Today I am thankful for... ver. 2: thankful for all the darksiders!

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^ so adorable never sick anymore♡♡♡ I am thankful for the opportunity that was given to me and my family to be able to migrate to a better country.
i am thankful my tax return came yesterday.
and for reliable dealers that are up at 5 in the morning when i run out of gear.

...and also being in a state where I can be open to them and vice-versa

I swear, for all the blackness my heart contains, they they just pop-out of the woodwork and cancel out ALL my default preconceptions. :D
So much to be thankful for, so much to love

I am thankful that I am still alive. About a month ago I took a very high dose of amitriptyline which produces effects similar to datura. I forgot I was high and had hallucinations and delusions regarding my mother being in the hospital. I got a phone call that I am sure was just a hallucination telling me she was dying. I then believed she was brain dead. I took whole bottles of many pills. At some point I blacked out and called my mom's cell phone and told her I overdosed and needed to go to the hospital. I have no memory of making the call. My blood pressure was 50/36 when the ambulance arrived and I had a respirator down my lungs when I woke up.

I almost died and should be dead. I am very glad things worked out and I was undamaged by the overdose,

I am glad that I was put on meds that seem to work while in the mental institution and I am happy to be out of that place.

I am very thankful for my family and sorry for putting them through what they had to see, though that is behind me now and they have no hard feelings about it.

Maybe it is wrong, but I am just as thankful for my pets (Baby the macaw and Lucky the raccoon) and they bring me lots of happiness and seem to know when I am feeling bad as they are extra gentle, wanting to be with me but usually not acting hyper and trying to get me to play actively with them in those times.

I am very thankful for the two good friends I made in the mental institution. They live close enough that we can hang out from time to time. We may get together tomorrow.

I am glad that I was able to get back in college and keep my financial aid so that I may continue working toward a carreer that I would really enjoy and find meaningful.

I am so happy that I can feel some optimism and hope now, instead of a pessimistic bleak outlook on everything. I just hope it lasts a long time.

I am glad that I will be able to enjoy the many things in life that I would have missed if I were dead.
^ <3<3<3 so happy to read you're doing better t*d

I am thankful for: long weekends
I'm thankful I live in safe times, also that stray cats have started entering my home (I find them relaxing)
My mom's cancer screening test came back and there was no change. Late last year, the cancer had grown quite a bit but as of about 3 or 4 months ago it was back to where it was before it started growing again. It is very small and stable. She had to quit the preventative chemo 3 or 4 months ago because her cardiac output had decreased but it is back to near normal and she she is getting it tested again next week. As long as it is the same or better, she will be able to start that chemo back and it is a kind that does not make you sick.

She has had stage 4 metastatic breast cancer for over 6 years and is still doing very well. Most women don't make it more than a year or two, so she has done exceptionally well.

I am also happy today. Yesterday was not so good. The morning was good but later in the day I went in to a state where I felt extremely depressed and started having thoughts that I wished I would have died from that overdose that almost killed me a little over a month ago. I was really worried that it was going to stay bad but that does not seem to havee happened. I guess it was just a bad day, but a pretty extreme one. I am happy now.

Also wanted to add - Baby, my macaw, got a new toy today that he just loves to play with. It is very hard to find things he likes and I want him to have more to do. It is like a cross between a xylophone and a piano made by Fisher Price. He hits the keys with his beak and hollers a little. He shakes his tail feathers a lot while he is doing this. Macaws shake their tail feathers when happy. It makes me happy to see him happy.

Also got Lucky (raccoon) some toys. The only ones he seems interested in are the stuffed animals. He likes to sleep with them except when I am able to sleep with him. Still trying to find some other toys he'd like as he needs more diversity in toys. He likes to tear things apart. I am trying to find some things he can tear apart that I can put back together I'm going to hang a rope and tether ball from the ceiling and a rope ladder for him to climb. I'm excited about that, I think he'll enjoy those things and I want to make him happier.
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Today I am thankful for another day to be with my family
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