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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Top five films

1. The Godfather
Personal preference. The Godfather is what happens when every important aspect of movie making comes together. It has some of the greatest actors of all time (James Caan, Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Robert Duvall) animating some of the greatest CHARACTERS of all time (Don Corleone, Sonny, Michael). Puzo's script drives the story, and he should get most of the credit for this extraordinary film. Because when Copolla took the creative reigns he ended up popping out the turd that is known as The Godfather 3. Technically the film is nothing to marvel at; it's actually fairly conventional with regards to editing, camera placement, etc. The story and the acting are just that good.

2. Citizen Kane
This is the American Film Institute's top film of all time. And no, I'm not a bandwagon jumper. The story is good, the acting is on point, and the technical part is fantastic. I mean technically, it is just a master piece of filmmaking.

3. A Streetcar Named Desire
Brando as Stanley Kowalski. Absolutely amazing. One of the best performances in history. I would kill my own mother to be able to go back to 1947 and catch the original stage performance at the Barrymore. Read the play if you ever get a chance. Tennessee Williams was a talented, talented man.

4. Schindler's List
Had to put Spielberg on here and this was his best film. We all know why Spielberg is great, there's no need to make a laundry list.

5. Adaptation
This actually doesn't belong here, but it is very, very clever and I love metatheatrical stuff that disassembles typical notions of structure. Also I couldn't decide on anything else.

6. Dr. Strangelove
Alright my previous statement was a lie because I decided on this. I couldn't exclude Kubrick. Most people on this site probably prefer A Clockwork Orange because, well, you guys are all quite depraved. But the biting satire in this film is great. Witty and funny and sharp(and particularly relevant at the time it was released; contextualizing films and art and other media is very important to fully understand it). Kubrick is... well Kubrick. And Peter Sellers is... well Peter Seller! He was a genius.
The Godfather
The Godfather Part II
Forest Gump
The Silence of the Lambs
Pulp Fiction
Amelie - beauty and film, film and beauty.
Three Colors: White - the human romantic condition, as only kieslowski can depict it.
Life is Beautiful - a good portion of my personal ideology is reflected in the film.
Rushmore - simply delightful for me to watch each time.
Leaving Las Vegas - sometimes there isn't a light at the end of the tunnel, or film.
Serial Mom - no movie makes me laugh like this over and over! Kathleen Turner was great in that.
LOTR movies - so its actually three, but movies i never get sick of watching
Pleasantville - highly original, still keeps my interest 8 years after it was made
Full Metal Jacket - I've seen this movie way to many times. I remember at age 8 or so I knew most the lines from the entire movie.
tie between Beetlejuice and Edward Scissorhands - both great fucking movies!! how can you choose just one tim burton movie
What, I haven't posted in this thread? How is that possible? How many top 5 threads are there?

anyways, in no order.

A Clockwork Orange
2001 A SPace Odyssey
LOTR Trilogy

Runners up
Godfather 1 & 2
Apocalypse Now Redux
Taxi Driver
Raging Bull
ALL other Stanley Kubrick films
Most other Akira Kurosawa films
All Hayao Miyazaki films
Fight Club
Little Fish

and about a thousand others i can't think of right now
1. Lawrence of Arabia
2. Andrei Rublev
3. Citizen Kane
4. Sunset Boulevard
5. The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
I was supposed to do the "alltime favorite", but it's really a toss-up.

1. Baraka by Ron Fricke
2. Underground by Emir Kusturica
3. Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick
4. City of God by Fernando Meirelles
5. The Constant Gardener Fernando Meirelles

Not that I particularly like long movies, I like few of them. But the few that I do like are my favoritest evar.

(And I have gotten into many discussions with film school students and filmmakers, who say things like "The movie is about TRUST, when so-and-so happened, the movie should have ended! The rest is superfluous, whatever whatever," I don't care, I think every shot is essential to all of the aforementioned films.)

There are runners up, but that would be cheating.
One of my hundreds of top fives ;)

1. The Age of Innocence by Martin Scorcese

2. Kramer vs. Kramer by Robert Benton

3. A Room with a View by James Ivory

4. Quills by Phillip Kaufman

5. The English Patient by Anthony Minghella

I own all of these on DVD and I have seen each literally dozens of times...and each time is like the first :)
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To Kill a Mockingbird
It's a Wonderful Life
The Godfather
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fear and loathing
fast times at ridgemont high
in no particular order...

Paper Moon
Godfather I & II
Lord of the Rings Trilogy (I count this as one, since all three were filmed at the same time)
No order except for the first.

1. Star wars EP IV
2. Almost Famous
3. Fast Times At Ridgemont High
4. Dazed and Confused
5. Many many many HBO films(movies you generally tend to see only on HBO, independent films, true stories, etc.)
1. Psycho
2. The Wizard of Oz
3. Gone With The Wind
4. Stand By Me
5. A Christmas Story
It's extremely hard to pick a top 5, because that changes depending on my mood... so instead, I select the five that have influenced me in the most memorable ways:

The Matrix
American Beauty
Donnie Darko
Full Metal Jacket

of course, there are about 30 movies in my true top 5... ones deserving mention are:
kill bill
the sting
full metal jacket
the usual suspects
vanilla sky
fight club
city of god
eternal sunshine of a spotless mind
american history x
the secret window
t2 : jd
sin city...

it just goes on forever :)
but i'm gonna try keep it as up to date as possible cause it's more fun here than on myspace :p
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o0oo0o0h, this is a bit of a hard question. I've always had a bit of trouble defining what 'favourite' meant, so i'll just list a few that i enjoy watching over and over and over and over. Or which are just so amazing that my jaw drops at the end, because otherwise... what exactly is a good movie?
TOP 3:
Donnie Darko.
Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amelie Poulain (I prefer the full name)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Saw it this arvo)

Butterfly Effect
Vanilla Sky
V for Vendetta
Fight Club

Off the top of my head, cant think of anything else at the moment.
since this thread is irresistible but so old i'm gonna bend the rules and list ten in no order since I'm am an insane movie fan..

Trainspotting: Irvine Welsh is the fucken MAN. This movie is so gritty and ghetto but I can't even imagine loving another movie this much.

HEAT: This movie makes me drool.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: A classic.

Kontroll: If you see a foreign film this year, make it this one. The entire movie is filmed underground in Budapest's subway system, and tracks the lives and struggles of a group of ticket inspectors. It's funny, it's sad, it's one-of-a-kind.

It's All Gone Pete Tong: this movie was just insane. A rollercoaster of comedy and emotion.

Gladiator: words are unnecessary

Lord of War: a) I think Nick Cage is the bOMB (same with Jared Leto, but not so much the freak/musician side of him.) b) the story was flawless, and thoroughly entertaining.

Matchstick Men: this was the most surprising movie twist I've ever been subject to. I get the distinct feeling that the entire rest of the film was tailored just to make the twist a huge surprise... it worked.

The Big Lebowski: Too ingenious.

Braveheart: ...awesome.

damn.. I know there are a couple movies that should be on this list but I just can't think of em :\ (I've already edited this list twice in the past fifteen minutes lol)
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in no particular order

american beauty
donnie brasco
fight club
fear and loathing