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Tried Melatonin?

Melatonin did work for my sleep - used 1mg doses.
However it made my restless legs worse after a while, which of course makes sleep more difficult.
In my experience and from a little understanding melatonin supplementation can be problematic for some people I personally would suggest 5htp which has virtually no downside where there is no actual allergy I'm personally allergic to both of the supplements and practically anything you could name but I do know that melatonin can actually be disruptive whereas 5htp can be purely beneficial in more cases than not and more cases than melatonin.
Think that 5 hydroxytriptamine aka serotonine had poor oral bioavailability.Not tried yet(like suplement)
Error-5 htp hydroxytriptophan
I don't see why alleged bioavailability needs to factor in, when something simply works for purpose.

5htp does that, IME.

One 90 mg capsule daily, is sufficient to overcome the bioavailability limitation, without tolerance ever rising, prob a slight reverse tolerance effect.

If you are seeking and have not tried it, give it a go. 🙂

I hope you are doing okay this Sunday.
Think that 5 hydroxytriptamine aka serotonine had poor oral bioavailability.Not tried yet(like suplement)
It has poor absorption to the brain and will be converted to serotonin throughout the body, causing cardiovascular problems in the long-term. This can be easily fixed by taking it with EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate, found in green tea) which improves its ability to cross the blood brain barrier and prevents it from being converted to serotonin in other parts of the body.
I don't see why alleged bioavailability needs to factor in, when something simply works for purpose.

5htp does that, IME.

One 90 mg capsule daily, is sufficient to overcome the bioavailability limitation, without tolerance ever rising, prob a slight reverse tolerance effect.

If you are seeking and have not tried it, give it a go. 🙂

I hope you are doing okay this Sunday.
See 5-htp like suplement.Never tried.Dont know about the cost too.Simple reduce oral BA means that a little fraction of the substance flow into your bloodstream and may be not effective.If you are sure that is not a placebo effect that is great.This 5-htp seems at least without a negative effect and as you said could be effective.
It has poor absorption to the brain and will be converted to serotonin throughout the body, causing cardiovascular problems in the long-term. This can be easily fixed by taking it with EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate, found in green tea) which improves its ability to cross the blood brain barrier and prevents it from being converted to serotonin in other parts of the body.
Its possible....but now look around and read about gaba(suplement)
I've used melatonin for years. For me, 3mg is the max, or I have highly dreamed disturbed sleep and groggy days. I don't relate to those who start at 5mg or 10mg. To me 10mg is nutso. It's better to start lower and look for the effect, then increase as needed. The body's own melatonin production slows after 2 weeks on supplemental melatonin, so you don't want to take supraphysiological doses to start with it. I find if I stop melatonin after weeks of using it, the first few nights are rough.

Making melatonin prescription only is loco and pharmaceutical industry corruption, obviously.
See 5-htp like suplement.Never tried.Dont know about the cost too.Simple reduce oral BA means that a little fraction of the substance flow into your bloodstream and may be not effective.If you are sure that is not a placebo effect that is great.This 5-htp seems at least without a negative effect and as you said could be effective.
Yes but I don't support that argument and logic, here. I honestly believe you are making a rational miss calculation here with your way of looking at and figuring this particular comparison regarding bioavailability and different quantities of different supplements being required to be effective.

Like, I take 1.5 teaspoons organic turmeric daily.

Never that much cardamom though.

Poor analogy. I'm stoned and gotten pretty damn sick for the minute.

But your reasoning is- 90 mg's of 5htp is the effective dose.

But 3-5 mg's melatonin will do the trick.

Therefore it's more bioavailable therefore it is the better of the two.

Right? In a sense.

I feel that is faulty logic in this case because you are premising that there is a downside to taking the full 90 mg's of the other supplements to get sufficient effects

We are talking about totally different supplements for example you would take several hundred milligrams of magnesium as a supplement and you could use the most bioavailable form and this would not be considered a negative or downside it's just a case that you always want the highest level of bioavailability you can achieve from each and every particular supplements or remedy or food you put into your body.

So what I'm saying is that...dunno how to put it.

3-5 mg's melatonin is a dose.

90 mg's 5htpis a dose.

500 Micrograms of LSD, is a DOSE.

0.1 grams of cannabis is too.

Most people eat significantly more grams of carbohydrate daily than protein.

But they still eat both at the required levels to be effective and stay in balance as much as possible.

5htp is good, affordable, effective, healthy stuff, IMO.

The fact 90 or 100 mg's is the small capsule dose, is no problem or obstacle.

