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UK Online Harm Bill

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
I'm not quite sure what kind of Mental Illness these MP's are suffering from & when I heard on the news what the backbencher lot got pushed through in regard to the owner of Twitter, Facebook, TikTok (Good luck with that as it's run by the CCP) will be put in Jail if they refuse to remove "content that MAY harm" I nearly lost my shit.
Who is to define what "harmful content" is? I find the whole Trans lot who want kids to take drugs to stop what's natural happening to their body "harmful" BUT I'd NEVER stop someone from cutting their dick off if they really wanted to, DON'T come crying about it when you are in your 20's & then decide you aren't a "woman" & want your dick back as it's too late you fucking idiot, that is the price you pay for your actions.
Also some music I love could very easy be classed as "harmful" due to the lyrical content like DSBM which sings about suicide, depression, self-harm, Total Nihilism etc, most album covers have images of suicide & people in a realm mess due to their own actions but I've never felt the need due to looking at an album cover to also go put my head on the train tracks & wait for the train to crush my head off as I'm not that silly & IF a person really want's to do that behaviour they will anyway. Check out the cover of "Broken Life - When Negative Feelings Drown This Life" for a good example.

Also I find it totally insane & a very sick culture that the media would have us believe so many Teenage girls spend their time on TikTok watching these fucking ass-clown influencers, these people would NEVER make me do a damn thing, they all look like last years Love Island rejects, if a whole group of people which must be several 100,000 at the least have NOTHING better to do & are so foolish they will NOT EAT FOOD because some female with snow-white teeth & skin that's the same colour as the Nicotine stains on my fingers tell them something this World is fucking DOOMED. With access to The Internet at an all time high we as a collective species have more information at a click of a button than at any time in history yet people refuse to learn something about......I don't know.......say that fucking Joan of Arc or Aristotle for example, fuck it learn who Diogenes the Cynic AKA Diogenes of Sinope is for a good example ;) ;) ;)

Honestly if people feel "social pressure" to behave a set way that you see on TikTok, to look like you are off Love Island you have real issues, your parents have done a fucking horrific job of raising you & you are mentally ill. I'd never ban stuff as people will as a whole always be fucking stupid & that's just life sadly.

I find the whole concept of Banning things just because some idiot goes & cuts their wrist, jumps off a bridge, refuses to eat & dies well tough shit I say, this behaviour makes me think back on the MXE band because some fucking idiot fell into a Canal & died while off his nut on it, I did many oz of the stuff & I'm NOT joking here yet I didn't fall into a canal, yet again 1 ass-clown is a fool & the people in power piss all over everyone else.

I find that Witch Lorraine Kelly dangerous with her LGBTQ agenda which she seems to push every day, to say kids should be exposed to Drag queens is sick & that could be "dangerous" for people so let's BAN HER too, in fact lock her ass up in jail as far as I'm concerned. I find anything to do with far-right Zionism very dangerous so let's lock up Jews too, you see where this is going to folks? ;)

These Cunts will be trying to ban The Smiths next due to some of the lyrics, God Forbid the track "Pretty Girls Make Graves" should be heard by some fucking Incel piece of shit, yeah follow the trail of bread & you end up getting eaten by The Witch.
Call me callous, but I struggle to have much sympathy with today's kids who complain about being bullied online. Back when I was at school in the more-or-less pre-internet, but certainly pre-social media age, you couldn't simply 'turn off' bullies. When people cry about being bullied online I feel like saying 'just close the fucking browser down then' or use one of the block or ignore functions that all social media has.

But it's nice to see our MPs have come up with a bill even more poorly thought out than the NPS Act
Fuckinnnellll seriously, an online harm bill.... they'll do fucking anything to try an look like they give the first shit about other people besides themselves and their rich mates. Fucking politicians man (especially Tories!) Where the fuck will it end?? I'd probably rather have ZB or even ganjcat running the country than this bunch of clueless, over privileged numptees!
What's wrong with me running the country?
My first Law would be any junkie who's convicted of burglary would have one chance to get clean, if they were caught again they would be fed to a Shark and it would be shown live on TV as an example to others.
People bad to animals would be hung in a cage naked in winter and people could throw rocks, poo, rotten food etc at them for a few days.
Sex offenders of any kind would be raped by a horse.

