to do....
Well, personally I'd attempt to test on with an EZ-Xtreme tester to see if there actually is PMA in the pill, whether in combination with MDxx or not. Secondly, I'd probably err on the side of caution and buy something else, or abstain for a week or two until something less speculative comes along. If you're worried about the risk, why take the risk?
BigTrancer :)
Yeah that my train of thought BT, problem is however... is its my only choice leading up to the long weekend... and i only get them off 1 person who i trust....and they are what they have... I trust them but im err'ing only that ive seen the reports... ive emailed them the links... hopefully the situation will develop more and yeah... I wont buy them unless im sure...
Being a harm minimisation board, an answer to is "its my only choice leading up to the long weekend..." is, well you always have the choice of not taking a pill.
I think it would be prudent to avoid all white playboys, just in case these are in fact dangerous pills. Why take the chance? I'd rather have a straight night than a trip to hospital. Anecdotally, when I hear of people having difficult or dangerous experiences on pills it is usually because they've felt pressured into buying something they weren't sure about because it was their 'only option' and they just wanted the pills regardless of lack of testing or rumours of danger.
I think that it would be safer to avoid pills at all than accept a possibly dangerous one because there's 'nothing else available'.
BigTrancer :)
shit fuck crap... tried shopping around no luck... my other dude is laying low in melbourne... ahh the life of a DD.... tres class :p
*bump* People are still talking about playboys, so I thought I'd bump this warning - just in case some dodgy ones are still out there. Better safe than dead.
BigTrancer :)
thanks for the bump BT. just saw this. its really sad. everyone REMEMBER TO TEST and be careful.
condolances to all who knew loveable
Hi, just also wanting to give my condolences and PLEASE EVERYONE - party safe, we are all family and we all have to look out for each other, coz lord knows who else is. We all need to have a reality check once in a while and remember that althougth its fun going out and partying - we need to remember what is most important in our life, and to hold true to that.
Having said that i hope that we can all go out and have a ogod one in loveables memory and to stick it up the ass of the pri*ck that has put these things back into circulation. :)
i just wanted to bump this back to the top so that it stays visible so more people will notice it
from what i know of there have been to good batches of playboys go round sydney. one batch only two weeks ago. these seem to be plain white with just the logo bunny imprinted...small round pill with flat surfaces.no speks or different colours. they tested black. i saw some people on em and they seemed to be having a blast on em...not a problem in the world.in the end if your unsure then dont. get it tested. NOT EVERY batch is the same, but a little caution would be good. for your own sake.
If you were given the choice of testing and eating a playboy bunny that might be ok or might kill you, or some other MDxx-based pill that had no bad reports about it... would you still eat the playboy?
Think about it - it's easier to just stay away from playboys... why risk it? There are plenty of other batches of MDxx-based pills to choose from. Don't take the chance of eating something deadly.
BigTrancer :)
Big Trancer is absolutley right - why risk it? I suppose when it comes down to it, it just depends on what you hold more important.
[ 10 July 2002: Message edited by: sinntress ]