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Very long nitrous trip. Literally hours.

I know people who do far too much NOS, I know people who don't do it because they dont like NOS (or the idea of it), or who just wont do it, who just do it every so often and I even know one guy who wont do it because he thinks poppers are more effective... so like most drugs people have personal choices and tastes.

Its good to see this discussion because I'm starting to understand my own and my friends usage/view of NOS. Yes I used to do too much of it and am now very liberal in my usage. Over here its sometimes called "Hippy Crack" because some people chase the euphoria and use it to "top-up" other psychedelics... and you can get addicted to being in that state of mind.

There are the obvious dangers of doing anything in excess or doing things without self-educating ourselves first. I've stopped someone putting a hand-cracker to their lips to inhale; talked to people who used nails to pierce a bulb and then inhale; suffered 2nd degree burns to my hands from using a cheap cracker too much (and didn't even notice how bad it was I did it until the next day!!); and I've seen people use cheap non-foodgrade chargers... all of this is as dangerous as over-doing NOS leading to lack of oxygen.

In fairness to NOS (in balloons), it does give you warning signs... headache/metallic taste in your mouth from over doing it, freezing balloons, balloons wearing out from over use and not being able to get the bulbs out of the box from the shakes. Its one of the few things that you can normally say to someone "maybe you've had enough take a break for a while" and most people will normally agree.

Its about the quality of your product/accessories, environment and mindset that makes a big difference, just like any drug.

OP, for me doing 50 over an 8 hour period was way too much, so I can't even imagine what 150 in a 3 hour sitting is like. It took me months to finally get rid of the metallic taste, buzzing in my arms and what I can only describe as electrical shocks / zapping feeling that I got.

I was working in Austrian Alps (where you could buy the stuff in the local supermarket and managed to resist) I eventually asked my doctor about the symptoms and he told me it was mild oxygen deprivation, normally only something he'd see in high altitude areas. I should have told him about the NOS, but that was enough for me to only do it occasionally.

I think, from personal experience. you are doing far too much and seeing the signs of damage from oxygen deprivation if the short-term effects are lasting up to 5 hours.

On brands, yes (imho) it makes a difference. Medium priced/branded chargers seem to have the best effect (the more expensive ones do whip cream better though!!)... avoid the very cheap ones and definitely the non-foodstuff ones, the bulbs haven't been fully steralized and there can be traces of metallic dust from the manufacturing process which isn't good for you to inhale.

I look at country of origin/manufacture. Over here we have a couple of choices, China, a couple of eastern european countries and Austria. For me its a no brainer, even though I'm not living there anymore, I purchase the austrian manufactured stuff as they have the highest standards imposed on them by their countries laws.

As you can tell I havn't given up using NOS, but only do it from time to time to accentuate the effects of an acid trip and I love it even more now that I only do it occasionally.

I know people who do far too much NOS, I know people who don't do it because they dont like NOS (or the idea of it), or who just wont do it, who just do it every so often and I even know one guy who wont do it because he thinks poppers are more effective... so like most drugs people have personal choices and tastes.

Its good to see this discussion because I'm starting to understand my own and my friends usage/view of NOS. Yes I used to do too much of it and am now very liberal in my usage. Over here its sometimes called "Hippy Crack" because some people chase the euphoria and use it to "top-up" other psychedelics... and you can get addicted to being in that state of mind.

There are the obvious dangers of doing anything in excess or doing things without self-educating ourselves first. I've stopped someone putting a hand-cracker to their lips to inhale; talked to people who used nails to pierce a bulb and then inhale; suffered 2nd degree burns to my hands from using a cheap cracker too much (and didn't even notice how bad it was I did it until the next day!!); and I've seen people use cheap non-foodgrade chargers... all of this is as dangerous as over-doing NOS leading to lack of oxygen.

In fairness to NOS (in balloons), it does give you warning signs... headache/metallic taste in your mouth from over doing it, freezing balloons, balloons wearing out from over use and not being able to get the bulbs out of the box from the shakes. Its one of the few things that you can normally say to someone "maybe you've had enough take a break for a while" and most people will normally agree.

Its about the quality of your product/accessories, environment and mindset that makes a big difference, just like any drug.

OP, for me doing 50 over an 8 hour period was way too much, so I can't even imagine what 150 in a 3 hour sitting is like. It took me months to finally get rid of the metallic taste, buzzing in my arms and what I can only describe as electrical shocks / zapping feeling that I got.