I'm NOT joking here btw.
Call me callous, but I struggle to have much sympathy with today's kids who complain about being bullied online. Back when I was at school in the more-or-less pre-internet, but certainly pre-social media age, you couldn't simply 'turn off' bullies. When people cry about being bullied online I feel like saying 'just close the fucking browser down then' or use one of the block or ignore functions that all social media has.
This 🙏🙏❤️❤️👍👍
A billion times over THIS!!!!
What's wrong with me running the country?
My first Law would be any junkie who's convicted of burglary would have one chance to get clean, if they were caught again they would be fed to a Shark and it would be shown live on TV as an example to others.
People bad to animals would be hung in a cage naked in winter and people could throw rocks, poo, rotten food etc at them for a few days.
Sex offenders of any kind would be raped by a horse.

I'm NOT joking here btw.
Ha I was only joking ZB - to be quite honest I quite like your policies thus far. I'd vote for yer!
Harmful online content and activity includes cyberbullying, racism, misogynistic abuse, pornography, and material promoting violence and self-harm. The Covid-19 pandemic has seen social media platforms used to spread anti-vaccine disinformation.

So broad in context. As it applies to media sites. I suspect social media will require much higher staffing and as for content creators, it seems to take social media MONTHS to spot something by suspending people so these mini-videos that may only be online for a day will ALL have to be stored for people to go after later.

They just don't understand HOW social media works. Also, no hard to code insults so as best I can tell, social media will need to answer complaints on the dot and suspend people while the video is checked.

In essence, making social media impossible. I checked and they haven't asked 1 expert.

If the above is true, they finally realized that a ban on social media would simply lead to unregulated sites on encrypted servers in 3rd nations AND people would have to pay.....
Harmful online content and activity includes cyberbullying, racism, misogynistic abuse, pornography, and material promoting violence and self-harm. The Covid-19 pandemic has seen social media platforms used to spread anti-vaccine disinformation.
Cyberbullying is just another form of what Humans do to each other, Ginger people have always taken shit off folks, I have to admit when I was young myself & I mean my age was in single figures I'd said some brutal racism to people which I regret but I was a kid, what the fuck did I know?
I've been called a "spaz" etc because of my dyspraxia but I took it on the chin like folks should, I didn't cry & if I got mad I'd tell people to "go fuck your dead nan" it's simple. Welcome to life, send me a postcard.

Racism in all forms has always been around & will NEVER stop, sorry Hippies but that's true. I can give many examples of Racism over the whole of humanity's time on Earth if people want some?

Misogamy is the same as Racism, go take a look at 8Chan for example. This will only go onto Tor & become even worse. In the hyper-sexual culture we live in young males who ain't got laid yet will always have weird views about women, sorry but that's true. Also trust me on this one if someone reads this who's never been laid before the moment your missus has a kid out of her vagina it's blown out. You really ain't missing out on much.
Porn.....well I remember as a kid finding so many Porn magazines in woods. I remember the local newsagent selling 70 & over which was a magazine of Granny porn ffs.

material promoting violence and self-harm well let's ban GTA games, most films on the telly, ban the news that shows the war in Ukraine etc, you follow my logic here? Facebook will give you a 28 day ban on posting any music by Burzum due to his views on Jews etc, I don't give a fuck what Varg thinks about black people & Jews I LOVE his music & I don't give a fuck what people think about my comment here. Let's ban Michael Jackson records too & NEVER allow any of his drum loops / drum breaks into Jungle or Hip Hop again as what he did to kids.

I will not comment on the "Vaccine" as my views are well known, let the cards fall where they will in regards to any side effects & I'd NEVER stop anyone from taking it or NOT taking it. If I die of some bizarre Covid-19 infection well let it be, if someone who had the Vaccine dies of a Stroke well the same logic applies. YOU MAKE YOUR BED YOU SLEEP IN IT folks ;)
What's wrong with me running the country?
My first Law would be any junkie who's convicted of burglary would have one chance to get clean, if they were caught again they would be fed to a Shark and it would be shown live on TV as an example to others.
People bad to animals would be hung in a cage naked in winter and people could throw rocks, poo, rotten food etc at them for a few days.
Sex offenders of any kind would be raped by a horse.

I'm NOT joking here btw.
ZB for next PM (I assume the few days throwing shite at animal abusers ends with a popsiclecorpse? 😁).

Pretty muchagree with ZB; theremust be many others...
Ha I was only joking ZB - to be quite honest I quite like your policies thus far. I'd vote for yer!

