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Stimulants took too much :(

lol i don't see my mate eating a pill any time soon... i'm curious how you're sing-a-long's are going.l no harm in mentioning it, i'll stick to nub talket. love you guys since casually dressed - live it up fellas.

:D :D

you up to bro? *LegibilitySnip*
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You're posts are getting impossible to read and please use the edit function instead of double posting.
Yeah man, you haven't taken anything else have ya?
Shouldn't be too much time now, I'd say keep a friend close by and enjoy whatever you're going though! :)

Brush the suicidal ideations off, if they continue for a day or more, see a doctor.
They shouldn't last too long, pretty short IME.

If you feel like sleeping I'd say go for it also.
Also don't take anything more, you know you're not that fucked up now, you can still make responsible decisions.
You're not going to commit suicide.

lol i don't see my mate eating a pill any time soon... i'm curious how you're sing-a-long's are going.l no harm in mentioning it, i'll stick to nub talket. love you guys since casually dressed - live it up fellas.

:D :D

You live it up!
Have a good time man.

Do you think this person is ok? Was just browsing the forum & saw this stuff. I was gonna pm you, but had trouble with that function.
Thanks, and sounds like you are trying to give the best advice you can, with the info you have ;)
If I were your friend I would take the oxycodone. That will definitely calm him down. Just tell him to remain calm, take deep breaths, and don't panic. 100mg isn't that bad of methylphenidate (which isn't an amphetamine btw), not enough to be lethally toxic. Just chill, pop a few percs, and he'll be fine
I took too much adderall once, didn't know what it was. I blame it on the fact I was young. Was up for two days. The first 12hrs was great. Went down to the gas station my friend worked the night shift at. Was offering to wash everyone's windows and held the door open for each custom. Had a smile on my face every time, despite the fact it was 3am. I even made $40 or so in tips... The next day though... I wanted to die. Hardly worth it...

Hope the OP's okay/alive/doing well.
That dose is far too low to be an overdose. He's gonna be fairly stimulated but that's about it, 100mg is what my buddy is prescribed, so there is no way he took too much.
Christ I wish I had a clue as to WTF this dude was trying to say in those last couple of posts... /crikey
i'm ok

hey guys... yeah i'm fine. just speedballed a bit too hard and the alcohol took over. hangover isnt actually too bad. still breathing funny but feeling a lot better. man it was crazy - my heart was racing, my hands were cramping, i was shaking like a phone on vibrate. such a waste of good meds - hopefully lesson learnt... more drugs does not necessarily mean better high haha. quite the contrary actually. anyways i'm having a few beers to try and chillax but i'm still feeling pretty side-effected.

oh wells, thanks for all your kind concerns. all is good.
haha that was my mate typing that... swim. hahaha feel fucking rotten atm
Why can't you just admit it was you, though? No offense, but your posts were so confusing because you kept switching back and forth and you made it appear as though like three different people were typing your responses. These Bluelighters are here to try to assist you and answer questions. You CAN admit it is you that is you. No one is going to get hurt.

Yeah, and please don't ever try what you did again. That was not a good idea, and hopefully you learned from it. That experience sounded so awful, and I doubt you want to go through that again. Take care, ok?
For future reference, 2 mg/kg PO is the toxic dose. CNS depressants such as alcohol and opiates (e.g., oxycodone) are contraindicated as they contribute to the toxicity. Diazepam is used to control seizures, agitation, and skeletal muscle contraction. Antipsychotics are also used. Tachycardia and cardiac arrhythmias are a primary concern and are managed with the appropriate anti-arrhythmics.

You can drop dead from this stuff so don't mess around.
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Jesus man, trying to keep you calm and stuff.
Just be careful next time, OK? Not being careful is what gets 90% of users in-trouble.

We're always here if you need help, you're giving your body some work though,that's for sure.
my god people, how can u take 100mg of ritalin in one shot, even 100mg of adderall? back when i was a teenager i used to take that much at a time, but i learned the hard way by the oh so suicidal/ideational depressive states i got in when i would crash...12yrs later i dont take anymore then 60mg of adderall at once....i quit ritalin, i cant handle it, it causes anxiety, depression, no euphoria at all, it used to be euphoric as hell but now it isnt, i guess i lost my magic to it
my god people, how can u take 100mg of ritalin in one shot, even 100mg of adderall? back when i was a teenager i used to take that much at a time, but i learned the hard way by the oh so suicidal/ideational depressive states i got in when i would crash...12yrs later i dont take anymore then 60mg of adderall at once....i quit ritalin, i cant handle it, it causes anxiety, depression, no euphoria at all, it used to be euphoric as hell but now it isnt, i guess i lost my magic to it

This is an old thread that has run it's course. Please don't bump old threads unless absolutely necessary.
Glad you're okay lulz, I've definitely been there. Before I got to page 2 I almost wrote "damn guys, he took the oxy" haha. Be more careful in the future though, I lost my brother to a d-amph/oxy overdose.