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Toys on E

FunkayRavin LOL... im going to go buy a sit and spin RIGHT now..
fuckin' a, me too! i never thought about it before!
so, we've got the retractable ball (the one from discoverychannel store or toy's r us), a blacklight, glow in the dark paint, planets, stars, animals, bubbles, cracker, balloons, whippets, glowsticks on the ceiling fan blades........
the first time our old roommate rolled he was at his girl's house, and he called us up at 1am and said, "i want my bicycle and my wilson-kitty.", in that slurred, but happy as shit, roller speech, and i about fell the fuck out!
*PoRn*StAr* - Just don't do what I did and press the "on" button when you mean the camera to be off and the "off" button when you want it on!
My part of the film was a disaster - lots of legs and concrete! he heee.. (and I majored in media studies, fucking shameful). Good luck :D
It's funny as hell to look back .....
ok everyone you ready. you have all covered the basics. there is one thing you all should try during your next roll.This is a roll trick and personally a roll favorite.(note: be sure to be rolling balls!!!) ok take the last ring of a metal slinky (best if larger) and bite on it. Dont let your lips touch it. Close your eyes and plug your ears and have a friend "srum" or drop slinky like a bunjee repeatedly. all i have to say is " have you ever seen star wars" ok to add to it get an airplane ride mixed with a lite show. you will thank me later.
works better if you have 2 Slinkies and plug the other ends of them into the wall socket, no strumming needed