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Tried cold turkey - failed. So ashamed ?

I mean I?ve cried almost every day since I lost my papa and then my gran - but what if this isn?t real grief and when/if I ever get totally clean it just smacks me right in the face and then I will want to use again. 

Anna xxx
I was also very close to my father. When he was moved into hospice care in 2013 I went off the rails. I would go into the restroom to take pills and chug vodka to numb myself. After he died I was drunk for several weeks, perhaps even a month, I can't remember. Have you considered seeing a therapist? Talking through your grief with a professional would be immensely helpful. Also, a psychiatrist would be able to prescribe medications that might help.
I agree with aihfl, talking to a therapist could definitely help you through your grief. Once that grief is dealt with it's like the weight of the world off your shoulders.
Are most of you who have replied clean Now or still working on it? Did you ever have massive relapses where you ended up taking more than you did before you managed some sober time? ?[Anna xxx
I am 61 years young. Began using drugs, including alcohol, at 13. I used opiates for the first time in 1981 shortly after college when I moved to New York City. Heroin was sold openly on the streets of a nearby neighborhood. By 1991 I was heavily addicted and lost my career, my girl, my apartment, my dignity. I entered a detoxification ward and immediately after discharge I was admitted to a 28 day residential substance use disorder facility. Upon discharge in February 1991 I began attending 12-step meeting routinely. From Feb. 1991 until July 6, 1993 I managed total abstinence except for 2 occasions where I had short lived, weekend, relapses. I was fully involved in the 12-step process during this time and was able to quickly re-engage and resume recovery. I stayed entirely clean from all drugs, including alcohol, for the next 17 years.

In 2010 I had dental surgery and misused the pain meds that were prescribed to me. The guilt and shame associated with that lapse unleashed the monster that was waiting patiently inside me. Weeks later I was taking pain medication unnecessarily. I welcomed dental surgery and exaggerated any aches and pains I was having. I stopped attending and being otherwise involved in the 12 steps fellowship. At some point in 2011 I slipped into occasional heroin binges which became not so occasional. Since my relapse in 2010 I have had weeks, possibly a few months, of total abstinence, followed by sporadic opiate binges. I entered outpatient substance abuse treatment programs twice over the last 8 years, finding them only somewhat helpful. I started using buprenorphine as an adjunct to formal treatment a few years ago. I currently take 500 micrograms per day as prescribed by my primary care physician. I'm not dependent on any other drugs. I do drink one or two glasses of hard cider a day.

I'm admittedly on the fence with respect to total abstinence. I'm in relatively good health. I run regularly (haven't smoked a cig in 20 years) and have an active social life. I dread being completely off buprenorphine yet don't want to increase my dependence either. I don't want to give up my cider, which I enjoy making as much as drinking. As an addict, I'm on a slippery slope. While I have a handful of close friends who are all active in recovery, I have yet to resume 12-step meeting attendance.

So, am I clean? Being "clean" means different things to different people. In my opinion, I'm not clean. I drink socially and take suboxone, albeit as prescribed. Even if I were to stop drinking, I wouldn't consider myself clean because I know I can live without the bupe. I do live clean however. Living clean is another important aspect of recovery. I won't get deep into it, but if I am living dirty (cheating, lying, cutting corners, etc.) I will never feel good about myself. Recovery is about feeling good about oneself.

I speak only for myself. Everyone has to determine for themselves their status as an addict and what it means to be clean.

Finally, fortunately I have never had a "massive relapse." Things have never been as bad for me as they were prior to being introduced to recovery in 1991.
Just checking in. I?m still alive - but I should never have drank on Saturday. The whole night ended in disaster. I made a fool of myself and generally just fucked up. Which of course resulted in so much shame and guilt that I ended up taking loads of pills yesterday and again today. I hate myself. I can?t stop crying. Honestly if it weren?t for my children I don?t know if I could carry on. I definitely need to speak to someone. I spent an hour in the hotel room crying my eyes out about my gran And papa. I?m carrying around so much shame, guilt, anger and grief I can barely
Look at myself In the mirror anymore. Yesterday i tried to wipe
My mascara off my face and I stopped and stared at myself for what felt like ages and just felt hatred. Hated the reflection and chucked the mirror across the room and just cried and cried. I?m a let down. Hope everyone had a nicer weekend than me ?

Anna xxx
Hope you're hanging in there.

Whatever you did on alcohol probably wasn't that big of a deal. People end up doing a lot worse, getting a DUI, dying etc. You're still alive. You'll learn from your experience. No need to beat yourself up. <3
Thankyou. I wish to god I could learn from it. I?ve made this mistake hundreds of times. I don?t know if I?ll ever learn. This is why I hardly ever drink. I can?t handle it. I tried to be careful but got lost In the all expenses paid free bar downing shots and drinking wine. I messed up - AGAIN.
Ever just feel like you?re destined to fail ??

Sorry for the negative attitude. I?m just really struggling. Thanks for not putting me down. My husband is definitely at the end of his rope with me.

