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What is with people these days? They act like they're so much better than other people, and that the mistakes we make as humans are so weird, and leave us open to incrimination. And these stupid laws set by social standards. I can't cry because I'm a guy, I can't do this and that, I CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCKING HELL I WANT TO AND I SHOULDN'T BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR IT IF IT'S SOMETHING LIKE THAT. Who in the fuck cares, so what if I don't like talking to people sometimes, so what if I like being alone, so what if I'm friends with some weird people and some "cool" people, they're all the same to me, so what if I do something that is "nerdy" or stupid, so what if I don't get action, so what if I don't like to party, so what if I don't listen to mainstream music, so what if I think people I meet on here have 100 times the fucking personality than people I know in real life and I'd rather talk to them, so what if sitting at home is just as fun as being out with people, so what if i don't fully believe in a higher being, so what if I don't make fun of one person when everybody else does, so what if I don't conform like the rest of you, so what if I think corners are fun to sit in, so what if I like this one person, so what if I don't think getting loaded is the only way to have a good time, so what if I don't drink that much, so what if I don't like hooking up, so what if I hang out with the "emos", or "stoners", or "nerds", or "freaks", or "druggies", like you're just one fucking ray of sunshine yourself aren't you? I'm so glad you people are good enough to judge others, because you're a perfect fucking porcelain statue who's going to heaven because you wear a god damn cross around your neck. Oh right, that must give you the right to judge me and my friends, at least you know how to suck society's cock. Ooo, you can put on a show for your friends about how good of a person you are, you can preach my wrong doings as if you have none, and you're a fucking saint all of the sudden aren't you? Sorry I'm not the same person anymore, sorry I like drugs, sorry I dislike your judgmental attitude, you think I'm so happy with myself either? So what if I'm me, FUCK YOU if you have anything to judge me on. Yeah I do it myself sometimes, but at least I try, at least I fucking try to push my judgments to the back of my head, and at least I can fucking admit it without having to go kneel in a box and pretend I'm sorry so I can live in a cloud after I die. Not you all, you throw your opinion out there like I give two fucks, well guess what, some people do give two fucks, and it really hurts them, they don't need to hear accusations from some phony, critical bastards. I don't care how rich, good looking, cool, or how much better of a person you are than me, leave your judgments back at home. You don't have to ever fucking like me, if you don't, then I don't want you to, I'm not asking for your praise, but you respect me, respect my fucking friends, and respect everyone else that you pass your judgments onto. I hate going to a rich kid public high school with nearly 4000 people. FUCK HIGH SCHOOL.
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Fuckin A..... now tell us how you really feel. ;)

that was an awesome rant. got em on all fronts!

damn badfish thats whats UP! Let it out bro. I read every bit of it. Fuck yeah.

So what!!!!
..... So what!!!!

speaking of!

Dr. Rivethead prescribes you a deafening dose of Ministry- "Burning Inside", "So What", & "Everyday is Halloween", and "Jesus Built My Hot-Rod"

if the angst ain't been silenced by the ringing in your ears afterwards, try breaking some glass. catharsis rocks.

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Oh I'm relentless with this. I can't stand it. We all deal with enough, and maybe if these people thought for one fucking second about who they were making fun of, they'd think twice. Oh it's no big deal is it? Maybe that person is one "no big deal" comment away from shooting up or killing themselves. These people have made it so hard for them to find happiness, they think it only rests in death or a drug, and you know what, I dont blame them.

I had to stop myself with this rant, I could go on forever. Nothing tears at me more than the conceited people I see everyday constraining me and everyone else from being happy and ourselves because they think they can.
Hey badfish, you know how in some countries they have professional wailers? You should be a professional ranter! That was an A+++! Stick to your guns. You are in High School--that hellish place where society makes everybody run the gauntlet.It's such a brief, false construct. (Iknow it doesn't feel like it when you are in it). It gets better. But it gets better because the people like you keep their integrity and learn to hate hypocrisy rather than joining in the shark-fest out of fear.

