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Truth ,What is your Source


Nov 3, 2009
Except a grain of wheat fall into to the ground and die it abides alone but if it dies it brings forth much fruit........
This might be to deep

Somethings wrong, your lying in your bed and you hear a noise. You get out of bed and look out the window to see that it is only a branch, brushing the side of the house.
What has taken place?
It takes the Principle of Time and Principle of Knowledge to be @ Peace Or Wisdom ={applied Knowledge}
Am I Missing something? Maybe I should explain More clearly?
Whats in-between a state of FEAR and a state of PEACE
Need and the answer to that specific Need
Please Reply.
A Source

When I look at the earth all life is a result of a seed ,but, What came first the Chicken or the egg? The egg is produced by the Chicken. The logical conclusion is there had to be a first Chicken. But I am speaking of Life not the Chicken. So there is this life in a First Chicken What is your Source. How far back do yo go. BEFORE the FOUNDATION of the WORLD
Welcome to Bluelight biolabear. I think you're going to need to explain your ideas a little more before you get responses.
Consciousness is infinite. Always was, will, etc., be so. That experienced is manifestation of consciousness, through Freewill, is done so independently.

But everything is only one part of the full informational field, a small manifestation of the entire hologram multiverse.

Jesus Christ was that Grain of Wheat that fell into the ground and died. The Christian is the much fruit of His ressurection life. The graveyards prove mans total end. There is only one man who brought a new life, a different kind of life,a life that has overcome death. First the need then comes the answer to that need.A man who appreciates Light is only one who has been in the darkness. If I am loneily now ,its only so I can share and enjoy a relationship that is future. Just like Chemistry, nothing is ever lost. We may not grow as people. But the Spiritual Principles Remain.
Man is like a conduit. Everyone has a source and your reality of life flows from that source. Can a man Love-,Only by knowing the great lover
And this is Love not that we love Him But that He FIRST LOVED US ect. A source
yes, though the most traditional one has a crown of thorns around the heart, and a burning cross on it. sometimes it may also have the sword of truth (rather rare), or the spearwound. i thought the picture a perfect expression of what you were saying in your post above it.
The picture Doesn't seem to reveal The principle of life from the dead. How about a picture of the life cycle of a bisidiamycetes. A seed ,that outer shell has to brake open.. Have you ever been broken. Maybe a new thread
but what is the significance? or should I just breathe and accept the air.
Science is the only real truth, because it speaks to what IS, not to what we WANT to be.
i guess...my whims, then relentless cirticisms according to...whatever logics I've somehow accrued...and then a cursory check for empirical congruence.

these I consider 'likely'.
A Spiritual law is a principal, Motus apperenda ,The way something operates - Like gravity but thats metaphysical....What are the Spiritual Laws, Love ,joy ,Peace ect. Emotions Maybe responding to Spiritual Principals. Like the wind , you see the results of its metaphysical state but you can't Know where lt is coming from or where its going. Wheathermen call it what. They dont know, Its not a pure Science only statistical anyalisis.
Life is a syllogisim a form of deductive resoning= If your premise is incorrect your deduction is incorrect.
My antecedent at first was is there a God ,and, if so, He has revealed himself and if He's revealed himself How?
At the time I was Dead, Not Physically but Spiritually I found that it takes a new Life, a new Birth, a new consciencousness, not self conscienciousness but God conscienciousness, Then the truthes and realities of Jesus CHrist a mediator between a righteous Holy God and a self seeking unrighteous sinner.Sins definition Self Will that springs from unbelief in Gods word{Darby}
MERCY { Propitation} was my First deduction and boy did I need Mercy well I found out I had already recieved mercy Through Redemption a historical fact.The book of Romans Paul lay out The Laws Rom3:21 But now Gods righteousness is revealed Thankyou LORD for taking my penalty of guilt. Most Thearapy sessions are usually centred around GUILT and how to deal with it.
Most Believers don't know what it is to live with a guiltless Conscience. What about Rom5:12--Through Rom6:11 Sin doesn't Die.The Spiritual fact is the believer has already died, out of the realm of sin and is seated in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus the believer has a high calling far above all principalities and powers and its all because God so so Loved te world. Only the believer who knows GROWS. The believer has a high calling and when you see where you are ... It was all done BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.............From a Psychonaut.......... Where are you?
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Spiritual Principle of reconcilliation {illistrated} Taken from William R. Newell's book Romans verse by verse and revised by ME...
Here is a principal of a school and He has one law in this school {There will be no cussing and if so the prepitrator must have punishment.} One day all the kids are at recess playing and Johnny falls down and hurts himself and cusses.. Everybody stops and watches,and waits to see if the Principals word is true. Well the Principle has a son named George and George loves Johnny and want to reveal to Johnny just how much he loves him.. So the Principles son George says to His Father I love Johnny,and I want to show Johnny just how much I love Him. So I'll take his punishment.... The principle Beats George just as though it was Johnny. What has taken place? The Principales words remains true. Also George has Reconcilled Johnny back to the Principle The believer is Recncilled to the Father by the Death of his Son. On Gods side,Love is revealed Greater love has no man than this, than that he lays down his life for a Friend..... Do you see that its the Goodness of God that leds a man to Repentance...... and God can come out to man in pure love..... Bob George says "Lifes to short to miss the real thing"
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