The party's manifesto advocated reducing the school leaving age to nine, the annexation of France, and the reintroduction of hanging, but only for "minor offences" such as littering. By contrast, murderers would be disembowelled, along with improper users of text language. The proposed rate of tax was 90%[1]. Immigrants would be repelled with boiling oil and longbows at all ports and airports.

ZB for next PM (I assume the few days throwing shite at animal abusers ends with a popsiclecorpse? 😁).

Pretty muchagree with ZB; theremust be many others...
I'd take you on as my Drug Czar, you would make that guy who got sacked & is doing research with mushrooms for depression look light weight.
I'm not joking here I heard from a dog in a Magick fantasy land you may have been around something that cured my ex for quite some time of her depression & cutting herself with a Razor. Possibly something lifted me out of my dyspraxia & allowed my brain to see in a 4th Dimension which was insane. Some Cunts in power decided to BAN the most important find of the last 10 years because some guy in the UK died in a Canal after taking way too much. I put many oz up my nose & well past the time it was "banned" (God Bless Spanish Vendors folks) ;) ;) ;)

I'm about as Liberal as you can get with drug use, where I get upset is when a Heroin addict goes & robs a old lady or hurts ANY OTHER HUMAN to fund their habit. I personally don't see a small few crimes as that bad, where I get very upset is with theft from people, you pull a knife on some innocent woman working in the Spar to rob the till or snatch a bag from some old lady who's in her 90's I would kill you in the most brutal way.
I'm on about feeding you to a Shark, bringing back the old style of being Hung, Drawn & Quartered in the town centre as an example to others.
These two idiots would be very sorry under my Law, a fine of a few quid isn't good enough.
The Giraffe should be allowed to kick them several times to the stomach or balls, you ever seen what a Giraffe kick does to a full grown Lion? Trust me the animals doesn't have legs that long for no reason.
They are the Muay Thai fighter of the Animal Kingdom.

What's wrong with me running the country?
My first Law would be any junkie who's convicted of burglary would have one chance to get clean, if they were caught again they would be fed to a Shark and it would be shown live on TV as an example to others.
People bad to animals would be hung in a cage naked in winter and people could throw rocks, poo, rotten food etc at them for a few days.
Sex offenders of any kind would be raped by a horse.

I'm NOT joking here btw.
You're going to defy any attempt at pigeonholing aren't you.

But all this kind of stuff would be well at home amongst the far right. Not that I fundamentally disagree with anything you've said there, but I've also seen your attitude to 'lefties' and environmentalists. What is it about environmentalists that seems so despicable to so many people on EADD? :LOL:

(Not that I'm any kind of "eco-warrrior" myself, but my natural inclination is to have some sympathy with their cause, and I'd more align with the left than the right, in general)
You're going to defy any attempt at pigeonholing aren't you.
Possibly, I'm not going to stop you from pointing your finger at me & say I am XXX.
But all this kind of stuff would be well at home amongst the far right. Not that I fundamentally disagree with anything you've said there, but I've also seen your attitude to 'lefties' and environmentalists. What is it about environmentalists that seems so despicable to so many people on EADD? :LOL:
You aware of the Finnish guy called Pentti Linkola?
This is the Mental Sickness that these people believe in my friend. Owkay so the planet has too many people on it & we need to stop using stuff to power our homes etc, well who is to say which group of people are "excess"? You see where this leads to? It's equal to sending people in camps to go take a "shower" & Zyklon B fills the room.

Also what really gets me mad with these Eco idiots is the total UK Carbon release is only 2% of total amounts, so if the UK dropped into the sea today it would make NO DIFFERENCE to the planet, the Eco people go protest over here & cause a scene, they throw Soup at pictures etc, I suggest you go throw Soup around on a picture of Chairman Mao in the Capital of China or go throw Soup at the Saudi Royal Family ;)

Humanity has abused the Earth for so long, think dumping Nuclear Waste on beaches in Somalia as one example, I can keep going on & on for you if you want more examples? I can back this all up with hard proof if you think I'm chatting shit btw. The people in power don't give a damn, I do feel a bit for people who care about the trees etc but the scales have been on one side for way too long, the Eco agenda being pushed is a trick to keep your eyes off the bigger picture.
You honestly think The Great Reset is a load of lies? I can link you a video f the head of The WEF Klaus Schwab bragging about what is happening, don't believe the hype as Public Enemy said ;)

