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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

To my fellow carpet pickers..

On crack I normaly do it for hours, even if I know there's nothing. It's just an acquired compulsive habit that rise as the drug hits the brain (also a sign of good quality)... and this bad behavior also appears on meth or mdpv, so probably it's related to the dopamine rush.
I used to take the vacuum bag out and replace it with black pantyhose. Then I would vacuum the area around the dresser where I did all my coke. Then I would sift through it for anything white, put it in the spoon and you know the rest.

I've seen weed smokers do the same thing when the mull bowl gets spilt on the couch or the floor.
My car provided the biggest find, one day. I was sitting in it, just on the edge of WDs, when I happened to look down. In the middle of the floor board, mixed with mud, etc., sat an OC-80. Made my day.:)
lol reminds me of David Sedaris,

but to answer your question no, I smoke weed and us stoners ar far too lazy to do such things.

hell na, i used to do that all the time in HS, but only cuz id have a half LB come thru my bedroom once a week...sometimes would find 1.5gram nugs under my desks.....sometimes just a few hits worth

OP, if ur talking about pills, idk man, no addict looses ANYTHING from there pills, and when my siht flys across the room, i will 100% not injest my opiate until i have found the chunk
i have like 2 or 3 stash spots and even when i know theyre empty i look for crumbs and stuff. one time i found a little 20mg oxy stuck back there and so i look even more often...

as for the floor, no. i have smoked and snorted too many random dirt and ceiling particles
This brings back good memories. Man those were the days, good times.

Just recently my girlfriends friend came over and I dont smoke because of probation, but I used to a lot, and it was funny, I was like.. theres nothing here.. man I dont loose anything.

He went upstairs for about a half hour, and came down with three xanax and about three grams in a bag, and a chronic blunt roach.

I was amazed. Some people are just good at it.