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Stimulants took too much :(

DAMN my apologies! didn't even realize how old this was! Sorry for bumping up this dust!

Dude i dont think you did...I never look at the dates really then at the end i see how oldthe thread is and i think "What the fuck, why did someone drag that shit up again"....But i guess it may have something in it for them eh ?..
This is an old thread that has run it's course. Please don't bump old threads unless absolutely necessary.

WOW! everyone is getting on my ASS about "bumping old threads" if it i such an annoyance just close the thread if it is SO OLD?! comprehende!? im just replying to the original posters question. thats it. trying to help. im not an elite bluelight geek, i been a member since 2004, and come on when i have time, when i hear bump, i think of replying to a thread right after i posted. do your jobs moderators and close these threads so you dont get annoyed at people like me who "bump" old threads...excuse my tone, i been up two days on adderall with no klonopin as someone called my doctor and said i was abusing my klonopin when i wasnt, so i lostr my script, and naturally am crashing right now..to my luck the office called me back and said to pick up my script tomorrow so i cant wait, so i can go to bed, OOPS sorry for drifting off topic on this thread, THATS EXACTLY WHY I ONLY RESPOND TO THE OP, OR UNLESS SOMEONE QUOTES ME AND I FIND IT OFFENSIVE. good day :)
Shit man, ive dragged up threads that were years old!!! You arnt the first and wont be the last...Just get through the next day dude and dont even give this shit a thought...Thats what i would do...Its fucked someone lied and screwed you over...I had my child stolen by CPS because of a lie so i know what it feels like to be the victim of that kinda shit...I am glad when tomorrow comes you can get your meds again...Talk to your Dr and set something up so it cant happen again...<3
hmm..i know who is dropping slips to my doctor, ill explain who it is and why he is. wow...you had CPS take ur custodial rights away too over allegations? me too! me and my GF lost full custody of our two kids, now her mom has temp custody and we been in family court for a year now trying to get it back, over allegations and beef we had with people making false phone calls in :-(