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Valium hasn't done shit


Feb 9, 2009
I've got 70 roche 10mg vals, 100% real and legit from a UK pharmacy. I've never tried any benzos before..

Took one earlier and it made me feel a bit tired, after about an hour nothing was really happening. Took another and I started feeling really tired, lay down on my bed and fell asleep in approximately 5 seconds. Woke up about 4 hours later feeling pretty normal, now it's about 8 hours later and I've dropped another one and still can't really feel much.

I'm told 30mg is alot for a beginner but not a fat lot is happening.

Is there any explanation for this?
Yes, there is an explainaition for this.

Many people don't feel euphoria from benzos.

They relieve anxiety, and make you tired. Seems like they are working since you fell asleep. For people with severe anxiety of panic attacks, the relief that benzos live valium produce makes them euphoric to them.
Some people just get relaxed and drowsy from benzodiazepines. They aren't really euphoria-induced highly recreational drugs. If you just get tired the higher you go than you'll probably just get more tired.

Damn TommyBoy, we posted the same second...
You should have taken the 30mg all at once instead of increments.
I know what you mean though, Valium doesn't do much for me either.
It is a benzo that is on the weak side compared to Clonazepam or Alprazolam.
Some people really enjoy Valium while others like myself find it pretty useless.
And while some say it lasts forever due to its long half-life, it really only lasts about 4 hours max for me and most people I know. Like you said, you woke up 4 hours after taking it feeling normal. Don't expect much.
Well that's a shame, guess I can use them as sleeping pills :D
Well that's a shame, guess I can use them as sleeping pills :D

Well it can also be utilized for other reasons including but not limited to;

Dealing with annoying family members
Talking to people that you may be nervous around, including hitting on girls
Airplane flights
Making time pass really fast
Potentiating weed (it is dangerous to mix with other downers though if you don't know its effects)
Lieing and getting away with it
Well it can also be utilized for other reasons including but not limited to;

Dealing with annoying family members
Talking to people that you may be nervous around, including hitting on girls
Airplane flights
Making time pass really fast
Potentiating weed (it is dangerous to mix with other downers though if you don't know its effects)
Lieing and getting away with it

I thought that, but based on the experience today I can't imagine it helping any of that. All it did was make me tired and uncoordinated. I'll try it again tommorow at a low dose and go round my friends house and see if I feel better socially.
I thought that, but based on the experience today I can't imagine it helping any of that. All it did was make me tired and uncoordinated. I'll try it again tommorow at a low dose and go round my friends house and see if I feel better socially.

Doesn't really make you feel social though. Helps with the anxiety in social situations.
valium i have to do at least 30mg to get any real enjoyment out of. valium is one of my least favorite benzos
Valium and Lorazepam dont do shit for me.... I need at least xanax or kpins to feel anytype of sedation/relaxing effect and always need to add at least weed.... some benzos or all benzos just dont do shit for some people. you also have to be aware how subtle the high is especially if you dont actually have anxiety like symptoms to relive.
first time I ever did valium I had to take 50mg and 400 mg of tramadol with it, and I was nodding in and out of consciousness, here's a funny story about the first time I ever took a benzo though(I am not a big benzo person and rarely ever do them btw). I was in Jail and a buddy of mine said he had some klonopin and asked me if I wanted one, I had never tried them and said what the hell I might as well catch a buzz in here, so I took one and went to my bunk to lay down and read my book, well next thing I know it's the middle of the night, one minute it's the afternoon and I'm reading my book and then BAM! middle of the night, I lost the whole afternoon and evening, blacked out, Only time in Life I ever blacked out and lost my memory I couldn't believe it, and I was like DAMN I missed my Dinner tray, but several people told me, "Nah you got up, got in line, got your tray, went back to your bunk, ate your dinner, went and put your tray up, and went back to your bunk and went right back to sleep". I was like WTF!!! needless to say that's probably the reason I don't fuck with benzo's that much to this day LOL
first time I ever did valium I had to take 50mg and 400 mg of tramadol with it, and I was nodding in and out of consciousness, here's a funny story about the first time I ever took a benzo though(I am not a big benzo person and rarely ever do them btw). I was in Jail and a buddy of mine said he had some klonopin and asked me if I wanted one, I had never tried them and said what the hell I might as well catch a buzz in here, so I took one and went to my bunk to lay down and read my book, well next thing I know it's the middle of the night, one minute it's the afternoon and I'm reading my book and then BAM! middle of the night, I lost the whole afternoon and evening, blacked out, Only time in Life I ever blacked out and lost my memory I couldn't believe it, and I was like DAMN I missed my Dinner tray, but several people told me, "Nah you got up, got in line, got your tray, went back to your bunk, ate your dinner, went and put your tray up, and went back to your bunk and went right back to sleep". I was like WTF!!! needless to say that's probably the reason I don't fuck with benzo's that much to this day LOL

He probably raped you as well.

If you're not anxioous/stressed valium or any other benzo won't give you a feeling of euphoria. Also you took 30mg over a quite long perod of time....

next time try taking 25mg and a cup of coffee... see if you enjoy it.... if not, send em to me ;)
I stopped feeling valium after I got a script. Its weird. I think unless you take breaks from benzos like amphetamines by switching meds or not taking as much as you do and deal with it their all pretty shi