Vent/Rant Thread vs. Don't get in my way

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Everyone experiences the same negative emotions and yet everyone deals with them differently. As long as its not being held in. It needs to be let go somehow, whether through ranting (hopefully on a message board like this or to a close friend or something) - but releasing negative emotions, no matter what the technique, is never a weakness. Its all the same. Everyone is different, yet the same at our core. In whatever way feels right for us, we need to expel any negative energy we may have. But then its important to move on. Its like watching animals fight sometimes. They let out ther aggression and then move on, assuming theyre both still alive lol. But we cant just keep suppressing. It will only build up. We need to accept it, embrace it, shake it off and move forward, and stay in the present. We as conscious beings though, have the advantage of learning to eventually recognize that negativity, and learn to not let it get to us so much in the future. Negative thoughts will always be there, but are not always necessary. I try to learn to recognize them and blow them off, one way or another, whether its ranting or meditation or working out, whichever feels best at the moment. But te important thing is to not keep thinking negative thoughts and letting them control you - that would be like going back to the same restaurant to eat even if the food kept getting you sick. But releasing is never a weakness, regardless of its form, because its all just that - release.
Read 'Bad Pharma' by Ben Goldacre. The pharmaceutical industry creates customers not cures. You probably don't 'need' any sort of chemical intervention to allow you to lead a normal life.

I haven't read that one but I have read Bad Science, great book full of truths and substantiated facts not the sudo science and mumbo jumbo sold with obscene price tags to the sick and needy,

I particularity like the way he opens his chapter on Gillian McKeith – or to give her full medical title, “Gillian McKeith”

This money grabbing charlatan had managed to convince most of the UK she actually had some medical knowledge and qualifications.....which she hasnt !
Everyone experiences the same negative emotions and yet everyone deals with them differently. As long as its not being held in. It needs to be let go somehow, whether through ranting (hopefully on a message board like this or to a close friend or something) - but releasing negative emotions, no matter what the technique, is never a weakness. Its all the same. Everyone is different, yet the same at our core. In whatever way feels right for us, we need to expel any negative energy we may have. But then its important to move on. Its like watching animals fight sometimes. They let out ther aggression and then move on, assuming theyre both still alive lol. But we cantzsx just keep suppressing. It will only build up. We need to accept it, embrace it, shake it off and move forward, and stay in the present. We as conscious beings though, have the advantage of learning to eventually recognize that negativity, and learn to not let it get to us so much in the future. Negative thoughts will always be there, but are not always necessary. I try to learn to recognize them and blow them off, one way or another, whether its ranting or meditation or working out, whichever feels best at the moment. But the important thing is to not keep thinking negative thoughts and letting them control you - that would be like going back to the same restaurant to eat even if the food kept getting you sick. But releasing is never a weakness, regardless of its form, because its all just that - release.

Wise words. :) My ex was raised that it's inappropriate to vent to other people too, but I disagree. It can be taken too far, and if someone is an unwilling recipient then you shouldn't do it, but we need to be there for each other. Venting can be completely healthy and is a common way to release anger in a productive way (ie, it's not held in and no one was hurt and your life hasn't been negatively impacted). My cousin used to fight to release anger, and he ended up with a felony. Fortunately he got it under control, well the fighting, now he just explodes verbally quite easily. My sister is slowly turning into a negative and cynical person because she holds so much stuff in, it's really sad. And my ex has an explosive rage problem where she constantly denies she is bothered or has an issue and then, sometimes daily, a little thing will send her off into emotional and physical abuse in a blinding and terrifying rage. It clearly doesn't work. Sometimes we feel angry, or negative, and you have to embrace that and release it. For many years I suppressed my anger and frustration at my ex and it caused me to break my hand on a refrigerator and feel suicidal eventually, I felt that I had lost my mind and would never recover. It was the lowest point of my life. I tried to just think positively and think of the good parts, but the suppressed feelings grew and grew under the surface and began to erode every aspect of my life.

Also whiteroom - great post, your original one. It's incredible how the pharma industry and those who peddle their products twist things around. Disgusting. My opinion on your situation is that you are similar to me but perhaps with more difficulty focusing through the things you dislike. You sound pretty unfulfilled, but it sounds like you were fulfilled at one time. I would suggest you work on identifying what you need to feel fulfilled, and then alter your life (your job, activities, maybe even living location and situation) to fill those needs. Some people are good at the daily grind of doing something they hate and living an "okay" life, and some are not. I am not, myself, and I feel like for the most part smarter people need more from life, and you are clearly one of those. :)
i changed FB and number and an old "junky friend" shows up at m doorstep with GHB.... leaves me loads... now i'm fiending...... rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaahhh
i changed FB and number and an old "junky friend" shows up at m doorstep with GHB.... leaves me loads... now i'm fiending...... rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaahhh

Sorry pal.... Well... Just goes to show...When moon light shines....wolves howl...and when wolves'd better run....cause they on the hunt....and they'll getch ya.

