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VERSACE: Beige Vs Pink (Post ALL comments about versaces HERE)

There's obviously too many dodgy fuckers out there.
Personally I believe that its absolutely insane not to test your pills these days!
I have a theory as too why there are so inconsistancies in the versace type pill.
heard off a friend that when the versace pills were imported into oz, in 1000 pill lots, wraped in a vac seal package, that nearly 1/2 were crushed or edges crumbley on each package.
With this mind .....
Its makes sence that 1/2 would have to be repressed in oz again
thus different types of pills.
But whats the chance of them being repressed as versaces again?
Is it likely they have the same pill presses here as o/s?
Although i have noticed the great number of the pills damaged in some ways....
just a note about the k versaces!!! over the last few weeks i have tried them all, pink/beige/bluee/green... they were all adverage... but on sunday night i was out and had a pink one never felt so numb in my life... i seriosly thought i was going sink into my body... kept on thinking i was at a lcal coffe shop with a mate!!! i assume that this is what K feels like cause i have never had it before. I just found it quite funny that over the last 6 weeks i have not had a dud one then probley one of the last ones i would have had was K...
Has anyone else experience this sensation from a pink versace!!!
I had a beige Versace a couple of weeks ago and i thought it was crap didnt do much at all it was till i had a crown that i got going.I was dissapointed since i was told they were one of the best going around.Very overrated.
had a beige versace on the weekend...well what can I say...looks like i'm not the only disappointed one out there, kicked in for a bout 1.5 hrs...but I must say, the apparent peak was rather dull...I dont think that I would munch these again...Dud batch you say...yup! I'd have to agree...
I'm not sure where to write this, but it's related to pill reports on versace's.
Some people are saying we are not allowed to make any more reports on versaces at all! I understand that it's stupid to make a similar report on the same pill, but if the pill is a different colour, then it's a different pill and needs it's own report right?
And what about if it's the same pill but in another city? Even if there are lots of reports on the same pill in larger cities, if they are found in smaller cities they should also be reported on shouldn't they? Otherwise people in larger cities are informed but those in smaller cities are not when they do a search for what's in their city.
I haven't had any versaces, but too few reports can inhibit info sharing possibly even more than the idiots who make new reports when they should just add comments.
the reports are for pill, colour, city. So therefore a perth green versace should be in a different section/thread than say a melbourne green versace. Its just when 10+ people put beige versace from melbourne in different threads that it gets a tad messy. We don't expect everyone on pillreports to put all types of a logo regardless of colour into one thread, its one thread for same colour + logo in same city..
After reading this its still hard to say that there are two batches because even in one batch the chances that there will be discrepencies is very high especially with larger batches.
Also I cant remember having seen anyone actually test the Versaces for anything other than md** so I dont know where all the k assumptions have come from, though if someone could link me to a report where someone had tested the versaces as a non md** substance I would like to see it.
Another thing is someone said I took these one night and they were amazing and then I took them somewhere else and they werent as good well tolerance? That could play a big part and there are so many other things like mind set and set and setting which would play a part.
As the reports are subjective who can really say, one mans weak pill could be another persons dream pill depending on so many other factors than the strength of the pill, which is why before jumping to conclusions and creating theories about multiple batches perhaps we should realise no one gets exactly the same experience as someone else and people rate experiences differently depending on far too many things.
I think that when a batch is as big as the Versace one appears to be then there is always going to be a chance some pills werent as good as others, no quality control and a larger batch will make it much harder to keep the pills all of a similar content.
Even the same factory originally could have planned to put out a strong batch and a weak batch knowing that the stamp would gain a good name and all the pills would test for md** but some would be a lot weaker. There are so many possibilities and it seems that a lot of people believed the hype, I have to say these are the most hyped pills I have seen anywhere in a long time.
The stamp has been seen before and gained a good name, I think in Ibiza either last year or the year before this stamp was about and these pills had the exact same stamp and these same colours have been appearing worldwide in small batches for quite some time but they really did seem to take off in Australia and at the same time I did notice quite a few reports in Canada appearing.
I think the interesting point is some were double stamped and the variety of colours was interesting although like a bar of chocolate creating a high sense of branding with your product is where you suceed and gimmicks like double stamps, nice presses and colours are going to build the hype up especially when people are rating them as great pills.
Indeed many people appear to have fallen for the hype although I still think we cant make any definate assumptions on quality and variation of quality as there are so many possibilities as to why people interpreted them differently.
Well I thought I better add to this report. I had a pink one about 3 weeks ago after a break for 3 weeks. I have to say I was quite impressed! I have a pretty high tolorence and these done well, lasted about 3 hours, and totally fucked up my vision. My guess was a nice clean dose of MDMA, just nice but nothing crazy. I have the beige ones for tonight from the same batch that friends had the other week and they said they were blown away by them, I hope it does the same for me.
^ If you know someone with labtesting results on these pills, we'd love to know more details. If it's just hearsay, then don't bother. We need to try and stick to verified facts when we can.
BigTrancer :)
it wasnt hear say i remember reading the page and seeing a picture of the pill two does the job quite sufficiently along with half a beige oh and another halve a pink. perfect
great. hear say from two sources...
what page? send us a link.
Melbourneker Madness: U cannot assume a pill tested in America is the same as one found here.
EVEN if it looks identical.
You may be surprised but its unlikely pills imported here are the same as ones imported to America. If they do look the same then chances of a different batch and even maker are definitely greater than the likelihood of mulitple batches just in Australia.
And in any event, whilst i dont know the quantitative results of the versaces, there is no way they contain over 100mg of MDMA; from my experiences and in my opinion of course.
that is why you are a bicuit of a bluelighter. trust me people. maybe the drugs are gettin to somepeoples heads like bicuit who can no longer consume well biscuits but i do know one thing they were the versaces i saw lab tested so biscuit good bye
Umm, Aceishigh -
Biscuit makes some excellent posts, and has some extremely valid points to make.
Where did you see a official lab test of the Versaces? And given the inconsistent nature of that batch of pills, how relevant is one test result anyway?
Flaming the constructive Bluelight posters is counterproductive - we all have opinions, and we should respect them all.