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Toys on E


Oct 17, 2001
What kinda toys, or things do you like to play with or have with you while rollin?
Mine would have to be
~a really soft teddy bear
~definatly hand cream
~ a brush
Those are mine, now lets hear yours.....
[Posted a Wrong URL i corrected IT]
i have lot of toys ;)
a Liquid Projector ,
A Laser Projector ( sync with bass) ,
few color items (espcially blue lights)
a Black light
glowing stars (in my walls and ceiling)
5.1 Digital Speaker system (my best toy)
ummmmm oh yeah there was this cool screen saver i recently downloaded from www.softseek.com called Euphoria (its OPEN GL and if ur VGA card is good then u have no problems with it)
glow sticks (when there is lot of friends)
well thats it for my list but i am still collecting heeh a new toy every month heeh
i recomend the Liquid Projector its pretty cool and cheap also 29$ u can get it from spencer, u can also check out the maker website www.cyi.net
its called Can You Imagine (they have alot of product in their product line pretty sweet stuff)
[ 09 July 2002: Message edited by: DevZer0 ]
*PoRn*sTaR* would make a fun toy!
I like colored pencils and paper, and some daaark HARD motha fuckin bangin trance.
Dress ups are fun.
A pack of cards (we played strip poker once, fucking hilarious)
A DJ friend loves his turntable. CD's are great for everyone else.
I also have a pair of flashing bright green,
star-shaped 'antelers' I got given at a club one night, I drag them out often. Only because they annoy the shit out of everyone.
HATS. It's often "Hat" time at our place. Someone says "Hat Time" and you have to find a hat, any hat, as quickly as possible, and wear it for the rest of the night.
My cat!
Are these toys? Oh well, they're all fun.
i like photons.. seeing newbie rollers blow the HELL up after a lightshow makes me smile :) one time a gave a girl a lightshow and she made the most retarded face and said "i love you" afterwards.. i almost died laughing, but it ended up blowing ME up :) besides that, some gum and a redbull is always nice.
and im not the etard whos waving glowy stuff in peoples face.. i have enough sense to ask first.. or they usually ask me to do it.
i pilled alone for the first time last week
always something ive wanted to do
and not something id do again, not because it was a bad expeirience(sp?) but just because its more fun with ppl.
anyway, cats are the fukn bomb, ive got two and well in to the night, they suddenly appered at my door and phuk, they were just so warm and cuddly and fun, 2 hrs went by just playing with the 2 stupid things, its best if the cat is fat like mine, hahahah
we have various lights, and a few of us have photons.. (though i more-or-less use them for flashlights and dont swing strings..)..
other then that i think the most amusing "toy" that I have that we use is none other then the good ol
fun as hell... as long as you can fit in it..
I don't really do toys, but I do have these cool vibrator fingers a friend gave me last year..
they're like 4 little vibrators with little rubber straps so you can put one on each finger, and a little battery/control pack for your wrist.. sometimes I'll bring it out and go round giving people tingly massages.. it's VERY popular
Originally posted by peakster:
i pilled alone for the first time last week
always something ive wanted to do
and not something id do again, not because it was a bad expeirience(sp?) but just because its more fun with ppl.
anyway, cats are the fukn bomb, ive got two and well in to the night, they suddenly appered at my door and phuk, they were just so warm and cuddly and fun, 2 hrs went by just playing with the 2 stupid things, its best if the cat is fat like mine, hahahah

LoL I do alot of rollin at home, and my cats were the two best rollin buddies I could have, they were a blast to play with while rollin, I even geve them some cat-nip when I was rollin and it made it totaly hillarious, I miss my fuzzballs!
KY Jelly, or something better than that.
photons as mentioned.
cats!!! cant get enough cats.
girls to talk to, and play with the above mentioned lube with.
Wood, man, you hit it on the head...Nothing like a nice, soft-skinned girl, some choice lube...
And the guitar, absolutely, you can actually feel the notes
I personally like:
My blinking star shaped ring
video games (anything silly, with lots of colors!)
last time, we played the board game "Sorry"
my stuffed animals (glow worm)
I've been known to bring various McDonald's happy meal toys or gumball machine toys to a Phish show or rave, they are fun to pull out of your pocket when you've forgotten that you brought them along! plus...your friends will love it
Since other people have been listing non-toy items I'll throw in-
my pool
fruit, gum, & jello
i really enjoy my turntables,dog,anything furry(stuffed animals,cats rabbitt..ect),my lasre pointer,and jell-o.dont knock it untill you try it!
Cats are cool but one time I squeezed my cat too hard and she freaking bit me. Ferrets are a trip. When I roll at home I line the living room floor with pillows and blankets, its awesome to just lay and chill. I also love my fleece blanket. I like wearing a visor upside down and backwards. Glowsticks of course. I also have this toy with little lights on it that spins, you can get at toysrus or spencers. oh and don't forget the brush. A brush feels so incredibly good on my head (i have long hair) but I brush my bf's too and he loves it. If I am home and rolling I like to change into my silk pajamas sometime during the night. I also like to turn on a fan, the breeze from it is intense. And the best toy of all is I have a Laz y boy reclining chair.. and it vibrates....I usually spend half my night sitting in it just ....I can't describe it.I once filled up the bath tub with warm water,,,and a whole bottle of bubble bath(not meaning too) and walked in it a few times during the night, it was interesting.
I forgot to mention CAMERAS ..... it's a waste of money and film, but who cares, the funniest pictures have resulted (mind you, we usually look like bug-eyed loonies).
We've also used a VIDEO CAMERA at a mate's house to film a mini-documentary to send friends overseas. Cringe worthy, but fun.
Thats what I want to do this weekend, I want to video tape our camping trip, thursday were drinkin and friday rolling. It'll be awsome and would make an awsome tape.