Keep your chin up'll all be over soon.
fuck wednesday didn't even get that high ( so i thought ) but i went to lay down and didn't get up for like 12 hours and my neck was so fucking sore from layin in the same position. painful as fuck all day thursday. it is better today i could at least move around. dosed about 90 minutes ago and i don't really notice the pain in my neck. hopefully tomorrow it will barely be bothering me cause im out till next month.
Need to vent as I'm really frustrated. How the hell am I meant to stop hating and DESPISING myself when I'm all I hear from others is negativity about me. I want and need them to stop but they won't. I want to learn to like the person I am because I never have. I've spent my life trying to run away from myself but I'm stick with me and despise me but then I hear others confirming it when I wish they would prove that maybe I'm not a bad person somehow and that I could find a way to like me.

Fucking screw it.

I do EVERYTHING to try and change it. Try to help others, try to prove my worth to others but it's never enough because it never changes and I don't know to make it fucking change.

I felt good earlier. I walked 7 miles and I felt good - for the first time in god knows how long. I achieved a goal. I saw my s*** doc told him I only wanted prescription of 10 mg not 12 mg

But now I hear all these negative comments about me again and I feel depressed as fuck! They all don't like me, no one likes me, I've no friends in real life. I've people come to make trouble for me so it's all confirmation that I'm not a nice and likable person.

And I'm EXTREMELY angry at myself for it!!!!!!!

^evey, I tend to do what you are doing in that rant so don't take this as someone speaking down to you--just hard earned experience on my part that has really changed it for me and might for you. Instead of saying "no one likes me" try to bring it back down to fact: some people may not like you but that is true for you as well, right? There are always going to be people we resonate with and others not so much.

There is no "confirmation" about who you are based on what others say. Let your personality and your actions and your words define you. The only people you need to care about are those with whom you can be your authentic self. Creating all-encompassing statements about how no one understands or no one supports you drives away the people that actually do like and support you as they may feel completely invisible when you lump them into the "whole world" that you perceive to be against you! Learning to put things in perspective (it's a few people that perhaps made comments, not everyone) is where self acceptance can finally find fertile soil. Don't heap anger on yourself; tell yourself that you are learning how to not take things personally and that is something to be congratulated for!
^evey, I tend to do what you are doing in that rant so don't take this as someone speaking down to you--just hard earned experience on my part that has really changed it for me and might for you. Instead of saying "no one likes me" try to bring it back down to fact: some people may not like you but that is true for you as well, right? There are always going to be people we resonate with and others not so much.

There is no "confirmation" about who you are based on what others say. Let your personality and your actions and your words define you. The only people you need to care about are those with whom you can be your authentic self. Creating all-encompassing statements about how no one understands or no one supports you drives away the people that actually do like and support you as they may feel completely invisible when you lump them into the "whole world" that you perceive to be against you! Learning to put things in perspective (it's a few people that perhaps made comments, not everyone) is where self acceptance can finally find fertile soil. Don't heap anger on yourself; tell yourself that you are learning how to not take things personally and that is something to be congratulated for!

I didn't think of it like that, that I was possibly making people feel invisible who are supportive and care. I thought that as I got older I'd not care what others think of me anymore as everyone seems to say they don't care what others think of them when they get older. But I'm 34 now and I still worry how others think of me as much as I did 10 years ago. I wish I didn't take things personally but it's extremely hard when I read negative comments about me one after the other.

When I help others I feel like my existence is worth something and that I'm doing something worthwhile and I feel good inside. Then a group of people say negative stuff and it's like all that helping others didn't matter. I don't think I'm explaining this well.

And I've goals I'm never achieve because I can't get passed this. If a group of people say negative things one after the other it's like a load of darts aiming for me and I have to defend myself.

Thanks for your advice. It means a lot and I appreciate it. And I don't think you're speaking down to me. I admire you the way you help others after all you've been through.