Anna xxx
Anna, have you been to inpatient treatment before? It sounds like you would benefit from a medical detox and time away from the stressors in your life. You really sound like you want to pull yourself together, you just haven't learned the nuts and bolts of how to do it. A good program will provide therapy and psychiatric care so that you are able to talk through your problems and receive medications that will alleviate the issues causing you to use. You may feel like there are a million good reasons not to go inpatient (I've been there too) but whatever you do, what you're doing now is not working and some major changes need to be made. You sound genuinely sincere that you want to make a change, but that sincerity is meaningless without hard work. I hope this doesn't come off as judgmental or parental. Just honestly sharing what I've learned in five years of on-again off-again sobriety.
Not judgemental at all. I honestly appreciate all your help and opinions and words of encouragement. I am sincere. I?d love nothing more than to get well. I know the way I?m going isn?t working for me at all. It?s just working against me. And I know people might think I?m
Just looking for a loop hole
Here but this is also genuine - I?m
Terrified of going into hospital. We have nobody for our kids. The only family I have are my husband and kids.
My husband is annoyed about the weekend but he doesn?t seem to quite get how bad this is despite me breaking down and telling him. I suggested hospital. He said that was me causing more drama and he can?t afford to take
Time off work and he doesn?t want people knowing our business and I can do this at home if I try hard enough. He snapped at me one night on the
Phone when I was crying and told me to go to a damn hospital and sort myself
Out and when I get out I?ve to start a fresh - WITHOUT him ?. After the drama I caused at the weekend and him
Telling me that he just wants a drama free peaceful life I?ve been faking it with him and told him I?d give him that and I was sorry and I?d sort myself out and that I was strong enough to do it without turning our lives completely upside down by going off to hospital for weeks. Now he seems ok with me and he cuddled up last night with a film and said how much better this was than the arguing and crying all the time. It was dark and he couldn?t see me but my eyes were full
Of tears and I just went along with him and said I agree and I?ll do it for myself and our family. I really don?t
Know what to do. I have no family left. No parents, brother or grandparents. When gran died she was the very last thing any of us had in common. I?ve not seen or heard from any of them since her funeral except a text from my uncle about hers and papas ashes. Without my husband I have nobody. If I go to hospital and affect his job and leave him to deal with work and the kids he will never forgive me ?

Anna xxx
I even said to him at one point that If I don?t get sorted I could end up in hospital or worse anyway and he still doesn?t see the severity of it. Simply because I can still function and hide this. Because I can still get up and dressed and go out and go to events and look after the kids he doesn?t see how bad this is. I can?t do any of this without pills. But if I go on like this the time will come when I can?t function. I?m barely functioning at all I just hide it so well. He has no idea that I?ve taken loads of pills yesterday and today. Im to scared to tell him cause he will lose it with me and say I?m
Not even trying. It?s easy for an non addict to say this stuff ?

Anna xxx
No Anna, it's not easy. My ex-wife was supportive of my half-baked attempts to get sober for about a year, until she filed for divorce and got a judge to order me out of the house. I'm not trying to fearmonger or say it's going to happen to you, I'm just telling you what happened to me. I was really arrogant thinking I could beat this on my own. My first AA experience wasn't good. Some people were really nasty to me and I thought "Who the hell needs these people?" I left my first medical detox against medical advice and told the doctor, "I'll show you it can be done." After all, I was a college professor with a DPhil degree, I can think myself out of this, right? Well, four years later and having been broke, jobless, friendless, nearly homeless and charged with drunk driving, I finally chose to eat some humble pie and ask for help. From what I gather (and I am not a professional, mind you) there is profound grief, loneliness and anxiety underlying your addiction. Even if you don't pursue inpatient treatment, I hope you opt to pursue seeing a psychiatrist and psychotherapist on an outpatient basis at the very least. You can make it. My grandparents, father and sister are all dead. The only persons left alive are me and my co-dependent mother, who I keep at arm's length. While I don't have any true family to depend on, I have a new family: people I sail, kayak and cycle with, and people in AA. There's a reason good people in AA will tell you, "You are not alone anymore."
I?m so sorry you lost all that. I?m completely aware that I could lose it all and I?m also aware that right now I won?t beat this alone. But when you have opened up to your husband and begged for help and not taken seriously and told
In a nutshell I?m Gonna lose him anyway if I cause him anymore ?drama? it makes me feel stuck. I did make an appointment with my doctor today though. I?m not sure if I will tell him about the pills yet but I?m
Going to tell him I need help. Because
You?re absolutely right - I?m consumed with grief,anxiety, anger and I do need to speak to someone. Maybe I?ll be able
To be open with a proper psychiatrist or councillor. I know it?s not a massive step but it?s better than nothing and
I feel so trapped right now that I feel this is the only way I can even remotely
Start to heal. My husband doesn?t want to hear it anymore. Apart from this forum I feel so desperately alone ??