I was working in Austrian Alps (where you could buy the stuff in the local supermarket and managed to resist) I eventually asked my doctor about the symptoms and he told me it was mild oxygen deprivation, normally only something he'd see in high altitude areas. I should have told him about the NOS, but that was enough for me to only do it occasionally.

I think, from personal experience. you are doing far too much and seeing the signs of damage from oxygen deprivation if the short-term effects are lasting up to 5 hours.

On brands, yes (imho) it makes a difference. Medium priced/branded chargers seem to have the best effect (the more expensive ones do whip cream better though!!)... avoid the very cheap ones and definitely the non-foodstuff ones, the bulbs haven't been fully steralized and there can be traces of metallic dust from the manufacturing process which isn't good for you to inhale.

I look at country of origin/manufacture. Over here we have a couple of choices, China, a couple of eastern european countries and Austria. For me its a no brainer, even though I'm not living there anymore, I purchase the austrian manufactured stuff as they have the highest standards imposed on them by their countries laws.

As you can tell I havn't given up using NOS, but only do it from time to time to accentuate the effects of an acid trip and I love it even more now that I only do it occasionally.

The one I got is from a company in Austria but manufactured in eastern Europe I believe it said.

I used them twice this year. I don't often do it, I just like to keep them around when the mood strikes.

How often do you get the metallic taste?(It isn't really a taste is it, but I get what you mean.) I was fine the next day. I didn't find the 5 hours unpleasant - just odd. I don't feel mentally handicapped or anything.

To be honest, it may have been longer than 3 hours. Time slips away when you aren't exactly in reality, you know? It might of been 5 hours, but not much more. In any case, it was a lot of them in not so long of a time.

What is a reasonable number to use in the course of a night? Is there some sort of magic number I should aim for? I enjoy doing partial ones and just breathing normally with small hits to keep me slightly under while watching Family Guy or Futurama.

I like phasing out and snapping to with the meaning of life though. You know that moment where you get right there on the edge of understanding the great mysteries of the world but it fades away too fast and you are left with a vague impression and a fleeting glimpse that makes no sense. It is like a 2 minute LSD peak without the build up or come down to me.
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I meant that the high was similar to solvents, not the danger, and nitrous is indeed as harmful or fatal as heroin or NBOMes. If you breathe too much you die. That sounds as fatal as heroin to me. However, you can reduce the risk substantially with B12 supplementation and by proper mixing with oxygen. I merely acknowledged that the danger can be reduced, if you know how, to a lower level. I still think huffing nitrous is stupid, just like all inhalant abuse. Apparently, you and a few others are the spokespeople for the nitrous huffers antidefamation league. Sorry to have offended the huffers by pointing out the grim reality of nervous system disorders, habituation and death. Now go anesthetize yourself.

I wonder how the comparison of becoming handicapped/dying from Nitrous vs the instance of lung cancer from Marijuana would look.
Hey man, drugs can be a great asset when used in moderation. But don't go overboard bro, you're 15 and have your whole life ahead of you. Stay safe.
The one I got is from a company in Austria but manufactured in eastern Europe I believe it said.

Thats one of the pitfalls, though if they're on sale in Austria its a good sign so I wouldnt be too worried, but manufactured in Austria would be to a stricter process

Look up the brand name of the bulbs if you can before you buy them. Another good sign is if a catering supplier is selling them as again these have to be food grade quality

How often do you get the metallic taste?(It isn't really a taste is it, but I get what you mean.) I was fine the next day. I didn't find the 5 hours unpleasant - just odd. I don't feel mentally handicapped or anything.

It depends on a lot of things, how hydrated you are, how many you've taken, over what timescale, your tolerance, but the best thing to say is that when you start getting the taste you now know to quit for a while.

To be honest, it may have been longer than 3 hours. Time slips away when you aren't exactly in reality, you know? It might of been 5 hours, but not much more. In any case, it was a lot of them in not so long of a time.

I totally understand this one.... its why you should always try and have a sitter with you.... or at least keep track of the bulbs you've used. Last time I did some I was tripping and was seriously thinking of topping up my LSD, when I checked with my sitter it was only 40 minutes since I'd taken my first blotter and had done 3 NOS - it turned into an intense trip on what I'd taken and am very glad I didnt have any more!

