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thoughts on a paperless and coinless money society?

dd - Seol was used as an example of new technologies.... HOWEVER - what is the private reserve inthe US but a protected monopoly?

think of devices that can fit on your keychain and give secure access to your bank account - tho' not here tomorrow - it is potentially not that far away.
they're already here - for example if you get gas at a mobil station they can give you a small keychain that you wave in front of the pump that can use your debit account to pay for gas.

(i think it's called speedpass or something)
The mark of the beast will be required to be able to buy or sell any goods or food. Without me going into all of this in depth (i dont have time right now) this all falls together with the Antichrist being a world leader and there being some type of world government that he is in charge of. This world gov would have a world currency (so to speak) and to be able to buy or sell in the world you will need that mark. What other way would this even be possible other than in a coinless society?

We have the technology for the chip to be placed in someones skin already and smart cards are being more and more common. Not to mention how the world in gradually becoming more of a world than a bunch of different countries. I could go on and on but it isnt worth my time when talking to people who claim to be open minded but are the most close minded people there are. IS that better for you Miachael?

faris: you crack me up. you openly admit that you had very little knowledge about politics and such until Bluelight enlightened you. so you are basically a BL child! you are a product of your environment and it is pitiful that you have gotten your political knowledge from a drug based message board! lol 8) Whatever though, keep on keeping on, if you have any questions just look them up on BL. ;) In other words, your opinions mean absolutely nothing to me, each post you make shows your ignorance more and more.
SoHiAllTheTime said:
Imagine if i was telling you that something i have never read was wrong.

i don't think anybody in the thread is saying it's "wrong" - myself, i'm asking you to help me understand why it's right. seriously, it's not everyday that people get an opportunity to explain a belief to a listening ear. take advantage of it.

you said: "we see this coinless system happening beofre our very eyes!"

then went on to say: "The mark of the beast will be required to be able to buy or sell any goods or food. "

with this subtle moving of the goalposts (first it's happening now then it's still off in the future), is it that surprising that you open yourself up to a few cheap shots?

in my opinion, you didn't really answer michael's question.

^First off, there arent any true "listening ears" on BL in regards to the Bible, just skeptics that wouldnt see the truth if it smacked them in the face.

But to answer you directly. The coinless system is in process Alasdairm, it is gradually becoming more and more possible given new technology and the way the world is shaping together as a one world. BUT, it is still off in the future tha tit will or even could happen, everything isnt in place for it yet to be fully implimented. But obviously we are closer now than we were 100 years ago to being a coinless society. Right? So it is happening before our eyes, but it hasnt arrived YET. I think i have answered Michaels and your questions. If not, please ask away and i will try my best to answer you. Seriuosly though, if you really are having an objective ear to thisk, then i will be happy to spend the time talking to you about it.
again, how does not using money = mark on the forehead?

that is what would answer my question.
Remember, the "Mark of the beast" is the term used in the Bible. I seriously doubt it will actually be called the "mark of the beast in real life", instead it will more than likely be some type of chip put under the skin of people so when buying or selling all you have to do is run your hand under the scanner and it withdraws money from your account.

The hand or forehead thing is basically the prediction of the Bible that that will be where the "mark" or "chip" will be placed on people.

So the connection between the mark and a coinless society is that the mark will obviously only be affective in a coinless society. You wont be able to buy or sell without the mark, the mark is the access to your money, so without the mark you cant buy or sell. A coinless society is the perfect environment for this all to happen. My GUESS is this "chip" or "mark" will have a lot more than access to your money, it will probably have ALL of your personal info on it. Make sense?
in a black helicopter "the truth is out there" sort of disturbed way, yes.
America and Australia are a little behind in merging to a paperless and coinless money society. Sure, they might have this new research about fingerprints and what not, but its too expensive for companies to set up fingerprint checking machines everywhere.

BUT, in Hong Kong, about 3-4 years ago, they put on the market this card called the 'octopus'. Im not sure whether it exists in elsewhere, or whether something similiar applies to Aussie/America, but it is convienient as hell. It is actually MORE convenient than paper money. You just go to your local cornershop (7-11) to credit your card, and you can swipe that card to pay for most day to day things, such as groceries and busses, tram, train, drinks machine, etc etc.

