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Upper vs. Downer People

I suffered crippling anxiety as a child/teen and still do to a lesser degree and uppers tend to aggravate that and give me panic attacks unless I take them with alcohol or benzos.
So I'm a downers guy :)

Predominately Oxycodone and valium.

6 months sober from a very severe 3 year alcohol addiction that nearly killed me.
I'm not really sure, since I've never tried euphoric downers stronger than Vicodin. I've grown to hate uppers since I take amphetamines everyday for my ADD. They used to make me too happy, now I wind up feeling depressed/anxious after a couple hours.
Meth, crackheads, and speed freaks ... if they could just see what I hear after a 40 mg OP,2 LT's, SOMA and bar and a half of zanny (yellow is my favorite) after that cocktail chase with few beers and some good weed
Meth, crackheads, and speed freaks ... if they could just see what I hear after a 40 mg OP,2 LT's, SOMA and bar and a half of zanny (yellow is my favorite) after that cocktail chase with few beers and some good weed

Y'know your doing something right when people can't see what your hearing and visa versa.
I like to experience both simultaneously, which led to some terrible DOC confluences in the past. This week has me on alert, however, b/c I am enjoying stims unto themselves w/ increasing frequency.

In general, as it goes for company, I prefer downer people. Much lower maintenance, and far less sketchy scheming, IME.
I'd totally agree that some people like uppers, and other like downers.

I tend to be a bit speedy naturally, and have been accused of being on meth several times when completely sober.

But I'm a huge upper fan, and not much of a downer fan.

I absolutely hate large doses of alcohol, benzos, indica weed... love sativa weed, nicotine, caffeine, amphetamines, and the more highly stimulating nootropics like phenylpiracetam and sunifiram

I just feel so much better being on uppers. The only part I dislike is the tweeky peripheral stimulation, and I take alpha or beta blockers to counteract that (and protect my cardiovascular system) depending on the precise stimulant.

When I've got anxiety troubles, I prefer a highly selective, non-sedating anxiolytic like Afobazole (why the fuck do american doctors put everyone on benzos when the russians have this stuff!?)
i rarely do uppers,because of the come down. When i come down i just lock myself in my room and feel really reallly depressed and anxious.
i like both pretty much equally and usually do both together. i love getting drunk and benzo'd but need something to keep me up so i do an upper after. i like getting geeked up but need to smooth the ride so i take a downer after. if i had to do one by itself it would be an upper but i can't really consider myself an upper or downer person.
Love both. IVed meth. Tomorrow Heroin and possibly cocaine. Unfortunately I've developed a habit for both meth and heroin back in the days. I better check myself before i wreck myself
Low brain excitability = you like uppers, you crave the stimulation. You're already relaxed sober.

High brain excitability = you like downers, you crave the relaxation. You're already stimulated sober (too much in my case).
nothing against downers or those that love them.. but I will forever be a lover of uppers! cleaning, organizing, working, etc. on addy is my favorite way to unwind. I'm such a stereotype.
I like uppers from time to time. But for me I need some downers to get shit done. I get stressed out easily and downers can calm me down so that I do stuff like clean my room or go to work. Uppers are only helpful when I need to get a whole lot of shit done.
nothing against downers or those that love them.. but I will forever be a lover of uppers! cleaning, organizing, working, etc. on addy is my favorite way to unwind. I'm such a stereotype.


I like uppers from time to time. But for me I need some downers to get shit done. I get stressed out easily and downers can calm me down so that I do stuff like clean my room or go to work. Uppers are only helpful when I need to get a whole lot of shit done.

When I was young I hated seeing others on downers, mostly opiates and I gravitated towards uppers because I wanted to go out every night, party every night (and day) and I had the funds to just keep on going, so I'd do speed for days on end until the body wore out completely and the mind was no longer functioning at all. With the exception of alcohol, when I was <20 and getting into early 20's, I was always on uppers and didn't see that changing.

After that I stopped for a few years, except the drinking, been doing that for way too long and ended up getting a little bit too acquainted with opiates after years of using in moderation. The single moment it got out of control, in case anyone was wondering how I could use opiates for years occasionally without ever getting a habit was when I stuck a needle in my arm for the first time. That's when everything changed, no doubt about it.

Now, downers are all I care for but I'll still have some good ice if it's around on occasion, I love the rush but I hate the fact that it lasts so fucking long. It needs a stop button, then I'd enjoy/use it more than I do. If it's shitty quality I won't even bother, whereas if it's shitty quality heroin I'm still a sucker and I'll spend all I've got because that's the only drug that makes me feel normal.
I like both, usually a downer person though. only use both when im coming down from an upper.
Low brain excitability = you like uppers, you crave the stimulation. You're already relaxed sober.

High brain excitability = you like downers, you crave the relaxation. You're already stimulated sober (too much in my case).

Not my case. I'm a high functioning, high strung upper freak. The only time I'm relaxed is if I take trazodone and melatonin to try and induce some sleep...
I don't think you people should be classifying opiates as downers. Many people like me use them for the increased motivation they provide. A low dose of your standard opiate like hydrocodone or oxycodone feels like a very low dose of methamphetamine, for example.

But, I'm just a fan of drugs in general.

Oh and meth is very relaxing in a low dose.