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thoughts on a paperless and coinless money society?

or maybe a microchip in the hand. ha ?
....mark of the beast maybe??

Theres a few lines in that dusty ole book The Bible which a prophesy is told of how in "the end days" no man on earth would be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast on either his hand or forehead....

....something to think about.
John Candy said:
....mark of the beast maybe??

Theres a few lines in that dusty ole book The Bible which a prophesy is told of how in "the end days" no man on earth would be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast on either his hand or forehead....

....something to think about.

^^Sorry to break it to you but God doesn't exist and the bible is a "Story Book". :\
^^ sorry to break it to you but some people don't (oh shock and horror) agree with your view.

And from previous things you have written I can only see one closed minded individual whose statements like the above only further to make you look like a redneck whose opinions and learning is inspired only by information gleaned from infomercials and those wacky "facts" you find in Christmas Bon-Bons.

Evolve man....evolve...(insert condesending smilie here)
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It's not that I'm closed minded I just take things at face value. I am a very open minded person in some regards, but religion and faith in some sort of supreme being with no real proof just doesn't click with me. I simply see it as a way of controling people when science wasn't around to give answers.

I suppose I'll just keep my oppinion to myself, I just found it funny how you some how linked this thread with the bible.
We could live in a society without currency. Such a thing would need to have extreme changes to the economic model and the social structure. I am not talking about barter or pre-modern times, but like a mix of democracy, socialism and communism for it to occur. Without all the political crap. There would still prolly need to be some type of point system to keep score, not sure, havent really thought about it. What is really important is not getting rid of money, but changing the way we use money. Right now its an economic tool, mainly used to impose limitations on people to maintain a class system and uphold slavery. Also good for buying stuff. :)
Yes, it is very scary thinking of a society living from a card but "they" will make it look like a good thing and that will convince the sheep that it is the only way to go "for our protection and peace".

They (UN, NWO, Illuminati, whatever) will say something like in order to restore peace in the world then they have to unify the monetary system. Money, greed, politics...there has to be a whole new system. A fight for world peace is a fight for One World Order.

Marx said over a 150 years ago "Capitalism has without mercy torned sunder the many relations between people and left behind just the naked egoistic selfishness, the money relations. It has drowned the pious passion, the chivalrous enthusiasm, the feelings of holly sentimentality in the icecold waters of egoistic calculations. Capitalism has established the open, shameless, direct and naked exploitation." & " Capitalism cannot exist without constant revolutionize the production instruments and thereby the relationsships between people in the production process and in every other social relations."

And so peace cannot exist with capitalism. Lithuania and Poland have already announced that it will join with the EU by May of 2004. Russia will be next.

Things are really stirring up right now in Russia as a result of it all. Part of the EU's plan is to restore unity across Europe both in money and miliary in a "project" called The Greater Europe Project. Russia has also been working with Brussels to run an underground train system from Moscow to there.

In preparing for upcoming merges of Lithuania and Poland into the EU, the EU is demanding that the 1 million Russians living in this little piece of Russia, hundreds of miles from the motherland, must obtain a visa every time they cross Lithuania or Poland on their way to and from Russia proper.

Russia has been working towards common goals with the EU recently but they are seeing this as a way of the EU pushing them too quickly and are threating to cut ties with them. They will be surrounded by countries belonging to the EU. Part of the conditions of entry of the EU for Lithuania and Poland is their application of the EU's regime, which allows free movement within most of the union while reinforcing its borders.
Putin believes that the visas violate Russian human rights.

So things are getting ugly all over. But in order to survive they will fold too and soon the EU will be stronger (especially when Iraq and other Middle Est. countries start to join) . After that they will be in a posistion where they will make themselves become non-dependant on the U.S. and eventully cut us off for not joining. -it will happen. Thus, crushing us and our economy and eventually the US will be forced to join too.

~~ as far as garage sales or something (private trade) they will still be encouraged. Money will just be trasferred from card to card and that way the govt will get their cut off of it too as they will be able to tax you for it now.
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John Candy said:
^^ sorry to break it to you but some people don't (oh shock and horror) agree with your view.

And from previous things you have written I can only see one closed minded individual whose statements like the above only further to make you look like a redneck whose opinions and learning is inspired only by information gleaned from infomercials and those wacky "facts" you find in Christmas Bon-Bons.

Evolve man....evolve...(insert condesending smilie here)

LOL, you should've said, "insert contradictory smilie here" (if there would ever be such a thing). i found the last line of your post to be quite humorous in that evolution is not a christian idea/theory, but a proven scientific fact.
Already predicted in the Bible 2000 yrs ago folks. Ever hear of the mark of the beast? You know the infamous number 666. The bible clearly states that no man will be able to buy or sell without the mark on their hand or forehead. Sounds like a coinless monetary system to me. And outside of what the bible predicted 2000 yrs ago we see this coinless system happening beofre our very eyes! How many predictions must come true before people wake up and smell the coffee. Its all in the Good Book people.
any prophecy can seem to be fullfilled if you look hard enough, for any belief system. But, at least we agree on the topic, even if for different reasons..

i did see a "test" grocery store the other day, where you registered you fingerprint to all of your credit and debit accounts, along with the store's "value card".

You ring up your groceries, scan your finger print, pick the account you wish to pull from, and voila, purchase made.