Anna xxx
Apart from this forum I feel so desperately alone
I understand the feeling. I lived in a city with 8 million people and felt exactly the same way: desperately alone. I found recovery and the camaraderie of people just like me trying to get through life, one day at a time, without the use of mood or mind altering drugs, including alcohol. When I first started out people I had never met before told me that I wasn't alone and they were not strangers, just friends I hadn't met yet. In hindsight, they were telling the truth.
I was sent to AA my my folks after my drink driving charge. It was either go to AA or be disowned. I hated it. I couldn?t bare the all or nothing approach. I can bare the all or nothing approach with pills but not alcohol - I guess because it?s so socially acceptable. Also
I hardly ever drink because of the states I get into sometimes. But to have that social crutch taken away from me would be to much. I could live with the al
Or nothing approach to pills. I?d love to get off them for life. But to imagine NEVER drinking again at gatherings where I have such high anxiety that only alcohol allows me to even speak to people,I just can?t imagine never drinking again. You would think I should be able to considering 90% of the time I mess up when I?m drunk but I?m
Not there with alcohol yet. I absolutely wish I was and could socialise without it but I can?t. I just have to be thankful that I don?t have a great social life and might not drink again for months now. Who knows what will happen next time I drink. I never know. Right now though I feel I have to concentrate on one thing at a time and right now that?s my pills that I have to take daily and want off so badly ?

Anna xxx
Hi Anna. I've got a thread myself and if you ever want to glance at it, you will see that in been quitting pills for a few years now. I'm on my 5th attempt to really quit. I felt ashamed the first couple times I failed but I've learned soooo much about myself and what it really is going to take to quit. Right now you are learning, a student of addiction and a student of yourself. But remember, the difference between the student and the master is that the master has failed more times than the student has tried. Don't get me wrong I want you to quit as quickly as you are able...but each failed attempt is an opportunity to step back and evaluate what went wrong and you can then developed new method. This is a marathon not a sprint. Process is progress.
Thankyou so much for your reply. I think I need to take a more relaxed approach than I have been. I literally beat myself up every single day over it and I need to stop and realise it is what it is and that the fact that I know now I have a problem and want to stop this badly is progress In itself. I?ve spent months hiding from it, unable to accept I was an addict - now I can. I?m not hiding anymore and any day I manage to take less than the day before is an achievement. I have the doctors on Tuesday to be referred for grief councilling and I?m going to ask for a referral to psychiatrist/psychologist to talk about absolutely everything. My past and how it affects me now and all the shame and guilt and grief I carry around with me ALL DAY, EVERY DAY!! I have lots to work on Aswell as getting off these pills but I think I need to make steps to work on all my emotions that turn me to take pills. This week has been particularly bad due to how depressed I?ve felt over my gran. When I feel that way I cannot cope with the day ahead and I take pills to get me through. I don?t know how I can get off them completely when I?m feeling so low about myself ??

Anna xxx
Glad to hear you're planning on getting a referral for a psychiatrist and psychologist. Once you deal with grief, depression and loneliness hopefully you won't have a psychological need for the pills anymore.
^I second this. How is everything Anna? I read all of your posts and some made me cry because I see so much of my own pain reflected in what you posted. Especially the loneliness, shame and anxiety.

Oldhippytony, I'm glad I read all of your posts as well. Something about you being about twice my age makes me feel better, like there's hope. You don't seem to be beating yourself up as bad as some of us are - I'm going to try to take a page out of your book and not be too hard on myself. Of course, this is difficult to infer from a few posts but that's the impression I got and I fuckin' like it. The world of addiction and relapse is dark and painful enough already.

This is my first relapse since quitting heroin 10 years ago and everything else (alcohol)back in late 2015. My story is much like yours. I had a surgery and abused my medication and now I'm back here. I'm over the wds almost. I kinda-sorta tapered and white knuckled. Still white knuckling now. I almost went to the hospital but since I went cold turkey with the booze withdrawals and lived, bad idea I know, I decided not to.

You know what's fucked up? I relapsed on percs but the only thing I can think about is heroin. It might be because the area I live in is flooded with dope on the street.
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.....You know what's fucked up? I relapsed on percs but the only thing I can think about is heroin. It might be because the area I live in is flooded with dope on the street.

That isn't unusual, your brain is seeking comfort due to the habitual withdrawal and the best form of pleasure/comfort it can process is the dopamine release from a hit. Hence the obsession. It utterly sucks, but at least you aren't craving the pills. It will pass eventually.
Sorry not been on for a while. Just took some time out. At the moment I?m taking 6 pills in the morning. I have however after my mother Contacting me and messing my life up AGAIN, been taking more Valium which I don?t even know why because it doesn?t do much for me at all. It?s just the psychological factor of popping a pill. I?ve beeb referred to psychiatric and I?m currently on the waiting list. I never told my doctor about the pills. Just said how low I was and how much anxiety I was feeling so I?m waiting to speak to someone. Thankyou for the kind words and continued support. This is a wonderful place with such lovely people. I can?t desxrib how amazing it feels to talk about this and not be judged at all. I have to sit and listen to friends talking about ?junkies? and ?have you seen the state of (a local addict we all know) ... how can she do this when she has kids. She?s selfish. Disgusting. Your kids alone should be reason enough for you to stop.

It?s so hard listening to them talk about her like that. All I want to do is hug her and tell her I know how she feels and that she isn?t a bad mum and I know she loves her children. Makes me sick that people assume addicts don?t love their kids. I love my kids with all my heart - I still can?t get off the pills ?

Anna ?