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TV: Lost

to me, lost is like an ex-girlfriend you love to hate. throughout the seasons, ive told myself a number of times that i was done with it. but i eventually kept coming back to her. that bitch. :) (same with heroes, /end sidebar)

yeah that cliffhanger finale was a BIIIIIG cliffhanger finale. they could go either way with it. just please dont tell me that it was all in hurley's head, because i will totally off myself (not really). with this being the final season, do you think they are going to be able to tie up all of the loose ends? like...all of them? i read that in EW (or maybe saw on E! News) that the love triangle between sawyer jack and kate may not be fully resolved by the end of the season.

well, at least juliet has V
I feel the same way. But I think it's too good to not watch. The producers originally said that everything in the show was possible through psuedoscience, so I think it will be interesting to see if they can make sense of that. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if the first episode was Hurley waking up on the plane and landing in LA thinking that the whole ordeal was a dream, but all of the relevant characters were so intertwined before the plane crashed that I think the story has to go somewhere. The only character that didn't sign on for the final season was Shannon so we're going to get pretty much the whole cast back. I think my biggest unanswered question is why was Walt SO special that Ben & Co. found that they couldn't use him? I'm not concerned with the numbers or the smoke monster or the time-space continuum, and honestly if the final season sucks I will just erase it in my head and the whole series will end at the end of Season 5. I was kind of satisfied with that ending.

Here's an interesting site I stumbled upon... http://www.quasiadam.com/theoryenglish.html

BTW, Kev & I disagree on Juliet's rack. I think it's great and he thinks it's a little weird.
I've really enjoyed Lost most of the way through, it dipped quite a lot around season 3 but has since totally redeemed itself IMO. It can't be compared to Heroes really, Heroes had one good series and then turned into complete dross. I'm really looking forward to the final series and really enjoying the whole sci-fi/time travel aspect they introduced :D.

lost thread
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i completely agree evad. heroes and lost are in two different galaxies. but they are just two of my ex-girlfriends. :)
Ooooh thank you for linking the original LOST thread Evad. I couldn't find it, but I guess I didn't try hard enough.

I never watched Heroes... I heard it was a good show but I'm kind of limited on the amount of TV shows I can get into. =/
you think so, finder? i left it more pissed off than when i started. but the damn thing keeps roping me back. lol.

cant wait for next week.
I don't feel like I am having as much trouble following it as a lot of people seem to have. Maybe it's because I watched the previous 5 seasons in a row over the last few months leading up to the premiere this week so everything is still very fresh in my mind. Tuesday's episode answer a handful of nagging questions I had as well as gave me some new ideas about what's happening overall.
I don't feel like I am having as much trouble following it as a lot of people seem to have. Maybe it's because I watched the previous 5 seasons in a row over the last few months leading up to the premiere this week so everything is still very fresh in my mind. Tuesday's episode answer a handful of nagging questions I had as well as gave me some new ideas about what's happening overall.

I agree with Finder on this one. I know not everyone was happy with the new episode, but I am not sure specifically why.
Fjones - i know they have to add a few more layers to the cake of confusion before they can finally slice it open. i guess after 5 seasons of it, im a little at my wits end about the neverending barrage of mystery and questions.

Finder - im glad you've had a few questions answered. i, on the other hand, have a few more needing answered.
Fjones - i know they have to add a few more layers to the cake of confusion before they can finally slice it open. i guess after 5 seasons of it, im a little at my wits end about the neverending barrage of mystery and questions.

Finder - im glad you've had a few questions answered. i, on the other hand, have a few more needing answered.

Such as?

I am not trying to give you a hard time; actually I have a few also, I am just trying to start discussion. I didn't think they opened up too many new questions.

I am not sure exactly what the deal is with the LAX scenes though.

Also, why did Sawyer need Miles to convey that Juliette said "It worked?" Wasn't it obvious that it "worked" (sort of)? Surely they realized the bomb went off? There would have been a tremendous explosion; and besides, why else would he think they are back in present time and not still in 1977?
Also, why did Sawyer need Miles to convey that Juliette said "It worked?" Wasn't it obvious that it "worked" (sort of)? Surely they realized the bomb went off? There would have been a tremendous explosion; and besides, why else would he think they are back in present time and not still in 1977?

