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TV: Chappelle Show

I'm irritated that they moved the date back, but maybe that means they will really have quality stuff when he does come back. I just hope the show still includes charly murphy. He cracks me up.

and just ignore people that have to be sarcastic and nasty. :\
i heard this on tv a little while ago... sad to hear
i hope he comes back with stuff thats really good. something to top rick james.
Production of "Chappelle's Show" suspended

NEW YORK - Production of the popular Comedy Central series “Chappelle’s Show” has been suspended and its third season’s premiere indefinitely delayed.

Comedy Central issued a statement Wednesday, saying: “All parties are optimistic that production will resume in the near future.”

The season will not start May 31 as originally scheduled, the statement added.

Neither Comedy Central publicist Tony Fox nor Dave Chappelle’s spokesman, Matt Labov, would discuss what caused the halt in production or how long it might last.

This unexpected turn deprives the network of one of its most valuable properties, a sketch-comedy series with a raw, satirical edge that became a critical and popular hit.

Last summer Comedy Central signed Chappelle to a deal reportedly worth $50 million for a third and fourth season. The two-year agreement also allowed Chappelle to develop other programming for the cable channel and cut him in on DVD sales, a lucrative factor considering his series’ first-season DVD sold more than 2 million copies.

Last season the show was nominated for three Emmys, including outstanding comedy series.

Re: Production of "Chappelle's Show" suspended

m885 said:
NEW YORK - Production of the popular Comedy Central series “Chappelle’s Show” has been suspended and its third season’s premiere indefinitely delayed.

Comedy Central issued a statement Wednesday, saying: “All parties are optimistic that production will resume in the near future.”

The season will not start May 31 as originally scheduled, the statement added.


Finder said:
Weird. I wonder why they suspended it?

Probably because it's hard to top "Yo, i'm Rick James, bitch" and every dumbass and their mother quotes it all the time.
I heard a rumor (from Howard Stern's show) that the reason for the delay is that with Dave's new religion he is now not happy with some of the content of the shows he's already shot. Sounds like he's becoming a little fanatical.

Also heard that he is in some kind of treatment facility. For what, I don't know.

Of course they're just rumors and could be totally wrong.
internet gossip from defamer.com -

When we joked that the third season of Chappelle’s Show was delayed because Dave Chappelle was snuggling up with a “bag of weed the size of a bean-bag chair,” we hoped he’d just blast through some hypothetical bong hits and get back to work. Since then, we’ve heard some ominous whispers from people close to the show about these nebulous “personal issues” that are keeping Chappelle from even showing up to work. Says one of the whisperers:

According to a conversation between the [someone playing a key role on the show] and [someone else affiliated with someone on the show], Dave Chappelle has completely gone off his rocker. He is basically AWOL and in need of some serious psychological help. I don’t mean this figuratively. Kiss the season goodbye, and most likely Chappelle will be sued for breach of contract. The guy is just acting nuts right now.
Right now, seems like there’s nothing that the folks at Comedy Central can do but wait for Chappelle to turn up at Prince’s place for a little one-on-one and some pancakes, then get back to cranking out Season Three. Except for that breach of contract stuff, but they’re certainly not anxious to cut loose their 50 Million Dollar Man until something embarrassingly public happens. Luckily for them, Chappelle doesn’t seem like a crazy voicemail kind of guy.
from the Chicago Tribune
Chappelle `not in rehab,' just under pressure

Published May 9, 2005

"Pressure" is delaying the third season of "Chappelle's Show," the comic's rep says.

"He's not in rehab. He does not have a cocaine addiction," Dave Chappelle's publicist, Matt Labov, told The New York Times after a Variety report blamed the production halt on Chappelle's "unspecified personal issues."

"Obviously, I'm sure there's a lot of pressure, with the expectation of the fans, and the network and the expectation of the press," Labov said.

"Chappelle's Show" was to premiere May 31.
'Show' Won't Go On

EW Exclusive: Chappelle in psych hospital -- With its star hospitalized in South Africa, ''Chappelle's Show'' is unlikely to return to Comedy Central for a third season by Josh Wolk

Comedian Dave Chappelle has checked himself into a mental health facility in South Africa and has remained there since late April, according to a source close to the situation. The same source denies rumors of drug abuse. Other sources have also told EW that the future of Chappelle's Show — the hit Comedy Central series that was entering its third season — is more uncertain than the network has suggested.

Comedy Central last week made a hasty announcement that the show's third season, already delayed from its planned February start, had been postponed again. The network said it remained ''optimistic'' that production could resume. The highly rated sketch series has been a huge moneymaker for Viacom, which owns Comedy Central. Its second season is about to be released on DVD, on the heels of first-season sales that made it the top-selling television DVD in history.

Thanks in large part to the DVD sales, Chappelle last year netted a $50 million deal for co-writing and starring in the show. Sketches to fill about four episodes in the third season have been taped, but Chappelle's interstitial material with live audiences has not. The fate of the sketches has not been determined.

who knows?
I hope Dave is OK. I'm more concerned about the person than the show...."Mental Health facility", but not for drugs, that sounds bad.
Damn, wanderlust got that article in before me! :)

I'm dying to know what the hell made him check into a mental health facility -- in South Africa, of all places.
Comedian, TV star and friend of the show, Dave Chappelle, has reportedly checked himself in to a mental health hospital in South Africa. Just the other day Comedy Central had announced that they were indefinitely postponing the show so this new news may give a hint as to what is going on. Howard again said that he thinks Chappelle just can't deal with his show's success. Howard thinks that Chappelle was tailor made to be a mid-level success and actually enjoyed just being a club comic who did an occasional movie. But since his show hit so big and Comedy Central gave him such a big contract that it must have freaked him out and he doesn't know what to do with himself. Everyone on the show wished Dave the best of luck and everyone said what a great guy he is.
ihateecstacy, if anything, people should be giving you crap about not searching the forum first.

seriously, it would be like me starting a thread about CON right now.