The other problem with not exactly being in reality is how many you've taken (we've all picked up the box and said wait, I thought I had more!!!), so thats why I pile the empty ones at my feet (and of course clean them up). And again how long you've been inhaling or holding your breath... again a sitter here prevents my turning blue episode.

But 150 in even 5 hours would mean 1 every 2 minutes... I think you might have lost a lot more time

What is a reasonable number to use in the course of a night? Is there some sort of magic number I should aim for? I enjoy doing partial ones and just breathing normally with small hits to keep me slightly under while watching Family Guy or Futurama.

This is entirely up to yourself. My mate probably gets a better kick out of the 3 that they have than the 10 I do in a 8 hour night.... other friends of mine would'nt be happy with less than 20.... I've only done it 3 times this year so far. maximum 10, minimum 3.... just try and not even aim for the 50 mark every weekend or two like I did. But I wasn't sipping the balloons, I was inhaling and holding them, then straight back to huffing the balloon almost until I passed out, so my symptoms would have been a lot worse...

The more you chase it the further it gets away from you.

But I think you've already answered the question yourself....

I used them twice this year. I don't often do it, I just like to keep them around when the mood strikes.

Thats how many to use then :) but dont chase it, take a break inbetween.... they're much more effective when you let your oxygen levels come back to normal.

I like phasing out and snapping to with the meaning of life though. You know that moment where you get right there on the edge of understanding the great mysteries of the world but it fades away too fast and you are left with a vague impression and a fleeting glimpse that makes no sense. It is like a 2 minute LSD peak without the build up or come down to me.

So now you can appreciate why I only do it when I trip... you're nicely out there, almost understanding and you take you're hit... a 30 second rush where audibles and visuals mix and you find you can orchestrate everything, loop the visuals and audibles and mix them around having fun for what feels like ages - almost as if you can loop time, and then you come back 2 minutes later, but your original trip is so much clearer and effective.... its the rush that I get, the giggles afterwards... thats "Hippy Crack" for me.
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I meant that the high was similar to solvents, not the danger, and nitrous is indeed as harmful or fatal as heroin or NBOMes. If you breathe too much you die. That sounds as fatal as heroin to me. However, you can reduce the risk substantially with B12 supplementation and by proper mixing with oxygen. I merely acknowledged that the danger can be reduced, if you know how, to a lower level. I still think huffing nitrous is stupid, just like all inhalant abuse. Apparently, you and a few others are the spokespeople for the nitrous huffers antidefamation league. Sorry to have offended the huffers by pointing out the grim reality of nervous system disorders, habituation and death. Now go anesthetize yourself.

Jesus fucking christ dude YOU ARE WRONG!!

Just flat out WRONG!!

Nitrous is NOT even CLOSE to as dangerous as heroin.

You are clearly talking about something you have no clue about.

You don't just "breath too much and die".

As EVIDENCE has shown over and over again...Nitrous ITSELF is 100% HARMLESS...in terms of the gas.

It has been used for centuries by dentists and doctors VERY safely.

The ONLY reason it's dangerous is that when you aren't using it medically it isn't always mixed with enough oxygen so you can sometimes fail to get enough oxygen but that's not the GAS ITSELF that does it...and even then...it's nowhere NEAR as dangerous as Heroin!!!!

The deaths per year are not REMOTELY close and later on when I have some more time I'm going to find some links to prove it to you because in spite of myself your blatant lack of listening to EVIDENCE is REALLY pissing me off.

Heroin is a drug that is INSANELY addictive and quite easily overdosed on.

Nitrous is only addictive if you use PROFUSE amounts and the number of deaths per year is almost certainly less than the number of death's per year from Tylenol overdoses or iron product overdoses.

Go back and look at Willow's link Showing HARD EVIDENCE that in 2009 more people died from inhaling HELIUM than nitrous.

This is a harm reduction board meant to focus on the REAL and NOT FABRICATED dangers of different drugs.

We talk about the risks of both moderate and excessive usage of substances, of different ROAs, and the likelihood of the average individual using different substances to the point where they are either seriously addicted or suffer a fatal overdose.

Just because this is a harm reduction board does NOT mean that we are about over exaggerating the dangers of substances or pretending that a gas which is proven to be 100% harmless in combo with oxygen and which has 200 or so years of medical usage is as dangerous as a substance like heroin which has thousands if not hundreds of thousands of deaths per year or per every few year and which has no medical usage.

