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To my fellow carpet pickers..


May 17, 2009
How do you avoid from doing it?? After I am out I start searching everywhere I had carried my stash..Sometimes I will get pissed and just vacuum and dust everything. I do this even know its impossible that I dropped anything because I am VERY careful not to. But if I think there is a chance that the smallest piece flew somewhere I will look for it for an hour or so haha.
lol reminds me of David Sedaris,

but to answer your question no, I smoke weed and us stoners ar far too lazy to do such things.
Last time I ran out, I turned the couch over and cut off the bottom liner to see if any pills fell down there. Guess what...I didn't find a fucking thing!

Only once did I find anything. A 10mg percocet. After that never again.
I'm too careful with drugs, haha, I know there's nothing to find, ever, so there is no point in looking.
Dude I've lost so much over the years. My car is a major recipient of lost drugs and every so often I'll find something while I'm cleaning it out.
My husband is really, really bad at this...especially when it comes to coke...the instant the drug hits his system, he hits the floor.. I call him "carpet patrol".... the he will turn the drawers inside out,, tear the closet apart and even start opening unopened packages of food thinking I have hid something in there for later.....it is really bad,, so bad that I can't even enjoy my high.. I don't even want to get high with him anymore...the minute he hits the floor I feel like I am going to lose my mind.........
I used to find kpins everywhere, well my bf would find them and be like "whats this?"
One night I found like 3 or 4 on the floor. Must have tried to open them when I was drunk or something.
This fascinates me. I have done tons of coke and crack and seen tons of people do it but it's never happened to me. I will admit to picking up pieces but I can see them without even looking, they do get dropped so I guess it isn't a worthless practice.
Tweakers are infamous carpet surfers. I only did it when I was SURE a piece flew off while cutting it with a razor blade. I usually found it, but one time I was so desperate I began picking up assorted debris from the floor and sorting through it, holding a lighter to it to see if it would melt...haha oh man, those were the days. But just recently, my wife was sweeping under the wardrobe in our bathroom and swept out a pill...she showed it to me and it was an OC 40...too bad I had quit opiates and I had to flush it while she watched me... :( / :)
haha this takes me back and makes me glad im away from hard drugs, i remember picking little flakes of c0ke of the carpet of my car and eating them.... gawd i what 99% of that was because i was very neat and I doubt their was much latent coke in my car :)
Dude I've lost so much over the years. My car is a major recipient of lost drugs and every so often I'll find something while I'm cleaning it out.

yeah, my car used to eat drugs.
i think it was just as much of an addict than i was! 8o
and yuck, i used to hate carpet scraping... ahhh, it makes my stomach turn just thinking about it. :\
I used to take the vacuum bag out and replace it with black pantyhose. Then I would vacuum the area around the dresser where I did all my coke. Then I would sift through it for anything white, put it in the spoon and you know the rest.
we use to call it lanscaping, and oddly enoughj 40% percent of the time I would find a decent chunk, one time my dad payed me to clean out his car and life half a gram chunk of powder rocked but still hcl was under the seat, more pissed me off than anything use to be up for days going through quarters and halfs, Probably not my healthiest moments, definitely found my share on the floors though
Maybe twice in all my active using years did I find a pill I didn't realize I had. I was always very cognizant of how many I had and would, in fact, tend to count them obsessively.

And, I personally never did do the carpet thing, (due to the nature of the type of drug I used), but there was this one drawer where I would usually keep my pills, and when I would run out, I'd look for dust or crumbs in there, from where I had broken one in half or whatever. I'd wet my finger and run my finger over the (usually very meager) pill dust and crumbs to gather it all up and eat it. Usually I would get mainly lint.

I have witnessed crack/coke users scan the carpets and floors, and once my daughter found a sizable chunk of powder that her boyfriend had dropped on a bedspread.

A friend of mine once dropped a Vicodin in my car as she was counting out her pills after picking up a script one day. We looked through that car for three years, from time to time, and never did find it. Occasionally, when I was out, I would would still go look under the seats and in the nooks and crannies to try and find the fuckin thing.

Yeah, I guess I'm no stranger at all to the "carpet picking" type of obsession, in its many forms.
I used to do that shit with meth! I'd always end up dropping a few shards and not caring because I'd have enough that it didn't really matter and sometimes I wouldn't even notice, trying to rush and get my hit, and when I ran out of shit, I'd search all over my carpet and floors trying to collect all of the little shards I may have dropped and I tried dissolving that shit and slamming it! hah, now I just laugh at how strung out I was from that shit, hahaha.
The next day after a coke binge I can usually find one line from carpet surfing

score! =D
I have never found enough to get high. But while we were moving my girlfriend was packing up the closet and found an entire 8ball, another time she found a gram tucked away in an old pair of shoes of mine..
I usedto smoke crack and did this occasionally, when I went to NYC to visit family one time I was getting high and this chick did it the worst I'd ever seen and all of them called her a "Ghostbuster" lol, so when ever I see somebody doing it thats what Ill call em(although I dont do coke anymore alot of ppl do this with pills aswell).