Thy had experienced time-flashes before the bomb was detonated, Sawyer even said something along the lines of "do you think we would all be alive if a hydrogen bomb had gone off" and they were all still on the island. They very clearly did not think it had worked before Juliette's message...In their minds if it had worked they would not be on the island at all

I enjoyed the 2 part opener greatly, like Finder I thought it cleared more up than it created new questions.
[spoil]My thoughts are they didn't think it worked at all because they were still all alive after an atomic explosion. Her saying "it worked" meant it worked in some fashion, but in what way is yet to be revealed.[/spoil]

Evad beat me to it.
Obviously I thought of that. The only problem there is that the last of those flashes had happened a LONG time ago, and when they happened before, they happened ALL at once, not spread out over a period of time (meaning there was no reason to think that they were supposedly having another one now).

Furthermore, the previous flashes were the direct result of a dramatic event (the Island being moved). They then stopped for a long time.

Did they really think that it was a coincidence that suddenly a time warp occurs out of the blue just when they were attempting to detonate a hydrogen bomb?

I suppose they could have thought it was the electromagnetic energy that caused the sudden time warp. But still, they should have at least considered the possibility that the hydrogen bomb went off but just didn't send them back to where they thought it would. After all, that theory was absurd to begin with. As Miles pointed out numerous times, THAT was their present. They weren't "in the past", they were in their own present but it just happened to be in 1977. If they die (say, from a hydrogen bomb going off), they are dead, because they are living in their present.
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The drilling project had already hit the "energy pocket" hadn't it? everything was getting all magnetic before the bomb detonation so they could have assumed it was an effect of that.

Evad, I think we just wrote the same thing simultaneously and independently. Nice!

Ok, do we have to use NSFW to prevent spoilers? Anyone reading the newest page of this thread should know there are spoilers and should not be doing so unless caught up in the series.

I'll start a new topic: I think Ben is actually a sympathetic character and not a "bad guy." I think everything he did, he did because he thought it was what he was supposed to do in service to the island. Yes, he deceived and killed people, but the notions of right and wrong have been rather murky in this show for a long time.

Agree? Disagree?
in past 3 days i started with season 1, now im on season 2 episode 19

ive watched from episode season 1 episode 16 till now since yesturday, without sleep, and fuck man, its some tripppy shit,

i know im a bit late starting, but at least i dont have to wait, form week to week for the show, now i get it all at once, in one big dose of mind fuck

now im not even gonna read this thread, for a few days, until i catch up
but fuck, eh, just fuck,

all will be reveadled
lol reading the above post made me laugh, i am so fucking addicted to lost it is sickening, i never watched it till this summer online and i didnt sleep for like days on end, i would be like ohhh one more episode than bed, and i am so glad i did it like that as well, i kind of like the way the new season is going, at least it isnt them on a space ship i love lost but if that was the case i would have quit, so freaking wild to find out about claire
my heart will break when it is over but i think this is the best way instead of constantly making more story lines like heroes (i do love that show as well) sweet ending with sylar this week
i am so addicted to lost i am even searching in a drug forum for peoples conversations on it gawd i need a life
lol reading the above post made me laugh, i am so fucking addicted to lost it is sickening, i never watched it till this summer online and i didnt sleep for like days on end, i would be like ohhh one more episode than bed, and i am so glad i did it like that as well, i kind of like the way the new season is going, at least it isnt them on a space ship i love lost but if that was the case i would have quit, so freaking wild to find out about claire
my heart will break when it is over but i think this is the best way instead of constantly making more story lines like heroes (i do love that show as well) sweet ending with sylar this week
i am so addicted to lost i am even searching in a drug forum for peoples conversations on it gawd i need a life

pardon me didnt think this was a english test, sometimes i get over excited when typing, and my punctuation skills leave much to be desired, if it bugs ya bud just ignore my posts

anyhoo the thing with miles , sawyer and juliet was sawyer just wanted to know her last thoughts ,i mean i imagine if the person i loved said they had to tell me something and they died before revealing it i would want there last thoughts,

yes lost is very confusing at times but that is why i watch it but not everything has to be a clue,

one of the things that did baffle me was desmond on the plane and after jack saved charlies life desmond was gone.

the writers did say that a quarter way into this last season there will only be one time lines, so i believe that part of the mystery will be found out before the end of the show

oh and where the heck is vincent?