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TV: Scrubs

new season starts january 3rd...and since it didnt start in the fall, they're gonna be airing two episodes back to back per night until the olympics start!!!

an hour of new scrubs a week...doesnt get much better.
Is it just me or has Scrubs gotten a lot less funny from last year?

The second episode this past tuesday was much more dramatic than it was funny. Lame.

Zach Braff just said he was going to sell his scooter on Craigslist. damn popculture. he's so good.
I'm one of those annoying TV snobs--the sort that only watches HBO stuff (Ie SOPRANOS & 6ft UNDER), stuff on PBS or movies on cable.


I never, ever miss an episode & although it is on the verge of jumping the shark this season, it still makes me laugh out loud at least twice each episode. No other network TV comedy can do that for me. I would have to go all the way back to the last good season of the SIMPSONS (that would be 2002) to find a show that consistantly made me laugh each week.

As my job is very stressful this year I have actually tried to watch some network TV comedies for some lighthearted release but not only did not laugh, I actually felt depressed. I'm a gay man & I have to say the WILL & GRACE is the worst TV comedy since MOMMA'S FAMILY (Debra Messing is the worst TV actress ever), THE OFFICE is a cheap imatator if something that wasn't that funny to begin with, MY NAME IS EARL is, I guess an acquired taste (I can tell it's intelligent & am impressed they're trying soemthing new but I just don't get it), FAMILY GUY at its best is still a 3rd rate copy of THE SIMPSONS at it's worst, SOUTH PK has run out of gas & don't even get me started with all of those lousy CBS comedies.
I saw it for the first time a couple months ago and I went back and downloaded and watched every episode. Elliot is fucking hot as hell.=D

Anyone watch that comedy medical television show called Scrubs? I for one, think it's a friggen classic and it literally has me in tears some nights. Just wanted to let you's all know, that if you haven't seen one episode of this show, then you are missing out. :)
It is a good show, I watched the first season, but Greys Anatomy makes it look like a joke. Granted it is supposed to be a comedy, but its like watching Saved by the Bell to me anymore...

Hello, Mr Fielding!!!
Remember when "brown bear" WOOPED karla in arm wrestling and then proceeds to yell at the top of his lungs "SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO? DO YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MESS WITH THE WARRRIOR?!?!?!?!?!"


c'mon people
scrubs is easily the best show ever.

give it up for dr COX
The new season starts towards the end of November. I'm tivo'ing all the re-runs right now. Still, in my opinion, the best show on televsion.

"What has two thumbs and doesn't give a rats ass?"

"Bob Kelso"

so genius it hurts.

also, all of you scrubs lovers, check out clone high, the cartoon that was made for one season by the scrubs team! also genius.
Yea Scrubs is mad. I don't watch it on tv because the channel that shows it here raped it (Australia, they changed the air times and ended up giving it a graveyard time slot). Instead i got all the dvds, which means whenever i get the new season i pretty much watch it in one session, haha, very addictive viewing this :)

I still like House a little more though.
It's a decent show, kinda easy to get burnt out on though imo. When every single episode follows essentially the same formula it can get pretty annoying, esp. when they go into their 5 minute sermons at the end of each one :\

I'm in a phase of liking it though atm, and for those who love arrested development: this season david cross is supposed to be making an appearance on the show as Dr. Tobias Funke :D should be a recipe for success =D
I caught an episode and I couldn't tell... which one is the funny guy?