The medicine is in the dose remember. So the right dose we seek, whatever it is.
Yes but I don't support that argument and logic, here. I honestly believe you are making a rational miss calculation here with your way of looking at and figuring this particular comparison regarding bioavailability and different quantities of different supplements being required to be effective.

Like, I take 1.5 teaspoons organic turmeric daily.

Never that much cardamom though.

Poor analogy. I'm stoned and gotten pretty damn sick for the minute.

But your reasoning is- 90 mg's of 5htp is the effective dose.

But 3-5 mg's melatonin will do the trick.

Therefore it's more bioavailable therefore it is the better of the two.

Right? In a sense.

I feel that is faulty logic in this case because you are premising that there is a downside to taking the full 90 mg's of the other supplements to get sufficient effects

We are talking about totally different supplements for example you would take several hundred milligrams of magnesium as a supplement and you could use the most bioavailable form and this would not be considered a negative or downside it's just a case that you always want the highest level of bioavailability you can achieve from each and every particular supplements or remedy or food you put into your body.

So what I'm saying is that...dunno how to put it.

3-5 mg's melatonin is a dose.

90 mg's 5htpis a dose.

500 Micrograms of LSD, is a DOSE.

0.1 grams of cannabis is too.

Most people eat significantly more grams of carbohydrate daily than protein.

But they still eat both at the required levels to be effective and stay in balance as much as possible.

5htp is good, affordable, effective, healthy stuff, IMO.

The fact 90 or 100 mg's is the small capsule dose, is no problem or obstacle.

The medicine is in the dose remember. So the right dose we seek, whatever it is.
Not every suplemenent is effective regardless of a dose at different people.Most of them is just tricky way to take your money.Never tried acid,but i am sure that 500 mcg would be huge dose for me./at first try would get some like 150mcg.0.1of weed is dose.But weed and acid are strongly psychoactive.Melatonine works at some people.Never used much suplements.In the years ago while in gym get use creatine and combining it with weight lifting quickly gain muscle mass and got more strenght and stamina.Have known of mine which used the same suplement-zero effect.When i talk about the effects can speak only for my self,not in general.Theres a rule that most of the meds and herbs without adverse effects usually dont have any central effects too
High doses of melatonin can cause paradoxical insomnia instead.

You really only want to be taking a milligram or 2.

Why they make melatonin in extremely high dosages like 5-10mg is beyond me.
Its possible.For me taking 3 or 10 mg melatonine is a same.Light,short sleepiness..so not so effective,but also not a useless too.Fuck even diazepam did not give me any sleepiness in usual doses.Here pharma melatonine came in 3 and 6mg capsules
High doses of melatonin can cause paradoxical insomnia instead.

You really only want to be taking a milligram or 2.

Why they make melatonin in extremely high dosages like 5-10mg is beyond me.
Watch out in high doses for a long time it will seriously mess with your ability to dream or reach REM state, I actually started using it to stop dreams. my blackouts were invading my dreams and the images were to much ,starting to work, downfall is without reaching REM state I never feel rested , but the trade off is worth it to me

yeah I guess it may mess with sleep habits if used too often, but to be honest, I'd much rather get some good quality deep sleep - I think spend too much time in the REM/dream states and I keep constantly waking up.
5mg Melatonin, tried it several times. No effect.
Shulgins experiments with melatonin in tihkal where also somewhat inconclusive.

Also had agomelatin once. Also no effect, maybe I have no mt1 and 2 receptors.

When it comes to good sleep medications I can recommend orexin 1 & 2 antagonists.
I dont see that anyone mentioned this but melatonin in high doses can have the effect of gastrointestinal distress/damage although I believe this is probably just in high doses for sustained periods of time.

I believe one of the main reasons it fucks with your gut is because it is a non-steroidal drug and because other nonsteroidal drug's such as ibuprofen fuck your gut I think they may have similar mechanisms of action.

I took a 5mg dose nightly for about 5 years and that worked for me.

Also it's not affected by the psychoactive substance act because, although it is a substituted tryptamine, it doesn't get you high.
I dont see that anyone mentioned this but melatonin in high doses can have the effect of gastrointestinal distress/damage although I believe this is probably just in high doses for sustained periods of time.

I believe one of the main reasons it fucks with your gut is because it is a non-steroidal drug and because other nonsteroidal drug's such as ibuprofen fuck your gut I think they may have similar mechanisms of action.

I took a 5mg dose nightly for about 5 years and that worked for me.

Also it's not affected by the psychoactive substance act because, although it is a substituted tryptamine, it doesn't get you high.
Melatonine is a nonsteroidal drug???Read again carefully about it.