I'm NOT "left" or "right" as they both have good ideas & also horrific ideas, I am HUMAN & my "party" is humanity.
I'd take you on as my Drug Czar, you would make that guy who got sacked & is doing research with mushrooms for depression look light weight.
I'm not joking here I heard from a dog in a Magick fantasy land you may have been around something that cured my ex for quite some time of her depression & cutting herself with a Razor. Possibly something lifted me out of my dyspraxia & allowed my brain to see in a 4th Dimension which was insane. Some Cunts in power decided to BAN the most important find of the last 10 years because some guy in the UK died in a Canal after taking way too much. I put many oz up my nose & well past the time it was "banned" (God Bless Spanish Vendors folks) ;) ;) ;)

I'm about as Liberal as you can get with drug use, where I get upset is when a Heroin addict goes & robs a old lady or hurts ANY OTHER HUMAN to fund their habit. I personally don't see a small few crimes as that bad, where I get very upset is with theft from people, you pull a knife on some innocent woman working in the Spar to rob the till or snatch a bag from some old lady who's in her 90's I would kill you in the most brutal way.
I'm on about feeding you to a Shark, bringing back the old style of being Hung, Drawn & Quartered in the town centre as an example to others.
As a drug czar, given powerto think up punishments, I would get medievil on their arses (I think being stabbed in the head, by some rattling junkie, trying to mug me, may bias my attitude a bit!).

Also, since my folks passed, I'm more than happy to have my name associated with MXE (apparently some sad fucker in London is going around wanting people to believe he's me. That is one truely sad fucker! 😆).
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As a drug czar, given powerto think up punishments, I would get medievil on their arses (I think being stabbed in the head, by some rattling junkie, trying to mug me, may bias my attitude a bit!).
I'm with you 100%
Don't think every heroin addict is the same, I admit 98% of them are trash & cannot take any form of acceptance for their own behaviour.
I've "worked" for people & then all of a sudden been "sacked" & had to sit out withdrawl from a few grams a day habit, I NEVER once went out to rob another human or break into a house. 2001 I first smoked smack & in all that time as "God" be witness I've never robbed another human like you said above. I simply CANNOT do it, I have a moral line I refuse to cross & I don't give a fuck what BL say about this as it's true.

It's always people who never had a heroin withdrawl from a few grams per day habit that think they know better than a addict who's got over 20 years under his belt ;)
but my natural inclination is to have some sympathy with their cause, and I'd more align with the left than the right, in general)
Capital: A Critique of Political Economy is as dangerous as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Two sides of the same coin ;)

You play someone else's game you are getting played & when your chips are taken off the table you win nothing ;)
I'm with you 100%
Don't think every heroin addict is the same, I admit 98% of them are trash & cannot take any form of acceptance for their own behaviour.
I've "worked" for people & then all of a sudden been "sacked" & had to sit out withdrawl from a few grams a day habit, I NEVER once went out to rob another human or break into a house. 2001 I first smoked smack & in all that time as "God" be witness I've never robbed another human like you said above. I simply CANNOT do it, I have a moral line I refuse to cross & I don't give a fuck what BL say about this as it's true.

It's always people who never had a heroin withdrawl from a few grams per day habit that think they know better than a addict who's got over 20 years under his belt ;)
As somebody who is a clinical addict (180mg a day DHC scripted, for god knows how many years), I've experienced opiate w/d (ok, not smack), but the worst I've done is go drug shoppung, around local pharmacies, for Paramol (paracetamol & DHC), to carry out CWE on...
I'm curious if you have any views upon the actions of Baader-Meinhof Gruppe (RAF) & SPK (The Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv)
Feel free to DM me.
I'm curious if you have any views upon the actions of Baader-Meinhof Gruppe (RAF) & SPK (The Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv)
Feel free to DM me.
I have never heard of either tbh. I only found out about the WEF in the last couple of weeks as I was looking into stuff about control over people's personal banking.

This may not be exactly relevant or follow on at this time, but topics like this make me think about Russel Brand's You Tube channel which I follow, as it has loads of amazing, informative, and deeply anti-establishment content. I find his style a bit hard to deal with though at times, with the speed he talks at about such heavy topics makes him hard to follow at times.

The fact that he has over 6 million subscribers and has not been banned yet, although he and his team are taking great care so as not to be, the fact that he hasn't been banned keeps my faith alive that we still do truly do have free speech in the west. The moment Brand's channel gets taken down will be a very bad sign.