Take care,
I feel like shit, want to be free to go and do as I please but I have another one of these to do some point afterwards.:X
I may be hated for this but sometimes i resent the fact im a single mam. I'm living a life of an 80 year old not someone in my 30s, trapped n it pisses me off. Is it so wrong to want some happiness no n then? Others get to go out but i cant because im stuck here and i fkn hate it.

I love my child the world over but resent being a single parent. Ive been out 3 times n 5 yrs n may not be able to do my run for cancer. Now lets get why. Because I cant get a baby sitter as usual. Should have shot. Myself five years ago if i knew I was going to feel this way.

@ owen I feel the same thing, I hate the fact that I am a slave to this situation I am in and I feel so helpless. I'm just counting the days where I would not be working in that hell of a job lol
@ owen I feel the same thing, I hate the fact that I am a slave to this situation I am in and I feel so helpless. I'm just counting the days where I would not be working in that hell of a job lol

I've been working at my stepdads business since I was 13 and I'm now 28. That's a long time, especially if you do not like the job, which I don't. It's hard to leave since there it is comfortable since I know it, but I also know I care more than a lot of the other people working there. If the business goes down my family would be in a bad situation, so that's pretty good motivation to stay for the time being.

My drug abuse over the last two years has pretty much ruined me financially for the time being and I'm pretty much just stuck there for now. So I think I know how you feel.
^I have a 6 grand debt that I still have to pay which is why I'm sucking it up. The worst part is when no one at work is trained to help me in doing some computer stuff. The owners are too cheap to hire more people. We just did inventory a few days ago and it's a huge mess. Since two of my coworkers are on maternity leave for a year, I am the only one who understands the system enough to try and fix the missing itemsn it's a huge mess there, people getting or grabbing stuff without telling us which makes inventory worst. I have been working in this company for 6 years now and today marks the 6th year but I definitely don't feel like celebrating. The current manager who is filling in for the manager on maternity leave is not much of a help and even if I complained she's untouchable, the owners love her and she's been there for 15 years. Every single day I come to work I'm unhappy and I know that it is time to move on but as long as I have this debt it won't happen.
Hiya Maya,

Sorry to hear of your debt. I hope you're able to sort it soon. Also sorry to hear that you're not happy at your work. Hope things improve for you soon.
Thinking of you,

^I have a 6 grand debt that I still have to pay which is why I'm sucking it up.

You're ahead of me a bit. I'm about $4500 in debt. Had never been in debt before until I started shooting up daily. I also owe my mom a lot of money. If I include that I'm in debt at least 10k. I try not to think about that too much because it seems like a big hole to climb out of. I know it's going to take some time. It can be hard to be patient sometimes.

My car is also falling apart. It's 21 years old now and I added a ton of miles on it when I was using. I'd really like to travel more, but I have to be patient about that too. I think a change of scene would do me some good. Maybe some time later this summer I could go to NYC or something. Probably going to be a while until I could venture out further.
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^I have a 6 grand debt that I still have to pay which is why I'm sucking it up. The worst part is when no one at work is trained to help me in doing some computer stuff. The owners are too cheap to hire more people. We just did inventory a few days ago and it's a huge mess. Since two of my coworkers are on maternity leave for a year, I am the only one who understands the system enough to try and fix the missing itemsn it's a huge mess there, people getting or grabbing stuff without telling us which makes inventory worst. I have been working in this company for 6 years now and today marks the 6th year but I definitely don't feel like celebrating. The current manager who is filling in for the manager on maternity leave is not much of a help and even if I complained she's untouchable, the owners love her and she's been there for 15 years. Every single day I come to work I'm unhappy and I know that it is time to move on but as long as I have this debt it won't happen.

Can you look for another job while you're still working at this one? People do that all the time. If you find one you like and it works out, you can quit and start the new one.
One day I'll find a girl that won't break my heart right in front of my face

One day
ANGRY ....

My ISP keeps taking me to some stupid "reset your password" page. I don't want to rest my password so I lose all my information I've typed (because I sometimes forget to click copy!) Ughhhhhhhhh So ANNOYING!!!! And if it's not doing that then it's disconnecting or crashing and I'm having to refresh the computer so it takes AGES to log back on to Bluelight...

To top it the same is happening with my mobile phone (iPhone) and my ISP and mobile network provider is different.

It's so infuriating and annoying when it's interrupting with my participation and Bluelight.

Is the universe trying to tell me something? It can play it's games because I can be incredibly stubborn. They've both a month to get this sorted or I'm moving elsewhere - to a different isp and mobile provider. Blah

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