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Tobacco spun with weed:peoples consensus

Christ!;10037752 I loved the mindset on how crazy you were treated if you didn't conform to someones local customs...[/QUOTE said:
see i havent noticed that in the circles i run in... nobody thinks it weird or crazy either way; with or without tobacco. people certainly have their preferences though. and most i run into do seem VERY INTENT on adding at least SOME tobacco, they insist it wont burn without it...now thats wacky
you know those herbs that HHH sells where they say it works like weed? try mixing those with weed instead of tobacco. i know they dont actually work the same as real weed, but its probably better to mix the weed with something that feels similar if you want to stretch it. [/B]

Don't do this, these legal highs, whilst they do make you high. It's very diferent from weed. It's a more paranoid kind of feeling, like a very mild mushie trip or at the start of a mushie trip when its still kicking in.
Mixing it with regular weed was one of the worst ideas I had, I hardly enjoyed smoking it, but continued to do so just because I didn't want it to go to waste but really I probably should've just ditched it. Each by themself are enjoyable, but together the weird and unsettling feelings really kicked in and I couldn't enjoy the high. The other non-active smokable plants sound like a good idea to mix opposed to tobacco though, never know... might even give a nice flavour =D .
No student you misunderstanda me, i don't mean synthetic cannabinoid smoking blends, i mean the old fashioned weed imitator herbs, things espoused as weed-lite since the 70s (and no i am not that old). you know, wild dagga (leonotis leonurus), damiana (turnera diffusa), zornia, wild lettuce (lactuca) mugwort (artemisia vulgaris), that sort of thing, as in they do something, but not get you stoned per se.

Actually mugwort is one of the best to mix with cannabis i think, it mixes physically very well, evenly and results in an easy to handle fluffy mix, produces clouds of easy to inhale smoke and enhances the weed high in a positive way. more euphoric, but also easier to get to sleep, without being sedating. also it purportedly enhances dreams, an effect i find hard to substantiate considering my dreams are already very vivid.

re: mixing weed with synthetic cannabinoids. i haven't tried this yet, though agree that both are enjoyable on their own. i can also definitely see getting in too deep. i even got too deep on one HHH synth blend, started to freak a bit, but a strange thing happened. this was the third time i smoked that evening, and every time the duration of the effects diminished substantially. first time: ~45 minutes, with 10 minute lingering effect. second time: ~30 minutes with 5 minute lingering. third time i freaked out, it only lasted about 7 minutes before i felt mostly sobre again (except for a few beers). very odd. i have also heard people say that 'beer then grass, you're on your ass' doesn't apply with synthetics. but anyway i digress.

finally, i have a theory about synthetic cannabinoids. now, obviously, these blends have all sorts of crap in them in varying combinations depending on the brand and current legal status (one kronic even tested positive for benzodiazepines, and the newer blends to get around the ban sound very dangerous. how good is prohibition??). anyway, with jwh compunds at least, they are full agonists of the CB1 receptor. however THC is only a partial agonist. this is why it can't kill you, and why synthetics are therefore more dangerous. MY POINT IS finally, that i think you could probably use thc (in weed) as an antidote to a synth overdose. but don't take my word for it.
^ I don't think THC would serve as an antidote unless it's affinity for the receptors was greater then whatever synthetic compound had been ingested, and I don't know if there have been studies looking at affinity. Would be interesting to see.
Stopping smoking weed n spin is hard as hell if you have fully become a hard core bong head. I used a blend of damiana, catnip and lobelia inflata. I then stopped smoking pot but started smoking synthetics (bad move). I did get the spin out of my smoke though. Gave up the cigs as well as I mostly used them in my mix. No longer smoke anything so worked for me but was hard.
I have mixed tobacco with weed for the whole time i have been smoking gunja, until recently i have quit smoking tobacco entirely, i used to smoke a pack a day, and i learned that since i have been smoking cannabis without tobacco i found i have been getting alot higher. For a long time i thought i had smoked so much pot that it didn't effect me anymore until i stopped mixing it with tobacco. As for cigarettes, i haven't had 1 for 3 weeks, and i did it cold turkey, no probs so far All u need to do is tell urself once and stick to it. I live in Perth, western australia, and everyone i know mixes their weed with tobacco.
I have been at blokes houses where they refuse to smoke up before they can get a pack of cigis... I'm sitting there going "YO! I don't need a cigi... lets blaze!" haha

I mean wow... to get to the point where you won't even smoke pot without a cigi involved. Says alot.
^ I used to have a mate that would find ciggi butts out his ash tray or off his garage floor and get the little pinch of tobacco out the ends of all of them for his mix when he didn't have any smokes, disgusting...
The best cigarettes are always the first one after getting stoned IME. Probably one of the few times I enjoy smoking.
^ I do enjoy a cigarette quite often when I am stoned but for me no drug enhances the enjoyment of cigarettes as much as opioids do.
Yeah smoking on opiates is great and it really brings out the opiate euphoria once you're past the initial euphoria but it makes me soo god-damn sick
Opiates or stimulant induced chain smoking is the epitome of bliss for me, especially on a good nod and the cigarette only amplifies the feeling...god damn. I'm neutral about joints spun with tobacco as the majority of my friends who I smoke with tend to do so.

If weed was cheaper, I'd smoke purely green. I don't smoke Js too often though, I barely feel much from them unless they're filled to the brim or mixed with other goodies like hash. Gravity bong + hot knives is where its at.
Its bad.

Tobacco contains ammonia, which helps THC cross into your brain quickly. This is why you get such a instant peak, then a quick come down from weed mixed with it. This makes you want more and more, then you end up just pluggin bongs every 15mins to stay high. Not only that, when you run out of weed, you get all fiendish for it, but you really arn't, you are fiending for the tobacco hit.
Been there, done that, never do it again.

Man story of my last year and a half lol. I was in such denial about it for so long but now like after reading your comment you pretty well summed up my sessions right there lol. I really really really want to cut down on spin but am struggling to taper off smoking with spin because like the last two green cones I have had have left me a vomiting mess... Any suggestions without mentioning the obvious stop smoking for a month would be appreciated :)
brother i lived like that for two years, no money for weed so just walked into town wiv a ciggy tin collecting butts for a few hours then get bac home and have a baccy bong sesshion for a couple of hours. also after many baccy bongs your hunger pains leave you

Wow. You were so addicted to tobacco-only bongs that you had to steal cigarette buts?
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Man story of my last year and a half lol. I was in such denial about it for so long but now like after reading your comment you pretty well summed up my sessions right there lol. I really really really want to cut down on spin but am struggling to taper off smoking with spin because like the last two green cones I have had have left me a vomiting mess... Any suggestions without mentioning the obvious stop smoking for a month would be appreciated :)

Smaller cones.

Or try cutting down the amount of spin you use. If you use say 40/60, go down to 20/80 for a while, then 10/90 before completely quitting :)
Yeah I generally bring my spin down to 70/30 (weed/tobacco).

Straight weed opens up your airways, it occurred to me the other night when I was discussing this with some guy I met at a party who had just quit ciggies and spin, that the reason the green makes me cough is because it opens up my airways and the weed smoke is just getting into those parts of my lungs I've damaged with ciggies over the years.
I have just signed up to this website to say I've been smoking weed/hash for 6 years and I have never, not once, put tobacco in a bong or see anyne else do it. How fucking high are you people? I noticed a dude commenting saying "uh they don't put tar in tobacco surely?" hahaha priceless. Of course you are going to get TOBACCO STAINS if you put tobacco in a bong. Besides why would you ruin a bong by putting it in in the first place?
You're probably from america...

Pretty much all australians spin their weed with tobacco.