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Benzos (thienodiazepine) Etizolam Megathread V2

I feel as though it's much more important to TALK about a legal substance so that information on its safety and dangers can be found. If you look at how most drugs end up getting banned you'll find it's generally when some kid dies with it in their system. I guarantee these benzo RC's will be banned as soon as some idiot turns up blue in the ER with a mix of etizolam and alcohol in their system. I doubt 'they' are reading BL because if they were there would be a lot more RC bans lol.

Was only my opinion.

But i did get a PM from a BLer asking me to try to stop the talking about etizolam so much on BL and i donno how i could do it myself, but it was after i posted to your other post about vendors closing.. here i'll quote the message but ill keep the senders identity secret

??? said:
keep a lockdown on the etizolam megathread

re: sourcing
re: out of stock talk
re: re: re: anything to do with companies who are now not selling things

should not be discussed in etizolam megathread

please stop them

End of message.. just thought id pass it on.
Interesting, lol. Why wouldn't that person just PM me and ask me to delete my post...
Between the loss of that particular source and PR being down, I suspect that there will be a big crackdown in the near future. Stock up while you can kids!
Between the loss of that particular source and PR being down, I suspect that there will be a big crackdown in the near future. Stock up while you can kids!
12mg of etizolam and 2 days later I find myself in a hookah lounge for my first time ever. I pop tiz like skittles, its time to switch to flubs. Stock up on flub if you are wise...
i dunno about other vendors but the 2 i go through said nothing is going on with supply and will still carry them in the future..

what fucks up research chems is kiddies ordering them and taking a boatload and getting addicted or blacking out and doing stupid shit..the majority of posters on this thread cannot keep their etiz habit under control so it is only a matter of time before it gets pulled from the market..that may be a good thing for some people..i have always been confused as to what do benzo addicts do when they run out of benzos...say they do kick the benzo habit and go through withdrawals, what do they do for the anxiety then, just switch to something else??
Etizolam is junk, imo. It took me some time to realize this, but I am grateful I have reached this epiphany sooner than later. There are certainly much more worthwhile and promising unscheduled "am" drugs on the market.
If you find etizolam to be lacking in the recreational department try mixing it with a gram of Phenibut. You will then know what a true idgaf attitude feels like. Super euphoric. Highly recommended in reasonable doses.
Etizolam is junk, imo. It took me some time to realize this, but I am grateful I have reached this epiphany sooner than later. There are certainly much more worthwhile and promising unscheduled "am" drugs on the market.

I still haven't tried etizolam. I have a few boxes of Etizest here that I bought as a "just in case" but the comparisons to Xanax make me uncomfortable as that's my least favorite benzo (it actually gives me panic attacks with its rush). Can't wait for the flubromazepam to get here though, I won't be able to help trying that one...

If you find etizolam to be lacking in the recreational department try mixing it with a gram of Phenibut. You will then know what a true idgaf attitude feels like. Super euphoric. Highly recommended in reasonable doses.

Yes, lets get GABA-A AND GABA-B downregulated at the same time. Totally stupid idea...
Etizolam is now permanently out of stock from one of the two largest US-based suppliers for brand name Etizolam. Thankfully I prefer the company that is now the largest supplier.

I found out Thursday the vendor I had been using no longer will stock etizolam. :(
can anyone tell me if etizolam affects serotonin ?

Doubtful, but for two minutes of searching scholar.google I could find no information on etizolam binding profiles.

I still haven't tried etizolam. I have a few boxes of Etizest here that I bought as a "just in case" but the comparisons to Xanax make me uncomfortable as that's my least favorite benzo (it actually gives me panic attacks with its rush). Can't wait for the flubromazepam to get here though, I won't be able to help trying that one...

Yes, lets get GABA-A AND GABA-B downregulated at the same time. Totally stupid idea...

I don't think xanax has a rush, but it always made me amnesic, never felt 'calm', and was always irresponsible chasing some sort of pleasant feeling. I find etizolam at fairly low doses (1-2 mg) pleasant and nothing like xanax. Not trying to get you to go out and try it, just saying how I feel about that comparison. As I've had etizolam, I've turned down bars of xanax offered to me for free.
there are two subtypes of GABA receptors in your brain, GABA-A (which is affected by e.g. benzos, barbiturates, alcohol) and GABA-B (which is affected by GHB, phenibut, baclofen). both act to decrease electrical activity in the brain so if you used both kinds of drugs you'd have crazy bad withdrawals likely involving seizures and severe anxiety
Wow so that US vendor I semi-referenced earlier happened to get a last time shipment of 550 strips of Etizest for 50% off. They sold out in 25 minutes. By the time I had entered my CC info it was all gone.
Doubtful, but for two minutes of searching scholar.google I could find no information on etizolam binding profiles.

I don't think xanax has a rush, but it always made me amnesic, never felt 'calm', and was always irresponsible chasing some sort of pleasant feeling. I find etizolam at fairly low doses (1-2 mg) pleasant and nothing like xanax. Not trying to get you to go out and try it, just saying how I feel about that comparison. As I've had etizolam, I've turned down bars of xanax offered to me for free.

Well since I had a panic attack at the hospital today when I was going in for a pulmonary function test and an extra half a Valium did fuck all for it, I'm sitting here wondering if now is the time to try Etizolam. If the valium did anything, it made me dysphoric and more anxious but less panicky (if that makes any sense).

Fuck the benzo train... This is one of those days I want to say fuck the taper and go buy a bottle of vodka and hit the club.
Well since I had a panic attack at the hospital today when I was going in for a pulmonary function test and an extra half a Valium did fuck all for it, I'm sitting here wondering if now is the time to try Etizolam. If the valium did anything, it made me dysphoric and more anxious but less panicky (if that makes any sense).

Fuck the benzo train... This is one of those days I want to say fuck the taper and go buy a bottle of vodka and hit the club.

Not really. Panic and anxiety are pretty interconnected IME. All I can say is that I find it nothing like any benzodiazipine I've taken, maybe a bit like clonazepam, but I find it more functional with more prevalent effects at 1-3 mg doses. There's only one way to find out if you hate it or not; many people here don't seem to feel it at all or dislike it. I don't know - I have pure powder dissolved in PEG by myself, not pills which seem to be fairly variable from what people have written (never had them).

If by benzo train you mean you have had a dependency on them, then you should take it easy with it.
Doubtful, but for two minutes of searching scholar.google I could find no information on etizolam binding profiles.

I don't think xanax has a rush, but it always made me amnesic, never felt 'calm', and was always irresponsible chasing some sort of pleasant feeling. I find etizolam at fairly low doses (1-2 mg) pleasant and nothing like xanax. Not trying to get you to go out and try it, just saying how I feel about that comparison. As I've had etizolam, I've turned down bars of xanax offered to me for free.

Benzo train as in I've been tapering because my doctor forced me to and I'm miserable.

Screw it, I'm gonna try half a milligram.
Oh wow...... I feel like I'm floating on a cloud. Anxiety is going into the background and I've got a nice pleasant warmth going through me.

Well I guess it's good to know that GABA isn't as down regulated as I thought, I'm just immune to diazepam now like happened with clonazepam before it. 1mg would have been too much, I'm gonna go puddle now and hope my roommate doesn't notice my permagrin.