Of course, this kind of thing would be too expensive for extremely small businesses such as newspaper stands, but it is very very prevailent.
hey SHATT, i'm always here for a laugh, didn't you know?? 8)

i'd like to hear something out of you that didn't concern the fucking bible. it is my opinion - gained from countless years of being forced to attend church, youth group gatherings, vacation bible class, confirmation, baptism, acolyte program, <insert dreadful church exercise here> - that this is all a waste of time. my opinion, mind you. i rely on facts and evidence, which science has clearly provided. you rely on a book that no one even has an original copy to. a book that has been translated and rewritten to suit the opinions of various rulers. how can you even believe in something so changed and unproven?

i think jesus existed. but i don't think he was conceived from a virgin or was the "son" of any "god". that's not scientifically possible, and i don't believe in miracles. you believe what you want, but i think it's fiction. storytelling was a big thing back in the day, and just like all tall tales, they only get embellished as they're passed down from generation to generation.

btw, what does my lack of political knowledge have to do with this? if you want to discuss politics, i'll do my damndest in the POLITICAL forum. let's keep this about our THOUGHTS on a moneyless society. i care nothing about actual politics in here.

and you're sorely mistaken if you believe that i get my info solely from BL. i get my info from news sources just like everyone else. i DISCUSS the info on BL. i know you've seen the articles posted, or at least links to the articles. i guess someone from BL wrote the article based on their own assumptions and just posted it as fact, huh? i have opinions just like everyone else. and BL "enlightened" me, in that i was able to share ideas with people around the world and they with me. and you know what? i found out from real-live people that the US isn't as liked as i thought we were. *that* was extremely enlightening. excuse me for getting slapped in the face by the reality hand.
i have always thought (half in jest) the mark of the beast was focus on time - always focused on time in your head and looking at your wrist for the time, where you need to be - refusing to be in the now :)
Hehe, it would be funny if we went to an electronic credit system and ditched coins and dollars. Drugs would need to be bought via services, since cash would not be an alternative. Drug purchases would go back to the old ways of exchanges, before money existed. Hehe, it'd be funny.

"Here's your quarter of grass, man"

"Alright, here's that birdhouse I built for you.."
faris said:
hey, shatt....read the bible. in fact, in my college, it was a required class. didn't give a shit then, don't give a shit now. whoever said it was a fairy tale isn't far from the truth imo.

I totally agree and it shits me to no end when people try and read into it no matter what the topic of conversation is. It's almost as if these people don't have their own mind or oppinion, they just re-tell the bible to you in anyway they can. I wish you could punch people over the internet!
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SoHiAllTheTime said:
^First off, there arent any true "listening ears" on BL in regards to the Bible, just skeptics that wouldnt see the truth if it smacked them in the face.

if you truly believe that, why do you participate? i think there are a great many mature, attentive participants here (and obviously a few idiots) :)

SoHiAllTheTime said:
But to answer you directly. The coinless system is in process Alasdairm, it is gradually becoming more and more possible given new technology and the way the world is shaping together as a one world. BUT, it is still off in the future tha tit will or even could happen, everything isnt in place for it yet to be fully implimented. But obviously we are closer now than we were 100 years ago to being a coinless society. Right? So it is happening before our eyes, but it hasnt arrived YET. I think i have answered Michaels and your questions. If not, please ask away and i will try my best to answer you. Seriuosly though, if you really are having an objective ear to thisk, then i will be happy to spend the time talking to you about it.

i am genuinely interesting in understanding your position.

i understand that the coinless system is in process - i just don't understand how you draw a parallel between "the mark of the beast" and a computer chip.

it goes back to a point i've made in the past about the 'convenience approach' to biblical interpretation.

sometimes you accuse non-believers of interpreting the bible too literally and other times not literally enough. hence, you claim most people here are simply not qualified to interpret the bible.

the bible is, therefore, demonstrably open to interpretation - at least we agree on that?

i have a block with how somebody as intelligent as you obviously are, can be satisfied with something so vague. it seems like a bad case of 'fixing' the results to prove the theory right time and time again.

thanks for your reply.

kewl said:
drugpert - why couldnt you use paypal to buy drugs now?

you could but then there would be an electronic audit trail involving the transaction which could be used in evidence. cash has some advantages in this regard.

^^ my point exactly. there are just some things that "money can buy", and is more convenient (and less traceable) to use.

my position here is 2-fold. i do not want every transaction i make to be recorded, although they all are now. it's just that i want the option of being able to use money and use any amount of money i withdraw or receive as gifts or whatnot, for anything i choose. ie drugs. this is what i meant by the govt winning the war on drugs. if you eliminate cash/coins - strip them of their value - you would either have to barter or have to have a machine. they win. :|
alasdairm - definately true but for the drug consumer it really wouldnt matter that much.

for the dealer and manufacturer the picture becomes more complex.
alasdairm said:
you could but then there would be an electronic audit trail involving the transaction which could be used in evidence. cash has some advantages in this regard.



I would actually like this no cash thing to happen though, I think it would be cool. Drug dealers would pretty much just be pawn shop owners.

"Here's your $200 TV, Joe"
"Alright, Sammy, put it on the sale rack, and here's your ounce of grass."
"Thanks, Joe!"
it isnt like money flow is not trackable today ;) if there were no hard currency - and i were a dealer - i would start a house cleaning service.

i would have my clientel - i would visit them once a week....