For christ's sake Nitrous is not only not illegal...it doesn't even have ANY controls on it in the U.S.!!

ANYONE can get it....and if that were true for heroin people would be dropping dead left and right.

I'm now getting pretty determined to make you realize that you are wrong on this topic and because of that you will probably say that I must therefore be a serious "nitrous huffer" (huffing by the way is not the right term for nitrous) but in reality....I NEVER used a SINGLE BALLOON OF NITROUS BEFORE 2 MONTHS AGO!!!

It's a simple fact that you are wrong here.

Nitrous is dangerous when done in ridiculously obscene amounts....and you know what else is??

Tylenol, Advil, Iron Containing supplements, Alcohol, even WATER....yes...too much WATER can kill someone and people die from these things ever year.

Tylenol overdoses are actually one of the most common drug overdoses...if you take way too much Tylenol your liver will simply shut down and there's little a doctor can do for you.

Even done in OBSCENE amounts nitrous is probably not quite as dangerous as equal amounts of Tylenol...but the point is that MOST drugs and many actions that aren't even drug related can be dangerous or even FATAL if overdone.

You are not educated on this....and you are not looking at the evidence clearly.

But if you want to continue to be wrong and ignore all these posters like Transform the MODERATOR who has admitted that MODERATE usage of Nitrous is pretty safe...go right ahead.
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Honestly dude I think we should cut our losses on this one. The dude can't even keep his OWN OPINIONS straight.
Honestly dude I think we should cut our losses on this one. The dude can't even keep his OWN OPINIONS straight.

It just frustrates me when people don't look at all the evidence out there...and that comes to pretty much anything.

I debate with people about lots of topics like sports, music etc on many different forums and I have always taken pride in being able to admit I am wrong when given all the facts.

I think it's a really admirable trait to be able to admit you are wrong.

You know, many years ago the main reason I came to the conlcusion that admitting I was wrong was great because I realized that the more often I realized I was wrong and admitted to it...over time the more I'd ACTUALLY be right, and people would respect my opinions.

I'm not saying I'm perfect and think I am right all the time, in fact I'm probably wrong most of the time on most topics....and there are things I am also in denial about...or maybe I'll just simply DISAGREE with someone respectfully........but I like to think I don't USUALLY ignore hard evidence.

But this guy....he thinks the fact that EXCESSIVE nitrous usage is dangerous means that overall it's as dangerous as heroin.

It's really not worth debating with someone who won't listen to reason...your right, but sometimes it's hard when people just ignore logic.
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I've been trying to just ignore his comments... I might be new to posting here, but at least I understand the basic principles of learning from others knowledge, experience and understanding. I might not always agree, or understand why people say/do things, but I respect peoples views and if I dont like it, then I dont have to engage.

It would have been so much easier if he had just said "I dont like it, or the thoughts of doing it and anyone who does it is stupid" and left out all the rest of his posts
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Just forget I mentioned anything about nitrous on this thread. I'm tired of a bunch of people discussing me instead of the thread topic. I expressed my opinions, a bunch of people disagreed. The end.
"You don't just "breath too much and die"."

So much win. End topic on that one.
Just forget I mentioned anything about nitrous on this thread. I'm tired of a bunch of people discussing me instead of the thread topic. I expressed my opinions, a bunch of people disagreed. The end.

They aren't just opinions.

It's not like "well, we disagree and no one is right or wrong".

They are opinions based on only the most EXTREME examples of nitrous abuse...with ENTIRELY ignoring moderate nitrous usage and comparing it to one of the most dangerous and most addictive drugs in human history...Heroin...as well as ignoring the couple hundred years of safe medical usage that nitrous has had for dentists.

If you are going to take the time to debate and try to help with "harm reduction" you owe it to anyone who will read this thread wondering how dangerous or safe nitrous is to give an objective view with ALL the facts.

That's why I didn't ignore the serious dangers of SERIOUS nitrous abuse but I also mentioned the relative safety of Mild to moderate nitrous usage.
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Fine, just forget I said anything then. I hereby retract everything I posted.
Yeah and the potent dose Of amt I'm on at the moment lol, but yeah nos is fantastic... There is a psychedelic crack like state to it though, once you pop you just can't stop!