  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Video Game Discussion

I have recently regressed back to Katamari Damacy (PS2) :D

Also, I got all 3 Xenosaga games (Wood: this game is NOT for you ;)). But I am stuck at the very end of Xenosaga Ep. I (PS2) since I got too carried away with the story (brilliant!) and didn't take the time to level my characters up :(.

Other games I'm flirting with:

- Disgaea (PS2): This is a rare Tactical RPG that I found cheap in a used games bin at a local store. I only played through the tutorial and I must say I am very impressed :)

- Tomb Raider 7, Legend (PS2): Always been a fan of the series. This is refreshing after that Angel of Darkness disapointment. Game makers need to remember that the film is based on the game, and not the other way around. There is still a lot of HES (Hollywood Envy Syndrome) present here, but at least I feel like I am playing a Tomb Raider game rather than a ripoff.

- Zone of The Enders (PS2): err... wtf?? This game is, shall we say... interesting.

- Heroes of Might and Magic III: Complete (PC): This is the best PC game of all time. I will never stop playing it!

- Ultima Online (PC): Yikes!

3 cheers for used games. all of my best loved games were bought in the bargain bin of KB Toys when i was a little kid (back when kb toys sold software).