Anyone realise in the inefficiency of banking systems? For those who pay close attention to their accounts and make a large number of transactions, #1-- transactions are not always immediate and your available balance, vs. what you really have are normally not the same (check registers can fix that ..) also, how many times do deposited checks not go through, or go through way too fucken slow... these are things that are widespread amongst every banking service and forcing that disadvantage to cash-in-hand, i don't think it fair.

About a one-world currency, i don't know how hard that would be to overcome, there's a lot of financial institutions between American and Europe that would topple b/c of that due to their business being directly connected to investments dealing with exchange rates.

The forcing of "cards and microchips" is about as scary as a personal monitoring tool, as product UPCs being replaced by paper thing microchips that can be monitored frome the moment you leave the store, and be able to tell what shelf you put them in, in your home. While there might be 1000s of advantages to this, this is a privacy invasion of a company, in which i don't have a choice of once it becomes standard.

As the matrix said, the problem is "choice".
I kept getting so frustrated with all the grocery stores that keep switching to the discount cards that you have to scan to get the store's sale prices. I mean, sure I'd like those prices, but I'd rather not give them all my information to get them. At one store I asked the clerk if I had to fill out the form to get the card, and I think she thought I was insane. Some stores don't really care, and allow you to bypass this and just get a card without putting any i.d. stuff on there (Albertsons is one).

I don't mind a little technology, but when it gets to the point that it is more frustrating than helpful, I'm out. It reminds me of the self-check out lines at the stores. I HATE those things. I swear I just think that if I'm going to shop at a store, part of the prices I'm paying should ensure that I don't have to scan and bag my own groceries (argh!). If they want to knock 10% off my total, I'd be glad to pitch in ;)
DD: Bla Bla Bla thats all your post was. I gave you one TINY little verse, the entire book of Revelation talks about this among many books in the OT.

Why have Christians been saying this was going to happen for so long now? Its in the Book my friend, thats why. A one world order/currency has been known to christians since the Bible was put together and now it is happening nobody is willing to actually open their eyes and be openminded to the possibility of the Bible actually predicting this accurately.
^^ and your post to me was just blah blah blah. blindly believing in a book that may or may not have been written 2000+ years ago, and spoken down from god himself....

now someone who is reputable and "modern" (heh) would be nostradamus. i don't know if he predicted something along the lines of this, but i would believe him over any "book".
DigitalDuality said:
any prophecy can seem to be fullfilled if you look hard enough, for any belief system. But, at least we agree on the topic, even if for different reasons..

i know you'd like to believe that whole post was about you.. but only this quotes part was.

If you believe or look for something hard enough, if you believe in something fanatically, you see it everywhere you go.

Pick a number, say...32. And repeat this number 32 times outloud everyday for a week. Then take a record of how often you stumble across this number in your life. Within a month, the noticing of the number "32" will exponentially increase in your day to day life.

People who follow fortune tellers and horoscopes tend to fall into this, the religious do, obsessive compulsive mathematicians, and political fanatics as well (both left and right.. ex.. "everything harms the environment, or everything is attacking my god")

People who continually try to make everything in the world fit into a cookie cutter, increase their views over time. Trying to classify everything as right/wrong, black/white. Its a mentality that obsessively grows. Trying to see a gray area everywhere, works the same way.

There's a thing called objectivity with balance, as a way of viewing the world.... which i don't take part of as much as i should, but i am aware of how we percieve things.
DigitalDuality said:

If you believe or look for something hard enough, if you believe in something fanatically, you see it everywhere you go.

Pick a number, say...32. And repeat this number 32 times outloud everyday for a week. Then take a record of how often you stumble across this number in your life. Within a month, the noticing of the number "32" will exponentially increase in your day to day life.

i find this to be true with 311, my favorite band. ;)
I have thought about this many times. And i think its a damn scary thought but in the end its going to be enevitable. All i can say is good-bye-black-market. (Ok, where theres a will theres a way, but black market-trading will always have to operate under a front like it does a lot further up the chain)
SoHiAllTheTime said:
A one world order/currency has been known to christians since the Bible was put together and now it is happening nobody is willing to actually open their eyes and be openminded to the possibility of the Bible actually predicting this accurately.

Predictions are easy when no time frame is given. Look I'll give you some predictions of my own...

*The amazon will one day dissapear
*The nile will one day dissapear
*There will be a war to end all wars
*Waves of water will one day cover the Earth

etc etc... See what I'm getting at?? Maybe I should write a book for you? :D Everything will happen at one time or another, now go play the waiting game!
without currency there will be no more crime.
without crime there will not be any more criminals
without criminals there will not be as much need for the whole justice system

the blackmarket invovles tons of crime and tons of money for both sides of it. If there is no black market then there will be a huge loss in jobs for goverment officials invovled with laws. they wont make that much money anymore threw fines or imprisonment.. i doubt currency will be terminated
IMO... the gov't needs crime, whether to keep the economic system in motion, or for political good guy badges. They'll never end crime, saying that they could.

And even if money became regulated nationwide electronically, does anyone realise how many transactions that would be a minute? The system would be easy to fool in order to continue black market trading.

When one person out thinks a criminal, a criminal is out there to out think that person, and the media will be there to expose it and show the whole fucken world how to they to can pull it off.