The truth is, those mean hypocrites are more afraid and unhappy than anybody; that's why they have to do what they do. They are afraid to let their guard down for one second.)

You are a hell of a warrior. And you're fighting for my side!
P. S. I've gotta say, I'm glad I was a hippie when I was your age--it relieved a lot of pressure=D
Thanks herb :) I've always considered being a professional ranter, I know how to complain and appeal to people's emotions with proof and experience =D I believe it gets better, but for now it's a damn prison. And I'm not perfect, I fall into it myself a lot, but I do my best to pull myself and keep myself out of it. I'm looking forward to getting past high school.
...... I know how to complain and appeal to people's emotions with proof and experience =D I believe it gets better, but for now it's a damn prison....... I'm looking forward to getting past high school.

righteous angst, youthful indignation, and a healthy heapin' helpin' of individuality you have; but through no fault of your own, experience you're still a little lacking in.

..... that come with taxes, grey hair, sleepless nights, gnashing of teeth, and enormous beer-tabs. ;)

although not necessarily in that order. =D

Don't worry, it gets better. In about 10-15 years you'll find out a lot of other people are just as weird & fucked-up as we are. The faces of squares really have a nifty way of eroding over time, and everyone gets tired of holding up a hefty mask..... when they slip, then you'll have humorously awesome opportunities to zing the self-righteous snot right off their smug mugs.

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It's okay I already have grey hair ;) Seriously I do, the back of my head is grey.
I fail to see how this was delivered in a constructive and sensitive manner. It comes across as more judgemental than anything else.

Really? Seemed pretty constructive to me.

Definition: cut down - to humble someone or put them in their place

Ixchs comments -

Maybe instead of telling the truth about willfully breaking the rules; or even worse, lying about doing so.... you could actually do your bit, jump through their hoops for your time on probation, and then not have to worry about shit later.

But if you're that bound n determined to buck the system, you can't expect an easy ride & to be left alone.

Is that cutting someone down?
Lets talk about relativity for a minute.

Instead of ixch saying that sound systems father said it. In that context, it would come off as almost too casual a response. People would say the "father" was levelheaded, respectful, and to the point.
To compound things. Ixch was cut down on the judgement that he was cutting another down. He was "put in his place" by Aclepius.

However, wouldn't it be more calibrated/reasonable to let the person who is actually percieving the judgement (sound system) to respond to ixch first? Then if he percieves it as ixch cutting him down, he can convey some type of casual annoyance in his post and THEN an intervention is made? Just seems wayyy too sensitive to me to first assume how someone else percieved a situation (SS) THEN to make your own assumption about the matter w/out first responding to person who you're apparently trying to help.

I don't know. But it would be too simple to have just asked SS through PM how he took it (unless that was done in which case ignore this post). Everyone on this forum has a different type of relationship with someone else. I personally welcome any type of comment from ixch. Because the common denominator is he is ALWAYS trying to help me regardless of his tone which for the most part is always polite. Even if he did lose it one time on me I'd still value his comments collectively because like I said they are always helpful. I actually post in this thread so I can have people "humble me" at times.

But *most importantly*, I see what aclepius did to soundsystem cutting him down more than what ixch did. It is like when you are at the supermarket and see a handicapped person ("vulnerable" person) struggling with something. And then you come to them and insist on "helping them". BEFORE THEY EVEN ASK or convey in any manner that they need help. And at the same time you wind up demeaning their own self worth by making the assumption that they are too weak a person to cope with life. So honestly, who is helping who? And who is cutting who down?

This IS the vent thread afterall. It will trigger things. Anger is one of those things it will trigger along with cravings to use. And in the end I think a more liberal attitude will always be better than a less liberal attitude. Grown adults psychologically fucked up or not, on drugs or not do not need to be babied through real life human interaction.
-vent over
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